Chapter 41 Escape
Hinata Hui died, Nobita went to Hinata Hui's body, dug a grave for Hinata Hui, Nobita buried Hinata Hui and set off to join his teammates.

Nobita walked through the woods and ran out for a long time without seeing his teammates. Nobita felt uneasy in his heart, and as time went by, the uneasy feeling became more and more serious.

Soon Nobita heard the sound of fighting from a distance, Nobita searched for the sound, and found Maeda Sheng lying on the ground dying, Qianmen Kazuki was bleeding in many places, standing in front of Maeda Sheng , and they are surrounded by ten "roots", they are surrounded.

Nobita didn't rush to rescue his teammates immediately after seeing it. Now that there are so many enemies, rushing in by himself will not only fail to help his teammates, but will die here together.

Nobita took out the Kunai with the spell, and Nobita wanted to use the Flying Thunder God to get close to his teammates, and then took his teammates to use the Flying Thunder God to escape.Nobita does not know if there is any accident in this process, if there is a mistake, it will be lost forever.

Nobita didn't have time to think about it, so he threw Kunai to Maeda Sheng, and Kunai flew towards Maeda Sheng, at this moment, a "root" turned around and knocked Kunai away.

Daxiong was shocked, "No, I was discovered."

"Come out, I've seen you coming."

Nobita jumped down from the tree, "I didn't expect you to be a sentient ninja."

The ninja who fended off Nobita Kunai said: "It seems that you are their teammate, please tell me your name."

Daxiong is not stupid, there is really nowhere to escape if you report your name, they are all in Muye Village, and it is easy to check each other's details.

Nobita said loudly: "No comment!"

"It doesn't matter if you don't say it, I have a way for you to say it."

Nobita suddenly felt a controlling force controlling his body, his body was out of his control, and he gradually squatted down with his head in his hands.This is to let Nobita be caught without a fight.

Cold sweat broke out on Nobita's head, the opponent's mental control was too strong, and he couldn't get rid of the opponent's control.At this time, Daxiong had an idea, thinking that he could use Lei Dun to stimulate himself.

Nobita immediately condensed Thunder Dun in his body to stimulate his body and brain. Sure enough, under the stimulation of Thunder Dun, the opponent's "mind-disturbing-body technique" lost its effect.

The enemy was disturbed by Nobita's Thunder Dun and didn't react for a while, and was injured by Thunder Dun.Immediately knelt down on the ground, paralyzed by Lei Dun.

"Scenery in the mountains, are you okay?"

The "root" next to him ran over to help Zhongshan Feng.

The words Yamanakajing were heard by Nobita, and Nobita knew that this person turned out to be from the Yamanaka family, who are best at spiritual ninjutsu and perception.No wonder I was discovered while watching from the tree.

The other "roots" saw the failure of Shan Zhongjing, and immediately launched a siege to Nobita. Seeing that his fists were hard to beat, Nobita immediately took out the kunai with the magic formula again. Wu disperses, and brings Kunai closer to his teammates.

Now the enemy doesn't know that he can fly the Thunder God Technique. Once the enemy finds out, they will definitely think of Nobita's purpose, so Nobita only has one chance to perform the Fly Thunder God Technique, and he must take all his teammates away at once.

The enemy rushed over, Daxiong was full of thunder, and used his body to speed up to avoid the enemy's attack. Daxiong shuttled among the enemies, dodging from left to right, and finding the right opportunity, he threw Kunai in the direction of Qian Tiansheng, and stuck in the Less than ten steps away from Maeda Mori.

"Earth escape dungeon technique!"

A ninja from "Root" used a dungeon technique on Nobita, and Nobita's dungeon was locked inside.

Nobita who was inside was very happy, so he didn't have to look for cover, he just wanted to do whatever he wanted.Nobita in the dungeon operated the Thunderbolt, disappeared in an instant, and appeared at Kunai next to Maeda Sheng, but it was not as good as God, Nobita wanted to cry now, but saw Nobita attracting the enemy's firepower away at the front door, behind his back With Maeda Sheng fled.

And Nobita who appeared outside the dungeon was quickly discovered by the enemy. The enemy was also taken aback, but immediately attacked Nobita.

Nobita had no choice, and immediately fled with the Flying Thunder God, and fled to the position where Nobita left a mark in a safe place before approaching the enemy.

Nobita who escaped breathed a sigh of relief, but the danger has not been lifted. Now Nobita needs to catch up with his teammates and escape with them.

Nobita ran towards his teammates.

On the "root" side, Yamanaka said: "The last ninja who appeared knew space ninjutsu and escaped, but his two teammates did not escape far. Now we only need to catch his teammates and use his teammates to force him Come out so we can catch them all."

"it is good"

"Gen" began to chase in the direction of Kazuki Qianmen, and now Kazuki Qianmen is carrying the injured Maeda Mori on his back, running faster than the enemy, and there are sentient ninjas among the enemies, it will be a matter of time before Kazuki Qianmen is caught up .

Nobita is now running, thinking in his heart that he regrets not imprinting the Flying Thunder God spell on his teammates.It is too much trouble to chase them on foot now.

Soon, Yimu Qianmen was chased by "Gen", and Yimu Qianmen panted heavily, looked at "Gen" who surrounded him, and smiled miserably: "It seems that you, Lao Sheng, and I are going to die here today, no There is a way to drink flower wine again."

"Hahaha..., Kazuki put me down, I'm sure I'm going to die anyway, why don't I fight one last time before I die."

"it is good."

Qianmen Kazuki put Maeda Sheng down, Maeda Sheng drew out his sword and stood in front of his chest, Qianmen Kazuki also took out two kunai, ready to meet the opponent's attack.

"Gen" and several people attacked together, and Maeda Sheng rushed to a ninja upon seeing this.

"Konoha Flow Swordsmanship Willow"

The enemy saw that Maeda Sheng had turned into a floating willow leaf, and then found that he had been stabbed in the abdomen. The enemy's teammates rushed over immediately upon seeing this, and Maeda Sheng was slashed in the back by two enemies.

Maeda Sheng pulled out the sword in the enemy's abdomen, took two steps back, supported his body with the sword, and knelt down on one knee. Maeda Sheng's vision became more and more blurred, he spat out a mouthful of blood, fell to the ground, and let out a long sigh Said in a tone: "Haha, I have no regrets in this life, and I learned the "Konoha Flow Swordsmanship Willow" before I died."

When Qianmen Kazuki saw it, his eyes were furious, he roared crazily, and waved crazily among the enemies with two shurikens.

At this time, Shan Zhongjing came out and shouted: "We must catch him alive, otherwise he will not be able to attract his teammates."

The remaining "roots" began to attack Qianmen Kazuki's limbs. After a while, many shurikens were stuck on Qianmen Kazuki's arms and legs.

(End of this chapter)

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