Pirate's endless costume

Chapter 45 Departure

Chapter 45 Departure
The next morning, after saying goodbye to Bridget and Nami, Roy went to the port of Marlin Fandor alone.

A large warship has already stopped there, and some navies are constantly moving various items to this warship, preparing for the departure of the upcoming graduation assessment.

The soldiers of the naval boot camp who participated in this year's graduation assessment either boarded the warship in twos and threes, or gathered around the warship to chat.

Looking at these familiar or unfamiliar faces, Roy walked towards the small group where Kyrgyzstan was in, holding a saber.

"Roy, here." Kyrgyzstan and Asker naturally found Roy, and greeted Roy proactively.

However, Roy's gaze fell more on the beautiful girl with blue shawl hair and a graceful figure beside the Kyrgyz couple.

Roy didn't fall in love with this girl, but recognized the identity of this girl, Ain, who has the ability to regress fruit, is also the top three powerhouses in Roy's naval recruit camp this year.

The age of all things touched by Ian will be reversed by 12 years, and the age of the person touched by it will also be reversed by 12 years, and it may disappear if it is touched many times. This ability is also effective for things other than living things. It's regressing back to where it was 12 years ago.

It is not an exaggeration to say that Ain's ability is against the sky. It can be said that as long as there is Ain's existence, the strongest combat power of the navy can always maintain the strongest state.

When Zefa, Karp, Sengoku, and Crane are all back to their heyday, plus the top three admirals of the navy, unless the four emperors join forces, there will be another force that will be the opponent of the navy.

It never occurred to Roy that the two of them, Kyrgyzstan, would know Ain.

"Roy, I really didn't expect you to be able to defeat Green Pepper, that is the legendary pirate." Asker said excitedly, as if he was the one who defeated Green Pepper.

"It's just luck." Roy responded lightly.

Although he relied on his speed before to maintain his undefeated situation, but if he played against Qingjiao again, Roy has more than five levels of confidence in defeating Qingjiao.

For the graduation assessment this time, Roy spent all his essence and gold coins. After all, Zefa had already said that the three main players of the execution pirates were left to himself to solve the problem. The gold coins and gold coins he had accumulated There is no need to keep the essence.

In addition to buying the king's plate armor, Roy also lit up the Starfire Runeblade and God's Steps of the Angel of Justice Kyle.

"If you can defeat the legendary pirate with only luck, then the word legend is too worthless." Hearing Roy's words, Ai En's beautiful eyes stared at Roy closely, obviously for Roy. Yi just said very dissatisfied.

"Haha, Roy, you don't know each other yet. This is Ain. She is a devil fruit capable person. Instructor Zefa also said that Ain's ability is powerful enough to turn the tide of the battle." Kyrgyzs looked at something wrong in front of him. atmosphere, shot to break the deadlock.

"Hi, I'm Roy." Roy also offered to extend his palm.

"I know you, Navy supernova Roy, who is hailed by Mr. Zefa as the future admiral." Ain held Roy's outstretched palm.

Although Ain's voice couldn't hear any fluctuations, Roy could still see his dissatisfaction with him from Ain's eyes.

However, Roy didn't care about it either. After all, there is no first in writing and no second in martial arts. Every student who can make a name for himself in the Navy recruit camp can be said to be the best among the new generation of the Navy.

Without a real fight, it is not so easy to get the approval of this group of heavenly darlings, not to mention that Ain's devil fruit ability is incomparably against the sky.

"A future admiral? I want to be an admiral more than an admiral." Roy said lightly after withdrawing his palm.

"Admiral?! Roy, your dream is really great!" Asker exclaimed. "However, Roy, you can defeat Qingjiao now, maybe you can really become the admiral of the navy in the future."

"A sailor who doesn't want to be an admiral is not a good sailor."

"Only you, Roy, can say that! From my point of view, it would be great to surpass my father and become a lieutenant general of the headquarters." Asker whispered.

The sailor had never thought of becoming an admiral or an admiral, but dreams were just dreams after all.

Asker also understood that if there were no accidents, being able to become a vice admiral with his talent was already the limit.

"Hehe, Admiral of the Navy?! Looks like I heard something amazing?!"

Roy turned his gaze to the direction where the voice came from, and the person who came was Roy's acquaintance, or someone Roy knew in his previous life, smoke fruit ability user, Smoker.

"Smogg, what are you doing here?!" Ain stood up and stopped Smoker.

Regardless of Roy, the strongest in this year's navy are Ain, Smoker, Drake, and Binz.

"Ai En, this place has nothing to do with you. I just heard that Roy who defeated Green Pepper is back. Come and have a look. It's just that Roy who was able to defeat Green Pepper looks no different from ordinary people." Smoker looked into Roy's eyes, eager to try.

As a well-known thorn in this year's naval recruit camp, Smoker would not be intimidated by Roy just because Roy defeated Green Pepper.

"So, Smoker, do you want to try it?" Roy's arm had already been wrapped around the third generation of Guiche. "Natural Devil Fruits are not invincible."

Roy would not give a good face to Smoker who suddenly intervened.

"Hehe, I can't wait for it." Half of Smoker's body has turned into white mist. "I want to try how terrifying the strength of the Navy Supernova who can defeat the legendary pirates is."

The scene of Roy and Smoker's confrontation instantly attracted the attention of a large number of people.

"What are you doing here?!"

A tall figure came around Roy and the others.

"Teacher Zefa." These were the voices of Roy and Ain.

"Instructor Zefa." The fearless Smoker lowered his head the moment he saw Zefa.

"Get ready to go now. If you want to give up taking this graduation assessment, then get the hell out of me and return to the new barracks." Zefa's sharp eyes swept over Roy and the others.

(End of this chapter)

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