Pirate Wood World

Chapter 98 The battle is over.

Chapter 98 The battle is over.

9rd day…

"I can't take it anymore! How can these two guys be so strong? It seems that they must work very hard to improve their strength after returning home. The gap is too far!" Crocodile looked at the monstrous flames in the distance and the cold light of the other half, The whole person is not well, how did they manage to fight for nine days and nine nights without ending...

"Ah...it's too strong..." Fei Yin has never seen such serious Qingzhi and red dogs. They don't sleep, don't eat or drink. They fight continuously for nine days and nine nights, changing the terrain of the entire island. This is no longer human. It can be done... At least Fei Yin has awakened her fruit ability, so she can't do it.

"Based on the situation, this battle is almost over. With such a distance, I actually feel heat...and cold." Fei Yin and Crocodile were on the side of the island, and they could see people on both sides at the same time. The ability to feel both at the same time.

"I'm afraid Aokiji will lose." Crocodile went on to say that Akainu's ability and battery life are still super strong, and it's only a matter of time before the winner is determined. Ice can't win against magma, even if ice seals the magma for a hundred years , sooner or later, magma will break out of the ice.

The last day…

"Stop...stop..." In the evening, the fighting between the two sides finally stopped, and the two began their subsequent confrontation on the island.

"It's the last move." Fei Yin stared at the two of them, and after a while, the two covered in blood finally used their last strength and launched the final attack.

"Big fire!"


The two skills collided, and both of them roared, wanting to take down each other with this final blow.

The last skills collided together, and Aokiji's skills were still melted directly, and the fire-breathing one-sidedly melted the storm cone bird, hitting Aokiji's right leg.

"Ah!!" Already without the strength to use the armed domineering and fruit abilities, Aokiji's legs were completely burned by the fire-breathing fire, and he fell to the ground. Lava appears and looks like it wants Aokiji's life!
"Seriously!" Fei Yin's eyes widened and he rushed out of Cassie's head.

"Go to hell! Kuzan!" In the original book, Akainu seemed to be reluctant to do it, but now he really did it!

"Touch!" A moment before the magma was named Qingzhi, Fei Yin's sword blocked Qing Cone, blocking the magma, "What are you going to do, Uncle Sakaski." Fei Yin looked at Chi Chi with gloomy eyes. A dog with murderous intent in its eyes.

"Crimson Yin..."

"Stinky boy... you're here..." Aokiji didn't say how you came, but that you came, obviously because he knew that Fei Yin would definitely come, and Akaken probably knew this too.

"Why are you here, kid!"...It seems that Chiquan didn't know that Feiyin would come.

Then the knowledgeable color of Aokiji may have reached the level of predicting the future!It's just that he didn't show it at ordinary times, and it can be seen from his elementalization in advance to avoid Whitebeard's attack in the war on the top.

"Will I let you kill my father if I don't come?"

"Sandstorm!" As soon as Fei Yin landed, the navy of four warships rushed over, Crocodile also rushed down to help, and stopped thousands of marines by himself, including two lieutenant generals.

"It seems that you have brought a helper." Akaken is struggling to speak now, and his whole body is bleeding. Fei Yin wrapped Aokiji with trees, so that his wound would stop bleeding, and Aokiji turned into a man. treant.

"I advise you not to fight me now, and I don't want to kill you." Fei Yin withdrew his sword and fought the dying red dog, which was meaningless.

(End of this chapter)

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