Pirate's endless costume

Chapter 76 Max's Invitation

Chapter 76 Max's Invitation

Dead Leaf Island, an ordinary island on the great route.

However, the recent ordinary town has also become extraordinary. A large number of bounty hunters, pirates, and revolutionary troops flocked to this small island.

This is all because of the bounty of 900 million Bailey, the devil's son, Nico Robin, who appeared on this island.


"Mr. Navy..." Robin lying on the bed in a nightgown stared at Roy.

"Don't call me Mr. Navy, I am now the bounty hunter Archimedes." Roy frowned slightly, and directly interrupted Robin.

If he wanted to kill Spandam, Roy naturally couldn't use his original identity. The gray profession of bounty hunter was naturally the best way to cover up.

"Yes, Mr. Archimedes." Robin didn't care about Roy's expression at all.

Through this period of contact, Robin discovered that Roy is not a difficult guy to get along with, or that Roy is not a navy that simply obeys the orders of the world government. Roy feels more like Sauro, Qing Like a pheasant.

"Then Mr. Archimedes, aren't you afraid that my identity will attract the navy?" Robin sat up with a smile, and his graceful figure was completely exposed to Roy's eyes. "If the navy appears, I'm afraid Mr. Archimedes, your plan will fail?!"

According to Roy's actions during this period, Robin has also guessed that Roy wants to attract a certain existence through himself, and his identity can only attract the world government.

"The navy won't focus on a guy with a bounty of only 900 million, even if she is the child of the devil." Roy never thought that his plan could be hidden from Robin.

However, Roy is not worried about attracting the navy at all. After all, Dead Leaf Island belongs to a small island in the waters guarded by the G-4 branch. If the navy wants to track down Nicole Robin's whereabouts, they will naturally not bypass it. Own.

But from the beginning to the end, Roy never received any order from the Navy headquarters to hunt down Robin.

Robin is indeed the only survivor of O'Hara, the holy land of archaeologists destroyed by the navy, but after the death of Dr. Croba, the 100-year archaeologists who really knew the blank.

The world government didn't care about the orphan Nicole Robin at all, not just Robin, if it weren't for the archaeologists in O'Hara who insisted on touching the bottom line of the world government, the world government wouldn't bother to pay attention to her. Halla these so-called archaeologists.

If the world government was really worried about Nicole Robin, the world government would have already sent CP0 to hunt down Nicole Robin, how could the navy give Nicole Robin a reward of 900 million Baileys, There is no other action.

Not only the World Government, but even the Navy Headquarters did not take Nicole Robin seriously. Apart from the Revolutionary Army, the only ones who really want to find Robin are the World Government officials who want to please the Five Old Stars. .

The chief of CP9, Spandam, is such a person. Roy believes that Spandam will never give up this opportunity to praise the world government.

"Then, Mr. Archimedes, would you like me to go out with you?" Robin said, playing with his fingers, pointing to everything.

"No need, I'll send you away after my affairs here are settled..." Roy said as he put on a helmet he bought randomly in Fallen Leaf Town.

Judging from Usopp, who was offered a bounty by the navy in the original book and who was aliased as the Sniper King, Roy wanted to hide his victory and defeat, and this sealed helmet was enough.

"Are you really ruthless?" Robin watched Roy leave with his beautiful eyes, and took the books beside him casually.

During the conversation with Roy in the past few days, Robin also understood a truth, in this world, being weak is the original sin.


"Blue, blue." After scanning the surrounding environment domineeringly and confirming that there is no one else around him, Roy connected to the phone bug.

"Lieutenant General Roy." Claudio's voice came out impatiently.

"What's the matter? Claudio." Roy said lightly. After the news that Nicole Robin appeared on Dead Leaf Island, Roy had received Claudio's call more than once.

"About Dead Leaf Island..."

"Don't worry, after dealing with Alabasta, I will go to Dead Leaf Island myself." Roy interrupted Claudio lightly.

"Yes, Lieutenant General Roy, do you need to send a group of people from the G-4 division..."

"No need, I'm just a devil's son. Your main task is to ensure the safety of other islands. For Dead Leaf Island, I alone will be enough."

"Yes, Lieutenant General Roy."

After explaining to Claudio about the G-4 branch, Roy hung up the phone bug and strode towards the tavern on Dead Leaf Island.


"Boss, I'm bringing you a barrel of wine."

"Hurry up, boss, where's Lao Tzu's wine?!"

The originally noisy tavern fell silent when Roy opened the door. The guests in the tavern, like frightened children, avoided Roy's sight.

Roy's eyes swept over these low-level guys, and he ignored the low-level stuff, walked to the bar and sat down on his own.

"a glass of wine."

"Yes, Mr. Iron Mask, the wine you want." The bar owner quickly served Roy a glass of ale.

After Roy disguised himself as the bounty hunter Archimedes and killed several groups of eyeless pirates on Dead Leaf Island, Roy became the most unprovoked existence on Dead Leaf Island.

"Tie Mian, you don't drink, you're really wasting the wine here." On the bar, a short man in a suit joked to Roy.

Rez Max, the legendary super gambler, is also a member of the Revolutionary Army.Obviously, the reason why Max appeared on Dead Leaf Island was also because he had his eye on Robin.

"If you want, this glass of wine is for you." Roy didn't care about Max's teasing, and pushed the wine glass in front of Max in front of him.

For the Revolutionary Army, Roy didn't have a good impression, nor did he have any bad feelings.

However, Roy is completely unsightly about the revolutionary army's attempt to overthrow the rule of the world government. Not to mention the world government, the navy headquarters alone is not an existence that the revolutionary army can fight against.

"Then, thank you so much, Iron Face." Max smiled and took the drink that Roy handed over.

"What a good wine." Max asked Roy while intoxicatedly smelling the wine in the glass. "Tie Mian, regarding what I said before, are you interested in joining us?"

After witnessing Roy eliminate the strength shown by those gangs of trouble-seeking pirates, Max focused on Roy. After all, the strength of the Revolutionary Army is too weak, and everyone is needed everywhere.

After a few days of contact, Max, who learned of Roy's fabricated past, finally extended an invitation to Roy.

 Robin’s hole, not to mention me, even Oda himself can’t fill it. The world government is so strong, can’t catch a Robin? Explain otherwise.Then there is a paradox here. Since the world government is so powerful, why are they afraid that the navy’s tail will be too big? O’Hara is purely those archaeologists who died, curiosity killed the cat, and they are not strong enough, so they insist on poking the painful feet of the world government .

(End of this chapter)

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