Konoha's training from zero

Chapter 5 Cultivating Water Escape

Chapter 5 Cultivating Water Escape
The next day, Nobita came to the practice field in Houshan early. Today Nobita is No.1, and Kai has not arrived yet.So Nobita did physical exercise first, and ran around the practice field.

"Yo, Nobita is so early today"

Nobita turned his head and saw Kai, still full of energy.

Nobita stopped and said: "Kai, let's go to the lake to practice today."

Kai wondered, "Why do you want to practice by the lake today?"

Nobita smiled mysteriously, and said to Kai: "I have a very strong ninjutsu that needs to be practiced. It's about water escape, so I'm going to practice by the lake."

When Kai heard it, he got excited, "What kind of ninjutsu, can you tell me in advance?"

"You will know when the time comes." Nobita waved his hand, indicating that this is a secret.

"Okay." Kai knew that Nobita would never say that he had to give up, "Then let's burn our youth and run to the lake." After speaking, Kai didn't forget to put on a pose.

So Nobita and Kai got up and got ready to run in the direction of the lake.Daxiong picked up a stone on the ground, pointed to a tree not far away and said, "Kai, I will use the stone in my hand to knock off a leaf in a while, and the game will start when the leaf falls to the ground."

"That's a good idea, come on."

Nobita flew the stone out with a shuriken method, and the leaves fell slowly. At the moment it landed, Nobita and Kai ran out quickly.

About half an hour later, Nobita ran to the lake. As expected of Kai, his physical strength was beyond comparison. Kai was already waiting for Nobita by the lake.Seeing Nobita arrived, he looked proudly at Nobita.

"This time you lost, on the road to youth. Hahaha..."

Nobita can now confirm why Kakashi can't raise his fighting spirit in the face of Kai's challenge. It is really too passionate, and it is not something ordinary people can control.

The two rested for a while by the lake, ready to start today's practice.

Daxiong stood by the lake, made mudras with his hands, and said in his mouth: "Water escapes water dragon bomb!" A gust of wind blew by, but there was no change.Three black lines appeared on Nobita's head, which was so embarrassing. I thought that even if it didn't succeed, the water surface would change, but looking at it now, it was calm and there was no change.

No, there must be something wrong, so Nobita re-sealed and shouted "Shui Dun Shui Long Bomb!" Still nothing changed...

How could this happen, Nobita couldn't figure it out, so he had to re-deduce.From the overall process, there is nothing wrong with the knot seal, so it may be that there is an error in the operation of Chakra in the body, or the amount of Chakra is not enough to activate.

Since he couldn't think of other reasons, Nobita had no choice but to work on the problems he could find first. Nobita went to a tree, leaned against it to enjoy the shade, and practiced the process of chakra running in the body over and over again while resting.Gradually, Nobita entered a state of ecstasy, which can also be said to enter a state of "flow", until Kai came over and woke Nobita up.

"Nobita, it's almost afternoon, aren't you hungry? We should have lunch."

Only then did Daxiong come to his senses, it turned out that so much time had passed, and he said, "Let's go, today I feel hungrier than usual, let's go to the buffet."

Kai looked at Nobita in surprise and said, "You haven't done any exercise all morning, you're just lazy here, why are you so hungry?"

Kai didn't know that Nobita spent all his morning practicing chakra operation and consumed a lot of chakra, that's why he was so hungry.

"Let's go, I invite you today, I'm really hungry."

Kai was a little excited when he heard it, and said a little embarrassedly: "Thank you so much, and let you come to treat me."

"You're welcome. I still have some food money left over from my parents this month. Don't be polite to me. What do you want to eat?"

"Of course I want sushi."

"Okay, let's go eat sushi."

Kai Ang raised his fighting spirit and said, "Then let's compare who eats more, how about it?"

"Okay, it's a deal."

In Konoha Village, Kaiseki sushi buffet restaurant, the surrounding customers are looking at the two children who are eating fast with surprised eyes.These two kids have eaten over 100 plates and are still eating like crazy.Eventually, Kay surrendered, couldn't eat any more, rushed to the toilet and vomited.After that, Nobita ate about ten more dishes before stopping, touching his swollen belly with satisfaction written on his face.

When going out, the boss stopped Nobita and Kai, gave Nobita some high-quality sushi gift boxes for them to take, then looked at Nobita with pleading eyes and said, "Don't come next time..."

Nobita and Kai returned to the lake with the gift box given by the owner of the sushi restaurant. Kai's face is still red now, and he may feel that his behavior at the sushi restaurant just now was too shameful and caused a lot of trouble for the boss.Nobita is okay, he has many years of experience than Kai, and he is not surprised by this kind of thing, and he doesn't feel that it is inappropriate.So he comforted Kai and said, "You don't have to worry too much about the owner of the sushi restaurant, we didn't cause him any trouble, and in the end we promised him not to go to his restaurant again."

"But..." Kai wanted to say something but was interrupted by Nobita and said: "Don't think about what happened just now. Practice is the most important thing. Youth will inevitably have ups and downs."

"Youth will inevitably have ups and downs..." Kai murmured, "Yes, Nobita, your words are too philosophical, I must keep them in mind, let us burn for youth, fire!" Kai's eyes There was flame in it.

Nobita looked at Kai with black lines all over his head...

After the rest, Daxiong stood next to the lake again, made seals, and shouted "Shuidunshuilongbomb!" A small water dragon jumped up from the lake and flew forward, plunged into the water, and recovered after a while calm.

"I succeeded!" Nobita shouted excitedly.Nobita's first B-level ninjutsu finally succeeded. Although the water dragon was smaller and less powerful, it was undoubtedly a successful ninjutsu.

Kai also ran over after hearing this, looked at the excited Nobita and said, "Nobita, have you succeeded?"

"Yes, I did it!"

"Nobita, I didn't see it just now, can you demonstrate it again?"

"Kai, I have already used up most of my chakra in that one time, and I can no longer use it."

"That's it. Although it's a pity that I can't see you using the water dragon, but you have already made a breakthrough, and I have to work hard! I can't lose to you on the road of youth."

"Come on, Kai, I'm already ahead of you, you have to catch up with me immediately."

After today's practice, Nobita concluded that the previous ninjutsu could not be cast because of insufficient chakra, and now the most urgent task is to focus on increasing the amount of chakra.

(End of this chapter)

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