Rule the ninja world, starting from the incarnation of Iron Man

Chapter 272 The End of Infinite Monthly Reading

Chapter 272 The End of Infinite Monthly Reading
"What's going on here?" Another member died, and Nagato had a bad feeling, and Deidara no longer had the idea of ​​becoming Jinchuriki of the Ten Tails.

Obito, on the other hand, looked straight at Madara, thinking that Madara must be hiding something.

But he Obito did become Ten Tails Jinchuriki, and nothing happened.

It is precisely because of this mystery and unknown that Obito has never dared to resist Madara. Maybe he will not be Madara's opponent after 100 years of practice.

"Does anyone else want to try?" Madara continued to ask without saying anything to the dead members.

Seeing that no one answered for a long time, Madara finally showed his calculating face, and said: "If you can't master Ten Tails Jinchuriki, I'm sorry, there can't be a place for you in the new world."

He was afraid that Huiye would still have a backhand, so he wanted to try again.

And with Madara's sight approaching, Didara knew that if he didn't take that step, unless the fish died and the net was broken, he would definitely be killed by Madara.

But even the ninja world was played and applauded by Madara, he didn't have the courage to challenge Madara.

In the end Didara walked up, he took a deep breath, and with a little jealousy towards the unknown, he stood on top of Ten-tails without hesitation.

But at this time, the accident did happen, and the ten tails, who were already under the joint control of Madara and Obito, resisted violently, as if they didn't want to become Didara's Jinchuriki.

Obviously it was fine before, but now he resists so violently, it must have something to do with Kaguya's loss of consciousness.

But in the end, Nagato also joined the control, and Ten Tails was still forcibly suppressed.

Then, the moment Deidara transformed into Ten Tails Jinchuriki, it exploded again.

This time, the sense of resistance came from the ten tails.

Ten-tails is indeed not a pure beast, it has its own consciousness, and Madara is thankful for his prudence.

And Yujian took care of him, and once again activated the nine stars of the Dao Palace, what was destroyed.

Naturally, he inadvertently helped Madara to extinguish the consciousness of ten tails.

The ten tails have completely turned into a kind of energy substance, without any consciousness or instinct, it is no longer a living thing.

At the same time, Obito and Nagato lost the strong will to resist from the ten tails, and roughly guessed Madara's intentions.

Although I don't know the reason, but the death of members of Akatsuki must be used to cause the will of ten tails to die.

This time, Madara believed that there would be no more accidents, but he still looked at Orochimaru and Nagato: "Oshemaru, Nagato, do you want to come? Don't force it this time!"

Before the two of them could answer, Obito took the initiative to stand up: "It's almost time to fight! It's better for me to deal with the miscellaneous fish of the coalition first, and Akatsuki can't be all dead!"

None of the three refused, and Madara even let go of the control of Ten-tails, and Ten-tails did not lose control.

Obito didn't need to jump on the top of the ten-tailed who was no longer resisting, and sifted the power of the ten-tailed into the body at once, turned into a six-level, and took a step: "So, are you ready to die?"

But before Oma sneered and sent a person who was about to open the door of death to be the vanguard, the accident happened again, and Obito actually launched an attack on Madara.

He came behind Madara in an instant: "You shouldn't hide it from us anymore! Even if it takes ten tails' consciousness to consume, you should say it out, I think, I'm lucky to not die, it's probably related to sharing eyes, right? Power, in the final analysis, is the power of Kaguya, and I am Kaguya's heir with Sharingan."

Obito said to Madara in disappointment: "Do you think the dirty soil body can prevent infinite yin and yang escape?"

With the blow of Yang Dun, the dirt spot turned into fly ash in an instant, never to be revived again.

Seeing the changeable form, Dashewan ran away in a hurry.

In the end, the ninja coalition was stunned, and found that one member of Akatsuki was dead, and the other was dead, and the fight had not yet started. Except for Obito, Nagato seemed to be the only one left.

Obito stared at Nagato: "Hand over the eyes of reincarnation, and I can let go of your disrespect in the past. The new world can accommodate other people, and I allow you to log in!"

Nagato felt a little absurd, and never expected this ending.

As for Madara, he thought that the other party had special means to suppress the ten-tailed Jinchuriki, but it turned out that it was just a bluff.

With Nagato's pride, he naturally wouldn't admit defeat to Obito, and launched an attack without hesitation.

As a result, Nagato died and Yang Dun attacked, even if he mastered the resurrection ability, it would be impossible to resurrect under infinite kills.

With an indifferent expression on his face, Obito picked up the Samsara Eye on the ground, and suddenly frowned, as if he had overlooked someone, and then remembered, where is Xiaonan next to Nagato?


