Pirate's endless costume

Chapter 197 Waldo

Chapter 197 Waldo

The two figures walked towards Roy and the others side by side.

The owners of these two figures are also Roy's acquaintances, King Cobra and Princess Vivi of Alabasta.

"Your Majesty Cobra, Princess Weiwei..." Roy saluted the two of them.

Roy was overjoyed by the appearance of Cobra. After all, Cobra was one of the few kings who did not discriminate against Murloc Island.

With the help of Cobra, Neptune should not be under too much pressure in the World Alliance Conference this time.

"Lieutenant General Roy, we in Alabasta were really thanks to your care last time..." Just as Roy was planning how to get Cobra and Neptune in touch, Cobra took the lead in talking to Roy said.

Because Roy shattered the Crocodile conspiracy, Cobra's favor for the navy also skyrocketed.

"This is what our navy should do..." Roy responded lightly. "By the way, Your Majesty Cobra, this is His Majesty Neptune, King of the Dragon Palace Kingdom..."

"Your Majesty Neptune of the Dragon Palace Kingdom, we met at the last meeting of the world alliance countries..." Cobra said to Neptune.

"Your Majesty Cobra of Alabasta still remembers this old man..." Neptune laughed and responded to Cobra's words.

Alabasta is one of the largest human kingdoms, and Neptune naturally has concerns about Cobra.

Perhaps because they are both kings, Cobra and Neptune had already chatted before Roy got connected.

"Father, it's true, we are here to thank Lieutenant General Roy..." Wei Wei looked at Cobra who was chatting with Neptune, and pouted.

"Princess Weiwei, this is Princess Baixing from the Dragon Palace Kingdom..." Roy smiled slightly and introduced Baixing to Weiwei.

"Princess Mermaid, you are so beautiful..." Weiwei looked at Bai Xing's appearance and said in amazement.

"What's the matter, Princess Weiwei, you are also very beautiful..." Bai Xing said shyly.

"Don't call me Princess Weiwei, just call me Weiwei, that's what all my friends call me..." When she said this, Weiwei glanced at Roy without leaving a trace.

"Weiwei, then you can just call me Bai Xing..." After Bai Xing said this, his face became puffy.

"Bai Xing, by the way, is the Murloc Island really in the [-]-meter deep sea..." Weiwei asked Bai Xing curiously. Weiwei was also very curious about the Murloc Island.

After finally meeting Bai Xing, Weiwei couldn't suppress her curiosity.

"Well, there are other interesting places on Fishman Island..." Under Weiwei's active lead, Bai Xing also lost his original shyness, and took the initiative to introduce various interesting things about Fishman Island to Weiwei. things up.

"How wonderful? We only have deserts in Alabasta?!" Weiwei sighed.

"Desert?! Is it the same thing as a forest?" Shirahoshi's eyes radiated a different light...

Shirahoshi was very curious about everything on land.

"Deserts and forests are not the same thing..." Weiwei grinned, and now Weiwei has more and more affection for this innocent sister.

Roy and Garp were silently protecting Cobra from the side.


Just when the four of Cobra were talking happily, a rather inappropriate voice sounded.

"Who did I think it was? It turns out that you, Cobra, you, after all, besides you, I can't think of another guy who would chat with fish..." Walpo, with two subordinates, said disdainfully. Looking at Cobra.

In the previous meeting of the world's franchise countries, after being brushed off by Cobra, Valpo hated Cobra.

If it weren't for the fact that the strengths of the Gouz Kingdom and Alabasta were too far apart, maybe Walpo would have taken the initiative to start a war between the two countries.

Hearing Walpo's words, Neptune's face darkened in an instant. Walpo's words were undoubtedly cursing by pointing at Neptune's nose.

But for the sake of Fishman Island, Neptune forcibly endured it.

"Who did I think it was? It turns out that you are a rude guy..." Before Cobra and Neptune finished speaking, Vivi first said to Valpo.

