Pirate's endless costume

Chapter 189 Mutation

Chapter 189 Mutation
Fishman Island, in Dragon Palace City.

As the guards of Murloc Island kept bumping and running, the entire Dragon Palace City seemed a little chaotic.

"What's going on outside?!" Roy who pushed open the door stopped a Dragon Palace guard and asked.

"Lieutenant General Roy, there are human pirates invading Murloc Island..." The guards of Murloc Island would not hide anything from Roy, a distinguished guest of Murloc Island. .

After all, Neptune had specifically confessed that Roy was the highest-ranked VIP on Murloc Island.

"Human pirates..." Roy responded lightly. "If this is the case, let us also contribute..."

"That's really great, Lieutenant General Roy, please come with me..." The fishman island guard showed a joyful expression when he heard Roy's words.

These Fishman Island soldiers also knew that Roy defeated Whitebeard. Since Roy made the move, these pirates were nothing at all.


"Jinbe, even though you are the king of the Qibukai, it is impossible for you alone to stop us..." Several pirates and Jinbe confronted each other on the pier of Fishman Island.

"As long as you hand over twenty female mermaids, we will leave Murloc Island immediately..." The eyes of the leading pirate showed a strange gleam.

If Jinbe agrees to hand over the female murlocs he needs, he doesn't mind leaving Murloc Island first. After all, it would be best if he could get female mermaids without fighting.

However, even if Jinbei agrees to hand over these female mermaids, these pirates will not be satisfied. After buying those female mermaids, they will still focus on Murloc Island again.

"Hand over the female mermaid, how dare you say that..." Jinbe growled angrily.

Jinbe knows the greed of these pirates, even if Murloc Island does what these pirates say, these human pirates will not be satisfied.

What's more, Fishman Island doesn't have the habit of betraying compatriots...

"If that's the case, then we won't be polite. If Jinbei is killed, the Fishman Island will belong to us..." The headed pirate showed a fierce look in his eyes.

It is naturally the best thing to be able to directly get a female mermaid, but if Jinping disagrees with his deal, then he and others will not be polite.

He waited for someone to come to Murloc Island, not to return empty-handed.

"Shawa Zhengquan..." Jinbe's footsteps suddenly slammed into a tower, and there was a huge bang, and a deep hole was directly stepped on the ground by Jinbe.

Jinbei's iron fist spewed out directly towards these pirates with a huge howling wind.

"Let's go together..." The leading pirate let out a roar, and was the first to meet Jinbe's attack.

They also know that Jinping's strength is not something they can fight against alone, but it will be different when they join forces with others.

After the other pirate captains glanced at each other, the armed domineering also wrapped their weapons in an instant, and rushed towards Jinbei with an iron fist.

Those pirates who were able to keep an eye on Murloc Island would naturally not be too weak.

With the roar of metal collisions, the leading pirate was directly blasted out by Jinbei's Shawa fist.

Although Jinbei repelled the pirate, other pirates also took advantage of this gap and came to Jinbei.

All kinds of weapons bombarded Jinbe's body. Although Jinbe had been covered with armed domineering in time, the pain from the hit part was still transmitted directly to Jinbe's mind.

"Damn..." There was a troubled expression on Jinbei's face.

Although the strength of these pirates alone is not as good as their own, but when these pirates join hands, it is not so easy for Jinbei to want those pirates.

As for the other Murloc Island guards, the members of the Sun Pirates, they have already fought with these pirates' subordinates, so they can't be counted on for the time being.

"Lanjiao, rhinoceros horn..."

Just when Jinbe was in a hard fight, a powerful impact directly knocked out the few pirates who were closest to Jinbe.

"Jinbei, it seems that you need help..." Bertus, who arrived with Roy, instantly entered a half-beast state, with thick hair growing on his body, two sharp rhino horns standing upright, and his body exuded There is a tyrannical breath, just like a Russian evil spirit.

Like a chariot, Bertus rammed straight towards the pirates.

The huge body of a domineering animal covered with armed colors exudes a powerful oppressive force.