The eye of reincarnation in Obito's hand turned into fly ash, it turned out to be fake!

And Xiaonan appeared out of nowhere, with the intact Nagato next to him, he is the real body: "I knew you all had ghosts, it seems that my precautions were correct!"

"I don't know if the six-level level can withstand the explosion of 60 billion detonating symbols?"

Oma's face changed, and he immediately asked Kakashi to unfold the Kamui space and lead everyone out of here.

Then I saw Nagato using the omnipotent sky attractor to attract Obito who was caught off guard, and before he got close, Chao Shenluo Tianzheng bounced Obito away, and revealed the true face of the ground.

They are all detonating symbols, hidden under the sacred tree.

Unless Obito wants to watch the sacred tree die and wait for half a month for the new sacred tree to grow, he can only go to the rescue, and Nagato and Xiaonan seem to have no intention of leaving, but in fact Nagato thinks that he can rely on Shenluo Tianzheng Bounce off the power of the explosion.

"New world?" Nagato mocked slightly, "It's ridiculous, that's not Yahiko's dream!"

"There is nothing wrong with the illusion world without disputes forever. The mistake is that you want to become gods outside the illusion world. I can't trust you!"

"Originally, the tailed beast should be the ultimate weapon to restrict Ninja Village, but you have come to this point,"

"If there are gods in the ninja world, only Payne who has experienced pain can be regarded as a god. God needs absolute rationality, not a group of guys who only know conspiracy!"

Boom boom boom boom.
"Shen Luo Tianzheng!"

The detonator exploded!
Surpassing the power of all previous explosions, it can definitely blow through the core of the earth when placed on the surface of the earth. In the original book, it even broke the sea into two pieces. One can imagine how powerful it is.

60 billion, if Yuma wants to compete with it, at least one-tenth of the current silver taels will be spent.

But in that case, the ecology of the ninja world will definitely be affected.

In this explosion, it seemed that the sky shook for a moment, and the ground was whining, but amidst the whining, there was an extremely discordant voice: "Explosion? It seems that you, the leader, don't know anything about the power of the six levels , You should have given me a try just now, but I won’t give you this chance now.”

I saw that incomparable explosion, under the annihilation of the infinite sun escape, actually stayed at the part that overflowed at the beginning, and then was absorbed and eliminated, leaving nothing.

However, Obito obviously consumed a lot. The energy of the Six Paths in his body surged, and two pairs of scales grew on his shoulders, getting closer to the appearance of the Sage of the Six Paths, indicating that his power control over Ten Tails has weakened.

Nagato's face was pale, and before his eyes turned cold, Obito appeared behind him and killed him and Xiaonan at the same time: "I could have not killed you, and your mistake was to threaten the sacred tree."

Looking at the intact sacred tree, Obito felt a sense of joy in his heart, the enemy was gone, and finally, he had the last laugh!
What calculations, what conflicts of interest?Ridiculous, only strength is everything!
As for the ninja coalition, he didn't take it seriously at all. After all, is the so-called ants worth taking seriously?

If they choose to stop him, he doesn't mind trampling all the ants to death, then revives the sacred tree, and implements his final plan, infinite monthly reading!

Now that Kaguya's troubles and all calculations are removed, this will be the real prologue of the new world!

While holding the reincarnation eye, Obito did not rush to replace it, but also displayed his divine power, sweeping across a certain space with his arms.


As if the space collapsed, Kakashi and the others were forced out of the space.

"You guys, are you ready to die?" Looking at the ninja coalition, Obito said exactly the same words as before.

Yuma smiled slightly: "It seems that there is no need for pioneers, let's go shoulder to shoulder!"

As a result, nearly [-] Jonin staged a shocking collective opening of the dead door.

Ordinary people who can control the emperor's armor, there is no reason why they cannot control the gate of death, and the burden of life energy brought by the gate of death is borne by the biochemical reproductive equipment Tianhua. As long as they can control the power of the gate of death, then they will be the real eighth The formation of door armor.

1 Eight-door Dunjia Formation, if it is said that the opening of the gate of death possesses the comprehensive quality of the sixth-level first-level, even if the Obito at this moment is the sixth-level second-level, the number of [-] is enough to make up for the gap between one and two.

All of a sudden, an extremely tragic scene was staged in the arena.

The arrogant Obito is suffering from a unilateral beating.

Ten thousand Xixiang kicks kicked Obito into pieces. What's even more outrageous is that even if he has infinite power, physical skills can't kill him, he can still be resurrected, but the alliance army also has many sets of breeding equipment , not afraid of physical combat.

After being kicked into scum repeatedly, Obito finally became angry and counseled.

He began to prepare for the revival of the sacred tree, and at the same time, by killing those ninjas who did not have the gate of death, he restrained the actions of the [-] owners of the gate of death and made them throw their hands at them.