Wei Wei, who already regarded Bai Xing as her younger sister, would not let someone like Walpo bully her younger sister.

"Princess Weiwei, it seems that I haven't taught you enough lessons..." Walpo didn't pay attention to Weiwei. He stretched out his palm and threw it towards Weiwei's face without a trace. The gesture a king should have.

Compared to the king, Waldo is even more of a rogue. If it weren't for the fact that the Kingdom of Guzi only had two princes, and the first prince was worse than Walpo, the throne of the Kingdom of Guzi would not have fallen to Walpo.

"Bastard..." Cobra stared angrily at the scene in front of him. Cobra never thought that Waldor would attack his daughter.

"It hurts, it hurts, it hurts, let me go quickly, your navy dares to attack me as a king, let me go quickly, otherwise, I will definitely tell that guy in the Warring States period to let him punish you... ..." Walpo, whose arm was pinched by Roy, yelled in pain, not even forgetting Roy who was threatening.

"Lieutenant General Roy..." Weiwei looked at Roy who shot, and her body softened involuntarily.

"Bastard, don't let His Majesty Valdo go quickly..." Roy, who followed Valpo, Jess and Cromarimondo, yelled angrily. Save Waldo.

"Shut up..." The murderous intent on Roy's body suddenly exploded, and he pressed towards Cromarimondo and the two, directly crushing Cromarimondo and Jess to the ground.

Although Roy's killing intent was not aimed at Valdo, Valdo was worse than the two of Cromarimundo, and Roy could even smell the peculiar smell of Waldo.

"Waldo, you dare to attack my daughter? Do you think our Alabasta kingdom is afraid of your mere kingdom of Guzi..." Cobra hugged Wei Wei and yelled at Waldo.

In the previous World Conference, Valdo had already attacked Vivi once, and now Valdo's actions really angered Cobra.

Cobra swears, if Valdor doesn't give himself an explanation this time, then the war will start soon.

"Woooooo..." Valdo, who was frightened by Roy's killing intent, could only make an incomprehensible sound, and he didn't even have the strength to answer Cobra's words.

"Roy, let him go. After all, he is a guest who came to participate in this world government conference..." Garp said to Roy.

Although Garp didn't like Waldo, the navy couldn't take the initiative to attack a king anyway.

"Yes, Mr. Karp..." Roy withdrew his killing intent while letting go of Waldo's arm.

"Garp, Garp, this guy dared to shoot at me, hurry up and catch him..." Maybe it was because of Garp, or because Roy stopped, Waldo didn't know where the courage came from, He actually wanted Garp to attack Roy.

Although after Roy defeated Whitebeard, Roy's reputation spread throughout the sea, but the world is so big, there are always some places that don't have internet access.

And Waldo was one of the few people who didn't know Roy.

"Catch him?! Just because of trash like you?" Garp looked at Waldo as if he was looking at a fool.

"Trash? How dare you call me trash?! Garp, do you know what you're talking about? I'm the king of the Kingdom of Gouz..." Waldo, who was already in a state of panic, had already started talking nonsense. Putu threatened together.

"Your Majesty Valdo, this is not a place for trouble..." Cromarimondo and Jess, who had regained their senses, saw the scene of Valdo pointing at Karp's nose and yelling at Garp. They were frightened and rushed up to hug him. Waldo's thigh, persuasively said.

Compared with Waldo, whether it is Cromalimondo or Jess, both of them have online IQs.

What is the difference between offending Karp and offending the navy? You must know that the national strength of the Kingdom of Gouz is not even half that of Alabasta, let alone compared with the navy.

"Let go of me, Cromarimondo, Jess, do you two want to rebel?" Waldo struggled and shouted.

Looking at the extremely iron-headed Waldo, Cromarimundo could only hold the idea that it would be better to be liquidated by Waldo afterwards than to bury the Kingdom of Gouz, and abruptly pulled Waldo away.

"If this guy stays here, the old man won't hold back..." Karp looked at Waldo who was dragged away who was swearing, and snorted coldly.

