Chapter 23 Three Treasures Navy
After encountering the giant Neptune, there were no accidents in the next journey. Driving at full speed, Garp's warship quickly sailed out of the windless zone and came to the West Sea.

Since Garp took Roy to practice privately this time, Garp replenished himself at the naval base on the way, and then drove towards the Kingdom of Flowers.


As it approached the territory of the Kingdom of Flowers, the number of ships encountered on the sea gradually increased.

Pirate kingdoms like the Kingdom of Flowers, whose main pillar is plunder, have always been a paradise for unscrupulous businessmen in the dark world.

After all, the goods plundered by the Kingdom of Flowers need to be sold, and at the same time purchase the needed ammunition, supplies and other things, all of which can make these unscrupulous merchants gain huge benefits.

With the coming and going of illegal merchant merchant ships, legal merchants and various pirate groups are also emerging in endlessly.

Under such circumstances, there are not a few pirates who collide with Garp's warship.

However, these pirate groups have become Roy's nourishment without exception.


"Mr. Garp, in front of you is Platas Island where the Sanbao Navy of the Kingdom of Flowers is located." Bogart said seriously to Garp.

Roy, who was standing on the deck of the warship, could already see the outline of the island from a distance.

"Haha, is it here so soon?" Garp laughed and said, looking back at Roy. "Roy, are you ready?" "

"Of course, Mr. Garp." Roy said eagerly.

Although the strength of the West Sea Pirates is second only to the North Sea among the four seas, these pirates who have not even entered the great route, and do not even know what domineering is, are really too weak for Roy. Now Roy can't wait to try the weight of the Eight Treasures Navy.

"This is the right way, Bogart. Press me directly." Karp said boldly.

"Yes, Mr. Garp." Bogart turned and left the deck.

As Garp's warship continued to approach, the pirates staying at the pier of Pras Island became panicked instantly.

"Navy, is it the navy?!"

"Damn it, this is not the territory of the Kingdom of Flowers, how could the navy attack the Kingdom of Flowers?!"

"It's over, it's all over?!"

"Where's the Three Treasures Navy?! Isn't this the territory of the Three Treasures Navy?"

Just before Garp's warship arrived at the pier, a figure flashed out from the pier of Pras Island and flew towards Garp's warship.

"It's Master Haijiao, the leader of the Sanbao Navy, Master Haijiao made a move."

"Hahaha, since Master Haijiao made the move, then this group of marines is definitely doomed!"

Seeing Haijiao, the leader of the Sanbao Navy, make a move, the pirates present shouted ecstatically.

In their view, with Haijiao's action, there is only one way for this group of navy that suddenly appeared to be destroyed.

"Haijiao, your old man is still alive?!" Garp looked at the person and said with a big laugh.

Although the Navy has specific information about the Eight Treasures Navy, Karp has never been in the habit of reading information.

"Garp, it's you, old guy?!" Haijiao looked at Garp with a serious face, not only Qingjiao, the leader of the Eight Treasures Navy, but the other leaders of the Eight Treasures Navy, were all severely punished by Garp Pass.

"Is your navy going to disobey the orders of the world government and take action against the Eight Treasures Navy of the Kingdom of Flowers?" Haijiao stared at Garp firmly.

If Garp really wants to disregard the world government and must attack the Sanbao Navy, then no one in Sanbao can escape except for a very few lucky ones.

"The old man didn't come here to make trouble. The person who came to make trouble for you this time is my disciple." Garp patted Roy on the shoulder. "However, my old man said first, if someone from the older generation makes a move, the old man's iron fist will not show mercy."

Garp's body erupted with a powerful aura that was like a god, and pressed towards Haijiao. Feeling Garp's pressure, Haijiao's back couldn't help but feel a chill.

"Your student?!" Hearing Garp's words, Haijiao's eyes fell on Roy. "Garp, since you are going to use our Eight Treasures Navy as your disciple's sharpening stone, and die at the hands of our Eight Treasures Navy, don't regret it."

"Hahaha, you don't need to worry about this old thing, you should worry about your eight-treasure navy first." Garp didn't take Haijiao's words to heart at all.

In Karp's view, Roy would not be afraid of anyone among the new generation of strong men as long as it wasn't for the strong men of the older generation.

"Hmph, then come on, but this is the territory of our Eight Treasures Navy."

"Old man, I don't have any interest in those miscellaneous fish." Karp naturally heard the meaning behind Haijiao's words.

However, Roy felt a bit of pity. After all, in Roy's eyes, these dregs had no value other than becoming nourishment for his own growth.

However, Roy also understands Garp's difficulties. After all, it is the world government, not the navy, that rules the world.

If he kills on the islands of the Kingdom of Flowers, the Kingdom of Flowers can use the World Government to put pressure on the navy. Even with Sengoku and Sora taking care of the old navy, Garp will be in trouble.


Under the watchful eyes of many pirates, Garp took Roy into the garrison of the Sambo Navy.

As for Bogart, he stayed on the warship. For these lawless pirates, enough strength must be left behind.

"Is this the pillar of the Eight Treasures Navy?" Roy looked at the three strong men following behind Haijiao.

"Garp, these three are the pillars of our Sanbao Navy." Haijiao stared at Garp. "Karp, it's too late for you to regret it now, they won't show mercy just because you are a navy."

The three people brought by Haijiao are indeed the strong men of the new generation in the Sanbao Navy, but they are not the true heirs of the Sanbao Navy.

Before finding out Roy's strength, Haijiao would not send out his heir at will.

Haijiao didn't believe that Karp would find the eight-treasure navy of himself and others for the sake of an ordinary disciple.

"Be merciful, I don't need this kind of thing?!" Roy interrupted Hai Jiao coldly. "Mr. Karp, if I don't control and kill these pirates, will you survive?"

"Arrogant brat?!"

"Damn Navy!"

"Little devil, I'm going to tear you to pieces." The three strong men of the Sanbao Navy roared angrily when they heard Roy's words.

"Don't worry, the old man can handle such a small matter." Garp said indifferently.

Qingjiao also defaulted to Garp and Roy's words. If it wasn't a fight to the death, it was for experience. Why did Garp bring Roy to block the door? Couldn't the Navy find someone to accompany them?
 Some Babao sailors are Babao sailors, and some Babao sailors are not Babao sailors. If you know what you know, forget it.

(End of this chapter)

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