"Armed, rhino horn bump..." Bertus roared, and every time his huge body stepped down, he stepped on the ground to create huge cracks.

The impact of the huge body coupled with the sharp horn easily penetrated one of the pirates' chests.

With a shake of his head, the pirate was thrown out, and his body fell heavily on the depressed ground, and he was lifeless in an instant.

"Damn it, why did the navy appear here..." The leader of the pirates looked at Bertus who appeared in vain, and a trace of fear flashed in his eyes.

Not only because of Bertus who killed a pirate with one blow, but also because of Roy.

"Retreat, retreat quickly..." After seeing the appearance of Roy and the other two, these pirates had long since lost the desire to fight, and ran out in a frenzied manner, but when the coating of their ships entered the fishman island, They have long since disappeared, so where can they escape to?

"Since you're here, you don't need to leave..." The third ghost suddenly appeared in Roy's hands, and the armed domineering instantly wrapped the blade of the third ghost.

"A flow, piercing the sea... The sword light is scattered, and the sword blade of Sandai Guiche cuts through the air quickly, forming a huge sword energy in an instant, bringing up a monstrous wave of air, and roaring towards these pirates.

Although Roy didn't use any skills, these miscellaneous fish couldn't make Roy use his abilities.

If it weren't for the devil fruit ability users among these pirates, Roy would not be bothered to make a move. After all, with Bertus and Jinpei, these miscellaneous fish are destined not to cause any storms.

The air flow surged, and the pirates were instantly cut in two by Roy's sword energy.

The murloc guards and members of the Sun Pirates on the battlefield froze at the scene in front of them.

Although many of them saw the scene of Roy and Whitebeard fighting through the projection phone bug, the scene where Roy made a move was far less terrifying than the battle of Marlin Vandor at the Great Tomb.

But who made Jinbe fall into a hard fight and Roy's understatement of the attack is in stark contrast.


"Lieutenant General Roy, Lieutenant General Bertus, this time, thank you for arriving in time..." Jinbe strode towards Roy and said gratefully.

Although even if Roy and the others don't make a move, Jinbe can still take down these pirates, but if this is the case, the casualties of the Murman Island guards or the members of the Sun Pirates will not be as they are now, only a few people have suffered a little bit. minor injury.

"This is what we should do..." Roy said lightly after retracting the three generations of ghosts from the scabbard. "Compared to this, Jinbei, you should hang the flag of the navy here first. With the flag of the navy, I don't think there will be any attention to Murloc Island with these unsightly pirates..."

"Is this really good? Will this..." Jinbei said hesitantly.

Although Jinpingo had thought about hoisting the navy's flag directly, but considering that there were still two days before Neptune's announcement to the Murloc Island, Jinbei still didn't take the initiative to hoist the navy's seagull flag.

"It's nothing, it's just a few days earlier..." Roy said to Jinbe. "Jinbe, Bertus and I are going to take a stroll in the fish-man island, so we won't bother you..."

"If that's the case... Makulo, why don't you accompany Lieutenant General Roy and the others to stroll around Murloc Island..." Jinbe turned his head and said to Makulo.

Although with the strength of the two of Roy, there would be no trouble at all in Fishman Island.

But soon it was time for the Murloc Island and the Navy to form an alliance. In order to avoid accidents and leave a good impression on Roy, Jinbe still sent Makulo.

"Yes, Boss Jinbe..." Makulo immediately walked out of the crowd after receiving Jinbe's order.

"Lieutenant General Roy, let us take you with us next..."

"Hmm..." Roy nodded and said, Roy naturally guessed why Jinbe arranged for Makulo.

"Huh, Jinbe, I understand why you bet the Murloc Island on the navy." Aladdin said to Jinbe with a complicated expression.

"Well, maybe the residents of Murloc Island can also bathe in the sun, instead of just being in the deep sea..." Jinbe sighed while looking at the deep sea.


After the seagull flag of the Shanghai Navy was hoisted on Fishman Island, the pirates quickly turned around and left after seeing the seagull flag.