"Lieutenant General Roy, this time is really thanks to you. If Valdo dares to criticize the Navy at the World Government Conference, I will leave this matter to me..." Cobra thanked Roy .

"Your Majesty Cobra, where is it..." Roy smiled lightly.

Roy would not put Valdo in his eyes, even if Waldo had the status of a king.

"Your Majesty Neptune, that guy Waldo is just a rare example among the kings of the human kingdom. Most of the human kingdoms in the branch are kind to the murlocs. If His Majesty Neptune doesn't mind, I will You can introduce some friends to His Majesty Neptune..." After thanking Roy, Cobra turned back to Neptune and said.

The kings who can be regarded as friends by Cobra are all quite wise kings.

What Waldo said just now fully reflected the greatest malice that humans have towards the murlocs, but what Cobra wanted to say was that more human kingdoms had good intentions towards the murlocs.

That's why Cobra wanted to introduce his friend to Neptune.

"Your Majesty Cobra, don't worry about this matter. After all, this matter has nothing to do with you, Your Majesty Cobra..." Neptune said seriously. "And I think the same as you, His Majesty Cobra, I also believe that the vast majority of humans have good intentions towards our murlocs..."

Hearing Neptune's words, Cobra did not sigh. Neptune is worthy of the name of a real king.


After escorting the four of Neptune to the rest point of the World Government Conference, Roy and Garp said goodbye to the four of Neptune and headed to the area where the navy was stationed.

As mentioned before, Cobra took Neptune to meet his friends, while Vivi and Shirahoshi got together.


"Mr. Karp..."

"Roy, I really didn't expect you to come too..." Roy saw more than one acquaintance when he just arrived at the rest area of ​​the navy.

"This sentence, I should be the one who said it! Smoker, it seems that there are still not enough manpower in the navy. The Marshal of the Warring States actually transferred you here. Isn't the Warring States afraid of you destroying the world this time? The meeting of the franchise countries..." Roy said mercilessly.

"Well, do you think I want to come here? This is an order from Marshal Warring States." Smoker slowly exhaled a mouthful of white mist. "After all, staying here to protect these kings, I would rather hunt down pirates at sea..."

"Okay, Smoker, if you say that again, Tina will be angry..." Tina looked at Smoker and said dissatisfied.

"Mr. Garp, Roy, let's go in first, it's up to you now..." Tina said to Garp and Roy.

"Hahaha, don't chat here, you two brats, I'm already hungry..." Garp walked into the room with Roy in his left hand and Smoker in his right hand. . "Tina, come in quickly too..."

"Yes, Mr. Garp..." Tina quickly followed Garp's footsteps.

After entering the room, there are more familiar faces inside, such as Aokiji, Flying Squirrel, Huoshaoshan, Ace... To put it bluntly, the lineup in this room alone, even if it is a battle with the Four Emperor Pirates A must-win lineup.

"Mr. Garp..." As Garp entered, the navy in the room basically stood up and greeted Garp.

The reason why it is said to be basic is because a guy has already fallen asleep.

"Bastard kid, grandpa is here, why don't you take the initiative to say hello?" Garp didn't immediately return the greetings from Aokiji and others. After releasing Roy and Smoker, he squeezed his fist and punched Ai on his head.

"Old man, what are you doing?!" Ace, who was punched into the soup by Garp, looked at Garp with disbelief.

"Of course you're teaching some brat who doesn't know how to respect his elders?" Karp clenched his fists. "Ace, looking at you, you seem very unconvinced..."

As Garp's voice fell, Ace's screams sounded in the room.

Garp didn't have any notion that family ugliness should not be publicized at all, so he directly cleaned up Ace in front of Roy, Aokiji and others.

Roy and the others looked at each other and watched Karp teach Ace a lesson.

Let's not talk about Garp's seniority, just the grandfather teaching the grandson, how can he and others intervene in this kind of thing.

(End of this chapter)

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