Chapter 14
Jing Ming followed Mr. Shangren to the secret department of Yinyin Village. Everyone here wore masks, and no one spoke in the whole place, only the sound of footsteps and ninja tools colliding harshly.

Jing Ming and the other three followed without saying a word. They looked around curiously, feeling uneasy and excited.

This is the highest-level department of Otonin Village, directly under the leader Orochimaru. They can come here, which proves their excellence.

Master Jonin took the four of them to a practice room, which was very airtight, but also very large, and if it made a sound, it could reverberate for a long time.

"Starting today, you will have special training for the Anbu. There are corresponding training tasks every day, which must be completed as required. In addition, there will be an assessment every week. Only those who pass all of them can officially join the Anbu."

Hearing Jonin's words, the three of them tightened their hearts. It seems that everything will be fine after entering Anbu, on the contrary, the requirements here are more stringent.

The exam is done once a week, and it is getting more and more rigorous.

Unlike the three of them, Jing Ming was very relaxed. He came here to study and exercise, not to pass the grades.

If a student studies for grades, then his original intention is not pure.

Of course, it is impossible for Jing Ming to be unqualified.

This is the original intention of genius, very pure.

Jonin-sensei left after finishing his speech. After a while, two masked members of Anbu appeared in front of the four of them, giving them a brief introduction and explanation of Anbu training.

These two are Jing Ming and their Anbu examiner, responsible for the weekly assessment of the four, and will give corresponding guidance.

Jing Ming glanced at the two of them, and probably had an estimate in his heart.

According to Jun Malu, these two belong to the type that he can kill with one blow.

The strength is above the Chunin, stronger than the average Chunin, but far away from the Jonin.

Jun Ma Lu's combat power is also at the level of Chunin, but Xueji Jijie is very cheating, as long as Jun Ma Lu gets close to him, even Jonin will not get any benefits.

"let's start."

After the two Anbu succinctly explained the training content, the four of them found a good position in the training ground and started today's training task.

When they were training, people from Anbu would attack suddenly, on the one hand to test the freshmen's reaction ability, and on the other hand to suppress their pride.

After all, they are 20 students carefully selected from the whole village, so it is normal to feel proud.

However, Anbu's shot hit the three of them very hard except Jing Ming.

He was easily knocked down again and again, and was played at will again and again.

The eyes of the three were unwilling, but they were helpless.

"Why didn't they attack Jing Ming?"

A student felt dissatisfied, thinking that Jing Ming had been treated preferentially.

The two Anbu looked at each other, feeling each other's helplessness tacitly.

"Why don't you do it?"

"He's dangerous."

The two were silent for a long time, and finally decided to do it together.

Educating freshmen is their task, and they can't do without fighting.

The two run chakra, and use the seal to perform the instant body technique.

They moved around Jing Ming at high speed, and the speed was getting faster and faster.

Jing Ming put down the weight in his hand, and focused his eyes on the front of him without any drift.

The two Anbu, who were constantly moving around, took the opportunity to attack Jing Ming's blind spot.

The body moving at high speed came to Jing Ming's body in an instant, but stopped abruptly.

The three colleges stared blankly at the competition between Anbu and Jing Ming. They didn't see it clearly before, but they saw Jing Ming standing motionless. After an astonishing operation, the two Anbu stopped awkwardly behind.

"Did Anbu hold back?" the students discussed in low voices.


They will never really use their full strength, they are still students.

However, the two Anbu were very nervous at the moment, and they didn't dare to move, because a sharp bone needle was touching the skin in front of their hearts.

As long as Jing Ming shakes his hand, the bone needle will pierce the heart.

too fast!The position and timing of this bone needle were just right, just the moment before they attacked Jing Ming, at this time, their attacking purpose was too strong, so they had no time to dodge this unexpected counterattack.

"Stop bothering me."

After finishing speaking, the bone needles on Jing Ming retracted into his body.

He walked forward and found another place to start practicing.

"No way, listen to this tone, Jing Ming won?"

The students looked at each other in shock.

"I didn't expect to kick the iron board!" They saw the two Anbu deflated, and they held back their smiles.

The two Anbu were silent, and after taking a deep look at Jing Ming, they turned and walked towards the three students.

"They are here."

A student raised the alarm.

As soon as the student finished speaking, an Anbu came up behind him in an instant, and swept him away with a whip leg.

"If you don't focus, your training tasks will double."

A month later, in Orochimaru's laboratory, Jing Ming stood aside, waiting for Orochimaru to read the research report he wrote.

"Jing Ming-Jun, you are really talented." Orochimaru said with some emotion after reading the last line.

According to his estimation, even with the research materials he provided, Jing Ming can only complete five or six types of cell cultivation at most. In today's report, Jing Ming has already completed a quarter of the total task, and he successfully cultivated There are dozens of cell types.

In other words, if Jing Ming is given another eight months, he will be able to overcome the first difficulty of cloning technology.

"I always feel that there are secrets in you." Orochimaru suddenly said.

"Master Orochimaru, in front of you, I have nothing to hide." Jing Ming said respectfully.

Orochimaru smiled, noncommittal to Jing Ming's answer.

"Well, I'll give you a year. After one year, you will ensure the completion of the first phase. After that, I will work with you to study cloned life forms."


Jing Ming left the laboratory, surprised by Orochimaru's sensitivity.

He does have a secret, and it's the only one he has right now.

That is, he traveled through time.

And in this ninja world, someone has already written the ending for him.

Jing Ming is just a lonely boat, which can only affect the people around him, but cannot shake the entire ninja world.

At least for now he can't.

And the biological cytology he learned in his previous life provided him with guidance in many directions for his previous research, which is why he was able to complete the research efficiently.

But he didn't plan to tell Orochimaru.

A reborn person should start life again, clinging to the past, it is better to look forward.

He saved the experimental data, checked the situation in the laboratory, and turned to leave.

When he got home, Jun Malu was already waiting there.

The two were going to the restaurant in the village to have a good meal, which was to celebrate Junmaro's completion of his first ninja mission.

"Well, did you encounter anything interesting during this mission?"

Jing Ming took a sip of tea and asked with a smile.

(End of this chapter)

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