This has indeed brought a lot of effects, but in the battle of life and death, how can people not die?Yuma has asked the virtual avatar to be responsible for picking up the corpses. As long as they are not beaten into slag by Obito, there is a possibility of resurrection.

And Obito obviously wouldn't use Yang Dun to attack some unknown people, so the [-] people who opened the door of death chasing him were like raging rams, lingchiing Obito over and over again.

"Hit it, hit him!"

"Fuck, the gate of death is so exciting! I have never fought so heartily before."

"Knock Obito out of the dog's brain, so what if you can be resurrected, don't you believe that you can be resurrected infinitely?"

Obito was like a helpless little sheep, completely unable to imagine why this happened.

He is at the sixth level, so he would be chased and beaten, but one or two would be fine. 1 MMPs, who actually opened it up?

At extreme speed, Obito was chased from the extreme north to the extreme south, and from the extreme east to the extreme west by thousands of openers of the gate of death.

During this period, someone wanted to destroy the sacred tree, but Obito did not hesitate to shatter it into dregs and cast the Six Scarlet Sun Formation to protect the sacred tree.

Although the gate of death is strong, it is of the nature of melee combat. It cannot be easily approached by the scorching heat of the six red sun formations. It can only let other coalition troops try to destroy the six red sun formations in various ways during the process of chasing and killing Obitu.

It still didn't work, but Obito couldn't kill him, so Yuma wanted to find Orochimaru, but he seemed to have evaporated in the world, and he couldn't find a trace.

Asking for help from the Holy Land, the Holy Land said that only the Yin-Yang Dun can destroy the Six Scarlet Yang Formation.

Naruto and Sasuke can affect the six red sun formations, but they cannot destroy them, because Obito also exerts infinite power on the six red sun formations, which is equivalent to infinite energy.

Unless one possesses the Yin-Yang Dun of the sixth level and third stage, it cannot be broken.

In the end, this monkey-like chase lasted for three days. Obito was killed tens of thousands of times, and his eyes became hollow, as if after experiencing countless nightmares, the eyes of the sacred tree finally completed the writing of reincarnation eyes. projection.

Since then, the moon has also become the shape of the eye of samsara.

Yuma was extremely annoyed, but he was prepared to use the Nine Stars of the Dao Palace that could infect the entire ninja world when Infinite Tsukuyomi came.

He didn't believe that the Infinity Tsukuyomi for the Quannin World could be used infinitely. Sure enough, after using the Samsara Eye once, the eyes on the sacred tree were closed.

However, Obito's brow-scarring eye does not have the ability to read the infinite moon reading for the whole ninja world.

When Oma threw out Wang Zha Dao Palace Nine Stars, Akatsuki's Moon Eye plan failed. Next, as long as Obito's psychological defense line is broken, Obito will not be able to withstand the power of ten tails without them doing anything. .

However, sometimes accidents are often regarded as a fluke, but why is this not the result of careful arrangements by others?
Madara's voice sounded from Obito's body: "Obito, if you can complete the plan, it is not impossible to let you become a god, but unfortunately you let me down so much!"

Immediately afterwards, a Madara face appeared on Obito out of thin air: "Do you still remember the ability I obtained by absorbing Chakra from Hashirama?"

Obito's face changed wildly: "You want to use the ten tails to resurrect? No, you can't"

Obito immediately cast Yang Dun, trying to erase Madara's face, but unfortunately, it was too late!
Madara's face seemed to have turned into a bottomless black hole, and he absorbed energy into his body without limit.

If it is said that Obito only used the power of Juwei before, and at most had the power of the second stage of the six-level class, Madara intends to completely turn the six-level level into his own energy. There is no tailed beast, no Kaguya, only pure energy .

At that time, Madara's strength will reach Kaguya's level, comparable to the third or even fourth dan of the six-level class, and stronger than Obito in short.

Looking at this scene, seeing Obito gradually withering in horror, Oma's face was a little ugly.

Why, so many surprises!
Quan TM is a group of bosses, full of plans and calculations!


Madara was resurrected, in a stronger form, and at the same time, Shenshu's reincarnation eyes opened again, as if they had changed a pair of eyes.

Infinite Tsukuyomi came again, and at this time, Oma no longer had the soul to undo Infinite Tsukuyomi.

As a last resort, Oma can only let Kakashi, Itachi, and Sasuke who own the Susan to unfold the Susan, and save as many people as they can.

He thought that having the gate of death would be the dawn of victory, but it turned out to be a dead end.

The current Madara doesn't have Kaguya's water-repellent material, so how can I fight it?
 Finish tomorrow!
(End of this chapter)

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