Chapter 3

Since Nobita's father told Nobita about the family's forbidden technique, Nobita's motivation to practice every day has become stronger and stronger.This morning, Nobita went out for a run as usual. After running, he ran to a forest. Once again, he lamented the abnormality of the Naruto world. In less than a month, Nobita’s physical fitness has made a qualitative leap. From the first breath From running 10 kilometers to now running 30 kilometers in one breath is no longer a problem.After running to the woods and preparing to take a rest, Nobita lay on the grass and took a big mouthful of fresh air. I have to say that the air in Naruto World is good without any industrial pollution, unlike the PM2.5 in the real world all day long Flying all over the sky, you must wear a mask when you go out.Lying on the ground and smelling the fragrance of green grass, some voices came from not far away. Listen carefully, it should be someone training here.Following the sound, I found a child who was about the same age as Nobita was exercising on a stake.That person was dressed in green tights, with thick eyebrows and big eyes. If I guessed correctly, this person must be Kai.

So Daxiong went up and asked: "Hello, are you practicing here?" After hearing the voice, the man stopped, looked at Daxiong and said, "Yes, my task today is to drive this wooden stake ten thousand Second-rate."

Hearing him say [-] strokes, Daxiong felt a chill in his heart, something only a pervert like him can do.So Nobita said to him: "My name is Sanada Hideo, and I hope to practice with you and guide each other."

So he made a pose to Daxiong, gave a thumbs up, showed his shiny teeth and said: "My name is Maitkai, you can call me Kai, I am very happy to practice with you, let us burn for youth together, fire!"

Well, Nobita felt a chill in his heart, with a black line on his head, what is certain now is that he will be Konoha's blue beast Kai in the future, the guy who opened the eight-door dungeon and beat Liudao Madara to death, everyone respectfully called him "" Emperor Kai", but his passion is really unacceptable.So Daxiong said: "I am currently practicing tree climbing, and my goal is to reach the top of the tree. How about you?"

Kai said proudly: "I am now practicing physical arts, and my goal is to become a person like my father, who can defeat all opponents with physical arts."

"Let us work hard together."

So Nobita and Kai started to practice differently in the same place.

Time flies, and 5 days have passed in a blink of an eye. Daxiong and Kai meet here to practice together every day, each doing different practices. Today Daxiong is very happy, because Daxiong can already climb to the top of the tree, which means Nobita can learn other ninjutsu, and he is secretly happy. He keeps thinking of various ninjutsu in his mind, such as the jutsu of big fireball, the jutsu of water dragon bomb, the jutsu of dragon fire, etc. A lot of ninjutsu in Naruto flashed in Nobita's mind However, Nobita calmed down immediately. Nobita remembered that he hadn’t tested what type of chakras he had, and didn’t know what kind of ninjutsu was suitable for him. Besides, there are many ninjutsu Nobita’s parents didn’t know, so he could only learn from Nobita. Start with ninjutsu that your parents know.

After lunch, Nobita said to Kai: "Would you like to have a one-on-one competition, the two of us will learn from each other, so we can find out our weak points and improve through the competition."

Kai's eyes lit up when he heard it, and he said, "This is a good way, come on, let our youth burn, fire."

Uh, Nobita really couldn't accept such enthusiasm, and sweated all over his head.

Nobita and Kai kept a certain distance apart, staring at each other as if they were going to a duel, at this time Kai took the lead in attacking, worthy of being the future Konoha Canglan Beast, his physical skills are really good, and he will kill him in an instant The distance between the two shortened, and then Kai jumped up and shouted: "Whirlwind Konoha!"

Nobita immediately raised his arms to block.

"Boom" Kai's flying kick was blocked by Nobita, but unexpectedly, Kai used the inertia of his body to launch a second attack on Nobita in an instant, kicking Nobita's chest firmly with one kick, Nobita Fly out immediately.

After landing, Daxiong stood up, patted the dust on his body, and thought to himself: "It seems that I underestimated Kai, he is really a genius in physical arts, and his attainments in physical arts are so high at such a young age, it seems that I Need to use ninjutsu."

Kai looked at Nobita, then put on his unique pose and said: "How about it, my physical skills are very good. You can't beat me, just admit defeat."

Daxiong smiled and said: "This is just the beginning, and the good show is yet to come."

After finishing speaking, Nobita rushed towards Kai, and formed a seal while running. Kai saw Nobita rushing over, not to be outdone, and also rushed towards Nobita. When he got up, he hit another "Whirlwind of Konoha", but this time It's not the same when Konoha Whirlwind kicked Nobita.

With a bang, Nobita turned into a stake.

"Oops, substitute technique!" Kai secretly cried out.

At this time, Nobita appeared behind Kai, kicked him flying, and Kai was kicked away by Nobita before he could react.

Daxiong smiled and said to Kai: "If you come and don't reciprocate, I will return it to you."

Kai got up from the ground, showed his white teeth and laughed loudly: "That's it, this is youth, come again."

After speaking, Kai rushed towards Nobita again. With the previous experience, both of them were more careful. In this way, you came and went with each other a few times, and neither of them beat the other party down. Nobita counted his own investigation Carat, there are not many left, the battle must be ended as soon as possible, otherwise the loser must be yourself.

So Nobita took the lead in attacking, and Kai also ran towards Nobita.

Kai got up and kicked, "Boom" as a stand-in technique, at this time Kai already had experience, immediately adjusted the direction and hit Nobita with a flying kick, but this time Kai was disappointed again, "Boom" is a stand-in again Kai did not expect Nobita to use double body double in such a short period of time.

During this flash of light, Nobita rushed over, grabbed Kai from behind, and captured Kai with a standard "guillotine".

Kai twisted his body to show that he would not admit defeat, but no matter how much he twisted, he couldn't break free. Finally, Kai patted the ground and surrendered. In this way, the first confrontation between Nobita and Kai ended with Nobita's victory.Unexpectedly, this turned out to be the beginning of thousands of competitions between Nobita and Kai.

After the competition, Nobita and Kai rested for a while, and practiced separately until it was getting late, then said goodbye and went home for dinner.Nobita is excited on the way home, because he will soon be able to learn practical ninjutsu, and even learn his favorite technique of Flying Thunder God. Thinking about it makes him excited, humming a little song all the way back home.

(End of this chapter)

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