This is true whether it is a pirate who wants to attack Murloc Island, or a pirate who simply wants to go to the new world via Murloc Island.

After the Navy defeated the Whitebeard Pirates, none of the pirates dared to challenge the Navy at this time.

Two days, fleeting.Soon came the time for Neptune to announce the alliance between Murloc Island and the Navy.

In the square of Fishman Island, the residents of Fishman Island have gathered here for a long time.

Due to the propaganda of the guards of Dragon Palace City and the members of the Sun Pirates, the residents of Murloc Island have already prepared for what Neptune is going to announce...

"People of Fishman Island, I have gathered you here today. I have something to announce to you. Today is the alliance between our Fishman Island and the Navy..." Finally, under the gazes of the residents of Fishman Island, Next, Neptune and Roy slowly climbed onto the high platform in the light field.

"Wait a minute, King Neptune..." Just as Neptune announced, a discordant voice came from the crowd.

"Hoddy Jones?!"

As a figure pushed through the crowd and came out, the faces of Jinbe and Neptune instantly became ugly.

The difference is that Neptune was worried that this matter would affect the Navy and the Fishman Island Alliance, while Jinbe recognized Hody Jones, a junior.

"These humans are not reliable at all. Your Majesty Neptune, have you forgotten that Princess Otohime died at the hands of humans?" Hody Jones' voice suddenly became high.

Following Hody Jones' words, the residents of Murloc Island fell silent for an instant. They also thought of the lovely princess who had worked hard to think that humans and Murlocs could coexist peacefully, but died in the hands of humans in the end.

Seeing this scene, Hody Jones showed a grim smile on his face.

Princess Otohime actually died at the hands of Hody Jones, but the residents of Murloc Island would not know about it, so this does not affect Hody Jones' use of Princess Otohime to destroy Murloc Island and the navy. The alliance thing.

"Hody Jones, what do you want to do..." Jinbe glared at Hody Jones with his hands clasped.

"What do I want?" Hody Jones looked at Jinbei disdainfully. "I just want to lead Murloc Island to the right path. Murlocs are the noblest race, and we need the help of lowly races like humans..."

"The Neptunes are not worthy of being the royal family of Murloc Island at all. He will only lead Murloc Island into the abyss. It is ridiculous for the royal clan to take the lead in becoming a navy..." Hody Jones suddenly raised his arm. "The hatred of the murloc clan will not disappear, let me correct the mistakes of the murloc island now!"

As Hody Jones finished speaking, a series of screams erupted from the crowd, and the new Murloc pirates lurking in the crowd launched attacks on the guards of Murloc Island and the Sun Pirates.

"Hody Jones..." Jinbe launched an attack on Jinbe with his eyes tearing open.

"Jinbe, you're old, and now Murloc Island is our new Murloc Pirates..." Even now, Hody Jones is no longer hiding his ambition.

But before taking the medicine, Hody Jones was far from being Shiping's opponent. Just after the fight, Hody Jones and others fell into a disadvantage.

After Jinbe shot, Shaxing, Huangxing, Crashing Star, Aladdin and others also launched attacks on Jieou, Doss and others.

Following Jinping's attack, the residents of Fishman Island in the square dispersed.


"Lieutenant General Roy, please believe in the sincerity of our Murloc Island. We sincerely want to form an alliance with the Navy..." On the high platform, Neptune quickly explained to Roy, I'm afraid Roy will be dissatisfied because of Hody Jones' matter, which will cause the matter between Fishman Island and the Navy Alliance to break down.

"Don't worry, Your Majesty Neptune." Roy smiled slightly, and Roy didn't care about such a small role as Hody Jones at all. "Our navy believes in Your Majesty Neptune's sincerity, and will not cancel the cooperation with Murloc Island just because of such a trivial matter..."

Hearing Roy's words, Neptune's uneasy heart was relieved.

However, the confrontation between Jinping and the new Murloc Pirates was reversed in an instant.

(End of this chapter)

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