Pirate's endless costume

Chapter 95 The most invisible pirate group

Chapter 95 The most invisible pirate group

In the square, all the navies of the G-1 branch stood in line according to Roy's order.

Under the threat of the huge gully above the square, even the most thorny Caius obediently obeyed Roy's orders.

"Lieutenant General Roy, they have been standing for hours..." Bertus walked to the stands and whispered to Roy.

"Really?" Roy looked at the darkened sky. "Then let's disband first, and continue after dinner."

In this world, even for the most ordinary sailors in the navy, standing for a day is not a problem.

However, Roy doesn't intend to waste all his time here today. After all, changing the mood of the G-1 branch cannot be done in a day or two, not to mention there are more important things to do today.


"Major General Virgo, what are you doing now..." After the training was over, Roy asked Virgo with a smile.

"I'm fine now, Lieutenant General Roy, is there anything I need to do?" Virgo, who had already played the role of the navy to the bone, responded calmly.

"It's not a big deal, it's just a crusade against the Long Arm Pirates." Roy said casually, as simple as saying to have a meal.

"Fight against the Long Arm Pirates?! Lieutenant General Roy, hasn't the crusade plan been cancelled?" When Virgo heard Roy's words, he couldn't help but froze for a moment. Virgo had already informed Doflamingo Roy canceled the news of the crusade against Nubukot Island.

"Really? Did I say that before?" Roy said, shaking his head. "Then even if I change my mind now, after all, I was pissed off by those guys today? Major General Virgo..."

"No, no problem, Lieutenant General Roy." A cold light flashed through Virgo's eyes under the sunglasses. "Then, Lieutenant General Roy, shall I summon Kaius and the others now?"

"No, I've already arranged for Bertus to go, and we should have all assembled by now, so let's get ready to go now." Roy stretched his waist and looked at Virgo.

"Yes, Lieutenant General Roy." Virgo could only give up his plan to pass the news to Doflamingo, and followed Roy's footsteps with a gloomy face.

If it wasn't for the fact that Roy just came to the G-1 branch, and Roy told himself about the crusade against the Long Arm Pirates twice in a row.

Virgo even wondered if Roy knew of his undercover identity.


"Lieutenant General Roy, we have reached Nubukte Island." Bertus pushed open the door of Roy's room.

"Has it arrived yet?" Roy stretched his waist and took the big fur beside him casually. "Let's go, then, and remember my words."

"Yes, Lieutenant General Roy." Bertus replied respectfully, although Bertus didn't know why Roy said that before, but Bertus, who had already bet everything on Roy, gave Roy's order Nature is unconditional obedience.

Under the dark night, only sporadic lights can be seen on Nubukot Island.

"You guys wait here, I'll be enough for the Long Arm Pirates alone." After Roy finished speaking, he flew towards Nubukte Island on moon steps.

"Commander Bertus, is it okay for Lieutenant General Roy to deal with the Long Arm Pirates alone?" Virgo asked Bertus as Roy's figure disappeared into the night.

"Don't worry, Major General Virgo, Lieutenant General Roy is basically responsible for every crusade against pirates." Bertus looked at Virgo thoughtfully.

"As expected of Lieutenant General Roy, known as the Demon Saber..." Virgo's mouth curved slightly.

Since Roy took the initiative to send such a good opportunity to his door, how could he miss it?
Although Roy's performance in the G-1 branch was indeed terrifying, it didn't mean that Virgo would be afraid of Roy.

"Brigadier General Bertus, although Lieutenant General Roy is very powerful, it is still too risky for Lieutenant General Roy to deal with the Long Arm Pirates alone." Virgo took out his weapon. "Although my strength is far inferior to Lieutenant General Roy, I can still provide some help to Lieutenant General Roy."

"This..." Bertus looked hesitantly at Claudio and the others before speaking according to Roy's order. "Then I will leave it to Major General Virgo."

"Leave it to me. After all, I am the deputy base chief of the G-1 branch." After finishing speaking, Virgo stepped on the moon, left the deck in an instant, and flew to Nubukte Island.


The night wind blew across Nubukte Island, and Virgo, who had just set foot on Nubukte Island, could already smell the strong smell of blood in the wind...

"As expected of a navy mad dog..." Virgo said coldly, stepping over dozens of pirate corpses on the ground.

Virgo didn't expect to be able to block Roy by relying on these minions. In Virgo's opinion, among the Long Arm Pirates, the only one who can block Roy is Long Arm Bayev, the captain of the Long Arm Pirates.

The more he went to the interior of Nubukte Island, the more and more dead pirates there were on the ground, and Virgo's face became more and more gloomy.

Although these pirates are not even considered as external members of the Don Quixote family, the munitions base on Nubukte Island still needs to be maintained by these guys.

If all the Long Arm Pirates die here, then the arms base on Nubukte Island will also be abolished.

"Admiral Virgo, why are you here too? Did something happen on the ship?" The Long Arm Pirates' station was already filled with densely packed corpses of pirates. Roy, who was sitting on the pile of corpses, turned towards Virgo. He showed a smile, and the navy fur on his body was already red with blood.

The body of a long-armed pirate was nailed to Roy's side by the third generation of ghosts.

This pirate is the captain of the Long Arm Pirates, Long Arm Bayev with a bounty of [-] Bailey.

The first time he met Bayev, Roy launched an Alpha raid. Before Bayev could react, he was directly pierced through the heart by the third ghost, and died in Roy's hands just face to face.

"I'm worried about Lieutenant General Roy, so let's take a look." Looking at Roy's smile, Virgo felt a sense of crisis inexplicably. "However, it seems that I was worrying too much. The mere Long Arm Pirates are no match for Lieutenant General Roy..."

It was only a while before he and Roy entered Nubuket Island, and in such a short time, Roy eliminated everyone in the Long Arm Pirates, including Bayev.

It can be seen from this that the incident in the G-1 branch was far from Roy's strength. With Roy's current strength, Virgo decisively gave up his plan to attack Roy.

"Really?" Roy stood up slowly, looking at Virgo meaningfully. "Since the Long Arm Pirates are not my opponents, let's change to another opponent, Major General Virgo, what do you think of the top cadre of the Shichibu Kaido Flamingo's family?!"

 Why was Roy able to kill Bayev in such a short time? Because Roy is the protagonist! Well, no kidding, even if Roy was pierced through the heart, he would die instantly, semi-digitized, not completely digitized.That's why I said before that Alpha Strike is the strongest skill. You can refer to the Flying God Thunder of the Fourth Hokage, Namikaze Gate, so I planned to cut it off, but it doesn't matter. Everything I wrote before is invincible...

(End of this chapter)

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