Pirate Wood World

Chapter 52 The Golden Treasure Chest.

Chapter 52 The Golden Treasure Chest.

"Only one person in a million can possess the domineering look, which can intimidate the people around him spiritually, and even cause direct physical damage when he reaches a higher level, and only one person can do this, he is called Hong Send, Shanks." Then Fei Yin told Enil about the matter of Shichibukai and the Four Emperors, and the general distribution of power.

When it was about to reach the ground, Feiyin suddenly remembered something, and jumped off the big snake's head, "I'll go in and have a look, if you get to the ground, don't mess around." After explaining to Ainilu, Feiyin walked in The mouth of the serpent.

"Okay, okay." Enilo replied lazily, and simply slowed down the speed of the boat, waiting for Fei Yin to come out.

As for Feiyin who entered the big snake's belly, he saw a bunch of messy things in his stomach, such as stones, trees, everything, and when he walked to the end, Feiyin saw a piece of gold.

"It's quite a lot." Fei Yin smiled, made a wooden ball, and put all the gold into the wooden ball, which was probably the same as the original book, [-] million Berries of gold.

"There seems to be something behind..." Deep in the snake's belly, there is still a distance. It is estimated that there are better things inside, but there is strong gastric juice behind it. This snake can digest even stones. It is estimated that the power of gastric juice Also very strong, right?
"Go in and have a look, wooden ball, armed." But Fei Yin is not afraid, a layer of wooden balls wraps himself, and uses armed domineering, at least it can resist gastric juice for a while.

Four legs grew out from both sides of the wood, like a person hugging Feiyin, walked into the depths of the big snake's belly, after passing through a layer of gastric juice, Feiyin saw a large golden area, which was even bigger than the outside. many.

"I made it!" It seems that the big snake probably swallowed a lot of gold in order to prevent the gold from being taken away!

Feiyin made a wooden ball again, and put gold into the wooden ball one by one. At the end of the throw, Feiyin held a gold box with a lock in his hand, and he didn't know what was in it.

Feiyin simply took the box in her hand first, and happily walked out of the big snake's belly, while Ai Nilu, who was outside, saw three wooden balls coming out of the big snake's mouth, one bigger than the other, and the last one It was so big that it almost got stuck in the big snake's mouth.

"Hey, what are you doing..." Ai Nilu looked at Fei Yin and raised his eyebrows, what the hell is this guy doing.

"This guy's stomach is full of gold." Fei Yin stretched out his hand, and the two wooden balls opened a small opening, revealing a piece of gold, "...I don't even know, how do you know."

"I just know." Feiyin jumped off his "mount", and then the wooden ball disappeared, "I am more concerned about this box." Feiyin wiped off the box with the cloak off on the gastric juice.

Fei Yin pointed his finger at the keyhole, turned it into a piece of wood and inserted it in, and it opened with a single twist, which is really a convenient ability.

After opening the lid, I first saw a fruit inside, a devil fruit!Then Feiyin saw the back of the cover, densely engraved with some ancient characters that Feiyin couldn't understand...

"Eh? It looks like I ate that fruit!" Enilu said after seeing the fruit, yes, this is a natural fruit, and Fei Yin doesn't know what it is.

"After reaching the surface of the sea, first find a port, where there is a small black boat." Fei Yin still decided to go back to the boat to get a cloak before going back.

(End of this chapter)

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