Chapter 17: The Strongest Ninjutsu

The battle situation took a turn for the worse, and Iruka was burning with anxiety. Seeing that Oma's change of form had disappeared, he planned to put Naruto down and go to help.

And Mizuki didn't intend to hold back any more, and rushed to Yuma on the tree at this moment, intending to seal the deal with one blow.

Unexpectedly, he was still halfway, and Yuma's aura remained undiminished. After relieving his exhausted chakra weakness, he shouted loudly: "Mizuki, are you going to ignore Xiaotsubaki?"

Mizuki stopped suddenly, looked up at Yuma, "How do you know Xiaochun?"

Yuma has a well-thought-out plan, so the so-called big move is of course a mouthful.

This was a containment battle. He didn't believe that Mizuki's curse-sealed form could last forever. As long as his heart was shaken, he would naturally win without attack.

"Xiaochun has a deep affection for you. Even if you are wandering and want to betray the village, she will never leave you and never report you. But do you think Xiaochun is innocent if this continues?"

"Once you are caught by the village, the crime you committed will be a capital crime. Xiao Chun, who is your cover criminal, must also be punished quite a bit."

"Do you know how the village treats relatives who have committed capital crimes? Based on what you have seen and heard in decades of experience, you should understand that they are also capital crimes."

"Once you are caught, Xiaochun may not be taken into prison immediately, but soon, he may be sent to the battlefield to be killed indirectly, because such a person may have resentment towards the village, which is an unstable factor. "

Mizuki was short of breath, and said with a ferocious face, "Even if you mention Xiaochun, it's useless. I've already thought about the consequences of doing all this, so let the woman die!"

"Really?" Oma looked at Mizuki with pity and said, "In that case, even if you hear Xiao Tsubaki's name, you should be indifferent, instead of having disordered breathing like now."

"Think about it, recall carefully, Xiaochun and you were childhood sweethearts, and now your fiancée is considerate and gentle to you, and has never complained about understanding."

"Recall how many meals she cooked for you, recall how many times she sewed clothes for you, recall how many times you watched the moon and stars together under the moon."

"Maybe, what you are doing now is not what you really think. Do you really yearn for power? Do you really respect Orochimaru?"

"This is what I want, it's useless if you say more." Mizuki calmed himself down, but his palms were getting tighter and tighter.

Yuma sighed and looked up at Tiandao: "Everyone thinks that their actions are determined and issued by themselves, but sometimes it is not the case."

"Since you are looking for power, why don't you just go out of the village to find someone who can bring you power, such as Orochimaru, why did you steal the book of seals before leaving the village? Why, have you asked yourself?"

"This is just my greeting gift to Master Orochimaru." Mizuki gritted his teeth and replied.

"Really?" Yuma teased, "What kind of character is Orochimaru, who needs you to honor these things? Do you dare to say that Orochimaru, as one of the Konoha Sannin, has never seen these forbidden techniques?"

"I" Mizuki was speechless, showing confusion, does Orochimaru really need a mere sealed book?

Yuma hit the nail on the head: "Everything you do is for one reason, and that is low self-esteem."

"Since you were young, you have had a strong desire to compete for the top. You were unwilling to stay under others for a long time, so you tried every means to rise to a high position. However, once you hurt your teammates in order to complete a task, all promotions were blocked, even the position of a teacher. was also removed."

"As for Mr. Iruka, whom you have never looked down upon, he is doing himself down-to-earth. Instead, he rises step by step, gets praise from people, and becomes an excellent ninja teacher."

"At this time, your inferiority complex has turned into jealousy, and your jealousy has turned into lust. You want to change all of this."

"And once people stop doing things conscientiously, they will inevitably think of heresy. For you, Orochimaru is that heresy."

"But at this time, when you come to this threshold again, you hesitate again, because you know your own level and your ability, and you are thinking, will a person like you, Master Oshemaru, really accept it? In the end, I'm ashamed."

"That's why you want to have a bargaining chip to exchange, a bargaining chip worth paying attention to, and that's why you led such a bad show."

"You understand it yourself, but you are just used to self-deception. You are just a pawn of Orochimaru, and it is not important at all."

