Konoha's training from zero

Chapter 9 Kakashi Shows His Power and Nobita's Defeat

Chapter 9 Kakashi Shows His Power and Nobita's Defeat
This game is Kai vs. Kakashi. If Nobita guessed correctly, Kai will lose.

At the beginning of the battle, Kai took the lead, simply and rudely, with a Konoha whirlwind, which was easily dodged by Kakashi, and then Kai used the inertia of his body to launch a second attack on Kakashi, but was still dodged by Kakashi.Kakashi used the attack gap to attack Kai, but Kai had already solved this shortcoming in the battle training with Nobita, Kai raised his hands to defend against Kakashi's leg attack, and used the power of the attack to counterattack.

The sudden counterattack was beyond Kakashi's expectations. Kakashi was kicked by Kai's sweep, and Kakashi who was kicked instantly jumped away to distance himself from Kai.

Kakashi's eyes became sharper. Unexpectedly, the "watermelon rind" in front of him had such strong physical skills.Kakashi took out his ninja sword, ready to attack with the ancestral sword art of the Hatake family.

Kakashi started to attack with a knife, Kakashi's knife technique is very sharp, fast!allow!ruthless!As expected of Hatake Baiya's son, Kai can only dodge now.

Kai didn't expect that this person in front of him was so powerful, his sword skills completely sealed his body skills, and it was very difficult for him to even dodge, let alone attack. Kai decided to take a gamble, taking advantage of Kakashi In the gap between the sword skills, Konoha Whirlwind stood up, but how could this escape Kakashi's eyes, Kakashi adjusted his body shape to easily dodge, turned around and slashed at Kai.

Kai reacted quickly, and immediately organized defense after missing a kick, but Kakashi still cut his clothes open.

Kai broke out in a cold sweat. If he hadn't dodged quickly, even though the ninja knife he used hadn't been sharpened, it was still very painful, and he would have lost if he was hit by the knife.

Kai jumped back to put distance from Kakashi. "I can't help it, let's use that trick." Kai thought to himself.

Nobita saw Kai's expression changed, and thought to himself: "Could it be that he wants to use Bamen Dunjia?"

Kai thought silently: "The first door, open the door, open!"

Kakashi's eyes showed shock, and Kai's aura changed, which gave Kakashi's signal a sense of danger.

Sure enough, as Kakashi expected, Kai attacked, much faster than before. Kakashi still used the Hatake sword technique. This time, Kai could not only avoid Kakashi's sword, but also launch an attack. Gradually, Kakashi fell from offense to defense.

Now Kakashi is carefully observing the "watermelon rind" in front of him. He is really a person. Kakashi feels that he is gradually losing to Kai, but Kai's attack is getting sharper and sharper.

Kakashi knew that if he dragged on like this, he would definitely lose, and he had to quickly solve the "watermelon rind" in front of him.

Kakashi observed that the person in front of him has not used other ninjutsu except Taijutsu. Since the opponent's Taijutsu is stronger than his own, he cannot use the opponent's strength to attack the opponent...

"Whirlwind Konoha!" Kai shouted.

Kakashi was kicked in the face!
"Got it," Kay thought to himself.

"Bang!" With a sound, Kakashi who was kicked by Kai turned into a wooden stake.

"Substitution technique!" Kai secretly yelled badly.

At this time, Kai felt that someone below grabbed his feet, "The art of beheading in the heart of Ninja!" Kai was dragged into the soil by Kakashi.

Kai who was pulled into the soil couldn't move, Kakashi stood next to Kai and said condescendingly: "You lost."

Kai still wanted to struggle, but at this time the homeroom teacher stood up and said: "This competition, the winner is Hatake Kakashi."

"Wow, so handsome"

"I really want to be his girlfriend."

"I don't know what kind of girl he likes?"

All the girls around were conquered by the handsome and powerful Kakashi.

Looking at Kakashi Nobita's heart was sour: "Obviously I'm not bad, okay...?"

After Kai was released from the soil by the teacher, Kai felt very disappointed. When he returned to the team, Nobita came to Kai's side to comfort him and said, "Don't be discouraged. As long as you work hard, you will defeat Kakashi sooner or later."

Kai looked back at Nobita, his eyes full of fighting spirit and said: "How can youth be defeated like this, youth burns, never give up!"

Seeing that Kai has regained his fighting spirit, I am very happy. He is really a passionate young man.

Kakashi in the distance doesn't know that he has been targeted by Kai. It seems that the plot of the duel between Kai and Kakashi in the original book has not been changed by Nobita.

After a round of competition is over, it is the turn of the winner of the first round to continue the competition.The first game is Nobita vs Uchiha Trust.

Seeing that his opponent is trustworthy, he secretly groans in his heart, it seems that he can only stop at the second round.

Uchiha believed that he was facing me now, his eyes were full of arrogance, and he said to me: "You go first." The tone was very pretentious.

Nobita was immediately enraged and took the lead in attacking.

"Water escapes water body"

Nobita separated two water bodies to attack, and saw that Uchiha did not move, but closed his eyes. When Nobita's water body rushed in front of him, he suddenly opened his eyes. It was a pair of writing wheels with double hooks. Eye!
Suddenly he lowered his body, moved extremely quickly, supported the ground with his hands, and used his legs to perform a roundabout kick. The two wet bodies had no time to dodge, and were immediately smashed into spray and disappeared.

Daxiong's heart tightened, he knew he was powerful, but he didn't expect to be so powerful.Is this the strength of the legendary Chunin?
So, Daxiong had no choice but to release other ninjutsu, seal seals, and shouted: "Let's go!"

The lightning current quickly flowed from the ground to Xinxin, and Xinxin jumped high.

Daxiong was overjoyed when he saw Xinyi jumping up. He made a fatal mistake.There was no way for him to dodge in the air.

Nobita immediately shot several kunai at him, but they were all blocked by trust with kunai parry.

"It's not over yet," Nobita thought to himself.

Immediately jumped up, and hit the Konoha whirlwind to attack Trust.

I saw that the corners of Trust's mouth rose slightly.

After seeing it, Nobita cried inwardly: "It's not good! I've been fooled." But Nobita didn't know how he was going to attack.

I saw that the seal was formed quickly, and the speed of this seal was at least twice as fast as that of Nobita, "The art of fire escape and fireball!"

In front of Nobita's eyes, the fireball is getting bigger and bigger, and it is about to swallow Nobita. It is the first time Nobita saw the real fireball technique, but he did not expect it to be in this situation.If Nobita were to be hit by this technique, he would lose half his life if he did not die.

"Earth escapes the earth formation wall!" An earth wall was quickly erected in front of Daxiong, blocking the attack of Hao's fireball.

"That's it!" Teacher Shangzheng stood up and said.

It turned out that the earth escape was a ninjutsu cast by Mr. Shangzheng.

Sensei Shangzheng stood up and said: "I declare that the winner Uchiha trusts!"

The surrounding students applauded wildly, as expected of the genius of the Uchiha clan, everyone also applauded for Nobita, everyone did not expect that Nobita, who just entered the ninja school, is also a dark horse, and he can use two types of ninjutsu .

Daxiong, who returned to the team, still had lingering fears in his heart. Although Hao Hao's fireball hit the earthen wall in the end, and it was not as powerful as expected, it was obvious that trust had reduced the power, but even with such power, if Teacher Shangzheng hadn't shot , Nobita will still be seriously injured.The people of the Uchiha clan are really cruel.

(End of this chapter)

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