Chapter 82 tragic
Unlike the Ninja Amane who was still in shock on the other side, Hanzo looked solemnly at the purple chakra group in the golem's mouth.

His intuition told him that this thing was very dangerous.

"Damn it, what are they doing here!"

Hanzo noticed that Yuyin was provoking him from the other side, and couldn't help yelling.

The enemy in front of him suddenly used such a weird move that even he dared not step forward. Did the group of ninjas who are not even johnin come up to add to the chaos?
For a moment Hanzo didn't know whether to say that they had courage or that they were overconfident.


Hanzo fixed his eyes on the chakra group, it moved!

The purple chakra group quickly condensed in the golem's mouth, turning into a chakra dragon and flying out.

Hanzo cautiously opened the distance, but the group of Ukakure ninjas had no time to retreat.

The chakra dragon raged towards the Yuyin ninjas, flexibly avoided the ninjutsu attack, and knocked several Yuyin ninjas into the air with a single curly tail.

The body of the ninja who was knocked into the air began to dry up quickly, and the chakra and soul in the body dissipated with the touch of the chakra dragon.

In the blink of an eye, several Yuyin ninjas died again.

"Get out of the way, don't be touched by this ninjutsu!"

Everyone began to dodge consciously, and no longer chose to use ninjutsu head-on.

It's a pity that the chakra dragon's speed is extremely fast, and even if these ninjas use the instant body technique, they will not escape the fate of being overtaken.

Soon, the Yuyin ninjas were wiped out.


Hanzo looked at the Yukakure ninja who was wiped out in the distance, and couldn't help cursing.

But when he saw Chakralong turn around and fly towards him, his eyes froze immediately, and he began to prepare to retreat.

The ninjutsu in front of him must not be confronted head-on.

So weird.

The Nagato of the Akatsuki organization has actually improved so much in strength.

Not to mention the huge amount of chakra, I haven't seen him for a few months, and now I have learned so many weird ninjutsu.

It is really unwise to choose to fight him without correct information.

If you are careless, it is absolutely possible to be killed by him in one blow.

Hanzo turned his head and glanced at the countless corpses, and at the same time, there was a hint of fear in his eyes.

A ninja demigod who can't even protect his own subordinates.

And if it wasn't for his hand to feed the move, he wouldn't know the weirdness of Chaklaron.

With the destruction of Yuyin Village, his reputation as a demigod in the ninja world may not be counted, and he may still be infamous.

"Forget it, let's withdraw first, as long as you are alive, there is hope."

Hanzo fixed his attention in his heart and began to retreat with the instant body technique.

Nagato controlled the chakra dragon to chase after him, but because he opened the distance from the beginning, and Hanzo's teleportation technique was too fast, he probably couldn't catch up.

After the distance reached the control limit, Nagato could only retract Chakralong.

The heretic golem swallowed the chakra dragon containing dozens of chakras, then disconnected from Nagato in satisfaction, and sneaked underneath.

"Hoo! Hoo!"

Nagato, whose body had been hollowed out, collapsed on the ground, and because of the poisoning, his mind began to feel dizzy.

However, the task was accomplished.

Yuyin Village without ninjas is just like an ordinary village, the name of Ninja Village no longer exists.

On the other side, Obito and Jue Tacit Yin are on the side.

"Go and get Nagato back, this place is for me."

After Obito finished speaking, he turned into a vortex and disappeared without waiting for black and white to react.

"Hanzo is not easy to deal with."

Black and White Jue shrugged, said to himself, and then leisurely rushed to the other side.

Hanzo breathed a sigh of relief when he got rid of Chakralong.

"Cough, cough."

He stopped using the instant body technique, stood on a big tree, and injected himself with another injection of antidote.

In fact, Nagato's Shenluo Tianzheng just now didn't hurt Hanzo.

Hanzo was squeezed with great force, and many organs in his body were crushed, the most serious being his lungs.

There is a special Sansho fish poison sac there, and the poison sac toxin inside, even Hanzo dare not take it lightly.

The violent impact just now caused some damage to Hanzo's poison sac, and the sansho toxin began to spread throughout the body, but fortunately, the amount was not large, and Hanzo blocked it with chakra in time.

Now as long as he injects some antidote, he should be able to survive.

"They shouldn't have been spared in the first place."

Hanzo felt remorseful.

He didn't regret that Nagato and the others were not killed in the extermination war before, but that he regretted not cleaning up immediately when the Akatsuki organization was established.

At that time, he was still too kind, thinking that this was a good organization to help the people of the Land of Rain, so he let it go a little bit.

Unexpectedly, later on, this organization tried to carve up his power in vain and wanted to take root in the Land of Rain. Of course he disagreed.

It's a pity that at that time, the Akatsuki organization already had a strong combat power. If the ninjas of Yuyin Village wanted to confront them head-on, they would definitely lose a lot of lives.

Originally, Hanzo thought that after the extermination war, those remnants would not dare to come out.

As a result, Nagato alone has turned Yuyin Village upside down.

Yuyin Village is over, and the Country of Rain is over.

Hanzo was not without sadness.It's just the polishing of the years that made him learn to protect himself and choose.

Being alive is more important than anything else.

When a person dies, there is nothing left.

Hanzo took a short rest and was preparing to continue on his way.

Suddenly, a kunai flew past the cheek.

There is no end to suffering, and there is still a detonating talisman hanging on it.

Hanzo's pupils shrank.

He quickly mobilized his chakra, and avoided the explosion with his extremely proficient teleportation technique.

But the right arm was still slightly injured.

In the void, a masked figure quietly emerged.

"you are?"

Hanzo tried his best to stabilize his trembling right arm, staring solemnly at the uninvited guest in front of him.

"The prestige of the demigod is indeed true. He was able to travel so far in half a second and even counterattacked."

The clothes in front of Obito were split open, revealing a light white shirt, but his tone was calm, and he commented lightly, as if he was a ninja demigod.

Just now, he was hiding in the virtual space, approached Hanzo silently, aimed at his head, and threw the Kunai with the detonating talisman at a distance of less than two meters.

It stands to reason that ordinary people have no chance to react at all, and even if they are aware of the chakra fluctuations, it is difficult to avoid the double attack of kunai and detonating talisman.

But Hanzo not only avoided Kunai with a narrow distance, but also used the ultimate instant body technique to get himself out of the explosion attack range.

If he hadn't turned around for a knife when he was dodging, I'm afraid his right arm would not have been injured.

But if so, Obito was also cut off his clothes.

The distance of two meters was Obito's preparation to control the melee distance, but Hanzo's extreme sword skills made Obito almost unable to react.

Even if he entered the virtual state a second after throwing Kunai, he was cut to his clothes by Hanzo.

If it was half a second faster, Obito would probably be severely injured.

The demigod is old too.

Obito looked at the ninja with the title of the pinnacle of the ninja world in front of him, feeling a little emotional in his heart.

Once upon a time, he also heard about the prestige of the demigod Hanzo, but at that time, the gap between the two of them was as huge as the sky and the earth.

But now, he can stand in front of this strong old man and fight him one-on-one.

"Sanjiao Hanzo, let me end your title as a demigod."

(End of this chapter)

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