Pirate's endless costume

Chapter 27 Swordsmanship talent is 0

Chapter 27 Swordsmanship talent is zero
Three Treasures Navy, Four Treasures Navy...

As the eight-treasure navy became Roy's whetstone one by one, Roy's reputation as a navy supernova gradually spread.

Not only in the West Sea, Roy's information was also sent to the tables of various forces in the dark world of the new world in the first half of the great voyage.

After all, the Kingdom of Flowers has a large number of unscrupulous businessmen from the Great Airline and the New World.

The Eight Treasures Navy of the Country of Flowers is considered a powerful party even if it is placed on the great route, but now Roy can be said to be the leader of the Eight Treasures Navy.


"Roy kid, how does this fist of love taste like?" Karp punched Roy's abdomen hard, and after sending Roy flying, he laughed and said, with joy and surprise in his eyes. Complicated expressions are intertwined.

After entering the West Sea, Karp found that Roy's bottleneck in the naval recruit camp seemed to have disappeared, and he grew at a speed visible to the naked eye every day, even faster than when he was in the naval recruit camp.

In Karp's view, if Roy can continue to grow at this rate, Roy might become the youngest general and the strongest general in the history of the navy.

"Mr. Karp, the strength of your fist today is not as strong as yesterday's?!" Roy looked at Karp in front of him with his eyes shining brightly, his face full of fighting spirit.

Not everyone can enjoy the treatment of being a sparring partner for one of the strongest people in the world. After the undigested extra attributes were added, Roy took the initiative to embark on the road of no return for abuse.

"Really? If that's the case, I won't be polite." Looking at Roy who was alive and well, Garp punched Roy again.

However, this punch was not comparable to the punch just now in terms of strength or speed. Even though Roy had already prepared a good defense, he was still thrown backwards by Garp's punch.

However, since he is now on a warship, Garp still controls his power.

"Come again, Mr. Karp..." Roy, who climbed up from the deck, said excitedly seeing that he had increased his upper limit of HP a little bit. This speed of strengthening visible to the naked eye made Roy
"Then, old man, you're welcome." Garp's fist fell towards Roy like a violent storm.

"Roy kid, today's ingredients are up to you." Looking at Roy who was limp on the ground, Garp put away his fists.

"Yes, Mr. Garp." Roy grinned and responded after using meditation to recover his health.

In the world of One Piece, there are no real continents except the Red Earth Continent.

Many countries are made up of one huge island, or many small islands, and the distance between islands may take several days to reach.

In many cases, even if enough food has been stored, it is still not enough to consume during a long journey.

At this time, hunting sea beasts, giant sea fish and even sea kings in the sea has become the only way to supply food.

On the Garp boat, the task of hunting ingredients was taken by Roy, who wanted to win the first day of the day. After all, even when pirates are emerging in endlessly, the chance of hitting the pirates in the sea is also pitifully small. , not to mention that not all pirates are stunned and dare to take the initiative to attack naval warships.


As Roy carried a huge sea beast in the shape of a calf, the navy chef who had been waiting on the deck for a long time pushed the sea beast into the kitchen expressionlessly.

During this period of time, the naval chefs had already seen Roy catching bigger and bigger prey.

"Roy?! It's time for sword practice." Bogart walked up to Roy with his sword in his arms, and threw a towel to Roy.

After experiencing stone knife cutting meat on Beast Island, Roy thought about practicing swordsmanship.In addition to this reason, the bigger reason is that there are also many skills in Golden Finger and swordsmanship, such as Wuji Sword Master's Wuji Swordsmanship, Happy Orphan's Galeful Wind Endless Breath...

When he returned to the Navy's new barracks, Roy didn't have time to practice swordsmanship due to the relationship between practicing the Six Forms of the Navy and domineering.

However, after getting started with Armed Domineering and Navy Six Styles, Roy was finally able to find time to practice swordsmanship, but before he had time to practice, he was abducted by Karp.

Fortunately, there is a great swordsman on Garp's warship, so Roy's plan to practice swordsmanship can be carried out perfectly.

Garp didn't quite support Roy's idea of ​​practicing swordsmanship. After all, physical skills and arrogance were enough for Roy to practice. It was really unwise to disperse his energy on swordsmanship.

Being able to take any one of physical skills and domineering to the extreme will naturally become the world's top powerhouse, and distributing it to swordsmanship will waste Roy's talent.

However, seeing that Roy only took an hour a day to practice swordsmanship, and at the same time did not relax his domineering and domineering practice, Garp did not object. This could be regarded as a little leisure for Roy after practicing physical arts.

In Garp's view, after all, Roy is still young, as long as he hits his head and bleeds, he will naturally understand.

"Okay, Major General Bogart." Roy wiped his hair. "I'll change and come right away."

"Okay, come find me later." After hearing Roy's words, Bogart turned around and left here without saying a word.


"Continue tomorrow." Bogart looked at Roy in front of him and left without a word.

If Roy's talents in physical skills and arrogance are full, then Roy's talents in swordsmanship can be said to be almost zero.

Although Roy can forcibly slash out the sword qi with his powerful strength, the power of Roy's sword qi is not even as powerful as Roy Lan's slash.

"Sure enough, physical skills are better than swordsmanship." Roy shook the long sword in his hand and sighed helplessly.

"Wuji Sword Art..." Roy also wondered if he could improve his talent in swordsmanship after purchasing the Wuji Sword Master's Wuji Sword Art.

But seeing that there were only three hundred essences left after purchasing the evil little mage, Roy still gave up this idea.

"Essence, besides the first win of the day, what else can you get the essence of?" Roy grabbed his hair, as if trying to capture himself as Saitama-sensei.

The difficulty of obtaining the essence has become the biggest shackle that restrains Roy from becoming stronger. After all, compared with the upper limit of talents provided by equipment, the strengthening given by skills is the most direct.

(End of this chapter)

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