"No, it's not like that, Oshemaru-sama values ​​me." Mizuki didn't want to listen to Oma's words, but the curse seal strengthened his five senses, and even though he covered his ears, the voice kept coming.

Iruka, who watched this scene, stopped in shock and was a little speechless. Did Mizuki do it because of low self-esteem?Why can't his friend feel it?

"Think about it, it's like you want to become stronger out of inferiority complex, but this is not what you want, what do you want? I just want Xiaochun to live happily and feel proud, what you want, Just as a man worthy of Xiaochun's praise."

"After all, it's just a child's affair. It's just wanting to be praised, recognized and recognized. To admit that what you have done is not wrong, and that you are a good person. All of this is not as noble as you think."

Speaking of this, Yu Jian turned straight: "At the same time, what you are doing now is actually completely opposite to what you want."

"If you do well, you won't be recognized. If you do poorly, you will die. What are you still insisting on?"

"I don't believe it, no, I don't think so." Mizuki was completely stunned.

Oma gave the last straw that broke the camel's back: "At the same time, even if this is not what you think, it is just a handout given to you by others."

"Do you think everything that happened today really happened because of you?"

Mizuki raised his head in horror, gaping: "I"

"Think about it carefully. As the village's Jinchuriki, there is always Anbu watching nearby. How did you approach Naruto so smoothly?"

"As the village's most forbidden place, even if manpower is insufficient, how did Naruto break in with a ninja?"

"We have been fighting for so long, but no ninjas have come to Konoha for a long time. Is it really because this place is relatively hidden and no one has found it? As far as I can perceive, there are several Anbu nearby."

Iruka was startled when he heard this, and used Chakra to detect the surroundings, but he didn't perceive anything.

Tianzang in the dark and the other members of the Anbu were speechless, so they were exposed like this?But the few people had no intention of appearing and did not move.

"How? As you think more clearly and think more, have you found that you are already in a desperate situation, do you suddenly find yourself in despair, do you find that everything you do is meaningless?"

Mizuki said with a painful expression: "No, as long as I break out, Oshemaru-sama will definitely come to contact me."

"Impossible!" Yuma shattered his luck and fantasy, and said word by word: "Oshemaru? He is just a butcher who treats human life like nothing. Does he care about your life?"

"I think you must feel it? The power in your body is gradually losing, do you know why?"

Mizuki really felt it, and couldn't help but panic.

"This so-called curse seal is basically a poison that stimulates the potential of life. Once the effect of the medicine wears off, the sequelae will break out, and you will not live long. Even so, do you think that the Orochi Pill is important to you?"

After finishing speaking, Yuma shut up and said no more.

Mizuki fell into self-doubt completely, murmured disbelief constantly, and his breathing became more and more disordered.

Not long after, as if to prove the authenticity of Yuma's words, the strength in Mizuki's body faded, and suddenly, an extreme sense of weakness grew in his heart.

His body shape gradually returned to its original appearance, his hair fell out, his face was gradually wrinkled, and he aged countless years in one breath, and his body was as thin as a stick.


Because he couldn't accept it, and his thoughts were too violently impacted, Mizuki passed out.

Just like that, Mizuki was defeated by Omazui.

"Well, so this is the power of Zuidun!" Yuma laughed at himself, and then he was relieved.

With the pissing nature of those Anbu, if he really fought Mizuki to the death, he would never appear until he was half dead.

Of course, Yuma knew that this so-called mouth escape was fundamentally illusory, and the reason why he succeeded this time was that Mizuki had complicated thoughts, too many worries, and his brain was usually tricked.

But the most important thing is the overdraft of life potential brought about by spell printing, not only physical strength, but also mental strength.

Mizuki's overall function began to decline from the moment the Cursed Tiger's form unfolded, and what Oma said was all about his weakness, so he hesitated for a long time, causing his power to disappear when the time limit expired.

Oma didn't stop, and after joining Iruka, he said to the air: "It's over, Mizuki, take it away quickly, and take away the sealed book, don't hide it, the concealment technique is too lame."

Anbu: "."

Soon, Iruka left with Naruto and Oma.

Halfway, Iruka hesitated and said, "Oma, Mizuki."

