Pirate Wood World

Chapter 96 is about to explode.

Chapter 96 is about to explode.

"In Miss Bonnie's memory, I saw the great strength of the army commander, in all aspects..." Mishak's last aspects...are really meaningful.

"That task... If there is no other way, then it should be handed over to the fifth floor. Finding the dragon horn is probably a long-term task." Fei Yin stood up, and Bonnie finally had the strength to stand up.

"Yes!" The three of them replied at the same time, and then Fei Yin left, and now it was noon, just when dinner was ready, Fei Yin and Bonnie returned to the nineteenth floor, and the food had already been placed in the room.

After the two of them finished their meal, they were free.

"Blu blu blu..."

"Hello." Fei Yin picked up the phone bug.

"It's me, Corazon."

"Corazon, what's the matter?"

"Sengoku resigned as admiral, and the naval hero Karp also left the navy."

"Sengoku and Garp left... what about the Marshal?"

"Sengoku recommends General Aokiji, but there are still many people who support Akainu. I just received information that Akainu and Aokiji are going to fight in Punk Hazard..."

"... "

"Sure enough, I still need to tell you about this matter. You should be very worried about Aokiji, right?"

"Okay, I see, what time is it?"

"Just tomorrow!"

After hanging up the phone, Feiyin sighed, this day has finally come, it is a good opportunity to win over Sengoku, Karp, and Aokiji, the chances of the three of them are very small, but Feiyin still has to try .

"Speaking of which...Father, he lost a leg in the fight with Uncle Red Dog..." This matter is also very troublesome.

"Hey, hey...you are too edible..." Although Bonnie's eating looks improved a lot in front of Fei Yin, she is still very edible.

"That's nothing to do..." Bonnie continued to talk with her mouth full, but there was indeed nothing to do.

"Then I'll find something to do with you!" Feiyin jumped up from the sofa, a wooden wall sealed the elevator, and walked towards Bonnie step by step.

"Hey, hey... at least you have to wait for me to finish eating!" Looking at Fei Yin who was approaching her step by step, Bonnie broke out in a cold sweat, but Fei Yin didn't stop her, and Fei Yin threw her on the bed the next moment .

the next day…

"Why are you going so early..." Fei Yin got up at six o'clock in the morning.

"You will stay in the organization today, I will go to Punk Hazard."

"Are you going..." Fei Yin and Corazon called yesterday, and Bonnie heard it too, so Bonnie naturally knew what Fei Yin was going to do.

"Don't worry, nothing will happen." Fei Yin smiled and left, put down the tree barrier and boarded the elevator. After all, this elevator is a special elevator for SSS class, so it won't bump into other people.

Fei Yin came to the top floor first, "Lao Sha, let's go."

"Yo." Crocodile stood up and followed Fei Yin, and the two got off the elevator together.

"Where are you going?" Crocodile asked Fei Yin after reaching the elevator.

"Come with me to Punk Hazard, where Red Dog and Aokiji are going to fight."

"You don't want to reap the benefits of the fisherman, do you?"

"Well... of course not..." The conversation room has reached the lobby on the first floor, which is still as lively as ever. Seeing Feiyin and Crocodile, they all greeted Feiyin and Crocodile.

Feiyin and Crocodile went to the back of the hall and stood on Cassie's head to the port. After arriving at the port, Nero sent them down.

"Speaking of which, I haven't come down for a long time." Crocodile said after taking a deep breath.

(End of this chapter)

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