"Don't worry, Mr. Iruka, the aftereffect of the curse is a gradual outbreak. He may still live for a while, enough for you to say goodbye." Oma comforted.

"Hey! Why did you come to such a point?" Iruka looked sad and not in high spirits.

At this time, the fainted Naruto woke up leisurely, Wulito said: "Ah, let me go, you stinky toad!"

Iruka put down Naruto and said helplessly, "Naruto, is the teacher a toad?"

"Ah!" Naruto scratched his head and smiled mischievously: "Mr. Iruka, I'm sorry, I didn't mean you. I had a disgusting dream just now, and an ugly toad swallowed me, which scared me to death gone."

Yuma was thoughtful, did he already have an indissoluble bond with Toad at this time?Or is it the mapping of the eight trigrams array in the body to the key?

"Hey, you!" Iruka laughed, and his uncomfortable mood eased a lot.

"Ah, Iruka-sensei, Oma, where is the big villain Mizuki?" Naruto looked around, but found no one, "I still have to fight him!"

"Duel what? You idiot, you rushed forward regardless of the consequences!" Iruka couldn't help but slapped Naruto on the head, and said: "Mizuki has been taken away by Konoha Ninja, it's Oma"

Oma suddenly interrupted Iruka and said: "Mizuki's transformation has side effects, and his state fades later, and he fell down by himself."

"Ah! That's it, what a pity! I Uzumaki Naruto didn't show off well!" Naruto patted his head.

Seeing that Oma is unwilling to reveal his actual role in defeating Mizuki, Iruka is not reluctant.

After walking for a while, Iruka came to an open area. Feeling that the time had come, Iruka touched his body, took out two forehead guards and handed them to the two respectively.

He said sincerely: "Naruto, Oma, congratulations on your graduation! You have all kept the agreement with the teacher very well!"

Yuma took it with a smile and didn't say much.

Naruto was stunned, and couldn't hold back the tears all of a sudden: "Wow~ Mr. Iruka! I thought you didn't recognize me!"

Iruka touched Naruto's head and said: "Naruto, you are my excellent student, how could the teacher not recognize you?"

"But I, but, Nine." Naruto lowered his head, not daring to say anything about Kyuubi.

Iruka patted Naruto's shoulders to cheer him up: "Naruto, you have to remember that you are not a demon fox, nor the culprit of the Nine-Tails Rebellion 12 years ago. You are you, and you are my student Uzumaki Naruto people."

Naruto slowly raised his head.

"You are different from others. You work very hard and are very focused. Although you are not smart enough to make others disapprove of you, you never give up on what you want to do because you understand the pain in people's hearts."

"You must understand that you are nobody but Uzumaki Naruto, you are the best you, you are Konoha's ninja, Uzumaki Naruto!"

"Mr. Iruka! Uh~" Naruto burst into tears again, choked up with sobs, and threw himself into Iruka's arms, weeping profusely.

Has history corrected the deviation again?Yuma looked at the sky, smiled and said nothing.

"Okay! In order to celebrate your graduation, I invite you to eat ramen." Irukara grinned at the moment, turned away the dark and happy Naruto, and looked at Oma.

"Okay, I'm going to eat tonkotsu ramen this time!"

"Me too! Big ones!"

After eating ramen, Naruto and Yuma bid farewell to Iruka and walked in the same direction, and the direction of their house was by the way.

Yuma suddenly looked at Naruto with a sly smile: "Naruto, you probably haven't forgotten our bet, have you?"

Naruto recalled, his eyes widened, he pointed at Oma and said, "That, that, you really hit the mark, how did you do it?"

Yuma smiled mysteriously, but did not answer.

"Hey, if you don't say it, you won't say it. But I don't want to call you boss, you must have guessed it by chance."

"Is that so? Uzumaki Naruto seems to be someone who can't do what he says, so disappointed!"

"Boss, Boss!" Naruto was extremely reluctant.

"Haha!" Yuma smiled freely and left at a faster speed.

Naruto scratched his head in distress on the spot, and suddenly remembered something and clapped his fists: "No, I didn't agree to Yuma's bet. Damn Yuma, I lost a loss, and I will definitely win it back in the future."

(End of this chapter)

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