Chapter 183

In the four seas, the first half of the great route, and the new world, countless people are watching the pinnacle battle between the Navy Headquarters and the Whitebeard Pirates through projection phones.

Among Marlin Vandor, Enel, who turned into Thor, suppressed Marco, Joz, and Skuad of the Whitebeard Pirates... The main combat power of these Whitebeard Pirates was also defeated by Momotu , Tea Dolphin and other lieutenant generals of the Navy Headquarters were firmly nailed in place.

The two most eye-catching figures in the battlefield of Marin Vanduo are still fighting non-stop. Although the battle between Roy and Whitebeard is still anxious, the decline of Whitebeard is clearly visible. Roy has already gained the upper hand due to the strong recovery ability he brought.

"In this battle, the Whitebeard Pirates are going to lose..." Among Baldigo, Dorag, who was watching the battle, said solemnly.

When Whitebeard couldn't take Roy down, the outcome of this war was already doomed.

You must know that the navy has not invested all its combat power so far. Whether it is Garp, Sengoku or Akainu, once they join this war, they are enough to completely crush the Whitebeard Pirates.

They don't even need to make a move, as long as Roy can defeat Whitebeard.

"Once the Whitebeard Pirates fail, the Navy will definitely take action against the remaining three Four Emperors... At that time, where will this world go..." Drago's face became extremely solemn.

It was after seeing the darkness of the world government that Drago defected from the navy and established the Revolutionary Army.

Although the original intention of the establishment of the Revolutionary Army was to overthrow the corrupt rule of the World Government, the Navy is a hurdle that the Revolutionary Army cannot pass through if they want to overthrow the rule of the World Government.

It is because of the existence of the four emperors that the world government cannot use the power of the navy to target the revolutionary army, but once the four emperors are all destroyed, then what should the revolutionary army do.

"Dorag..." Ivankov, who was wearing heavy makeup, worried about Drago.

As a good friend of Drago and the founding elder of the Revolutionary Army, Ivankov understands the tremendous pressure that Drago has been under these years.

It can be said that the Revolutionary Army was carried forward by Drago on his own.

"Boss..." Sabo, who was wearing a top hat and holding a water pipe, agreed and said worriedly.

But when Sabo glanced at the figure of flame that flashed across the screen on the projection phone bug, Sabo suddenly let out a scream.

"Sabo, what happened..." Looking at Sabo who was about to pass out, Drago was not even in the mood to continue watching the battle between the Whitebeard Pirates and the navy.

Sabo is the successor of his career chosen by Drago. In the eyes of Drago, nothing is more important than Sabo's.

"Ace, it's Ace..." Sabo's face was filled with smiles and tears.

"What Ace?!" Ivankov asked puzzled. "Are you okay? Sabo..."

"Ace, my sworn brother, I remember everything..." Sabo only stared at the screen projected on the phone bug, trying to find Ace again.

However, Sabo searched for a long time, but there was no sign of Ace in the video. After all, compared with the battle between Roy and Whitebeard, it was the focus of this battle.

"Sorry, chief, for worrying you..." Sabo said to Drago apologetically. "All my lost memories have been recovered..."

"Really? If that's the case..." Hearing Sabo's words, Drago couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief. When Drago wanted to comfort Sabo, in the screen projected by the phone bug, But there was an incomparably horrifying scene, which made Drago even hesitate to finish his sentence.


"Damn kid, I'm Whitebeard..." After receiving Roy's slash, Whitebeard's majestic body let out a deafening roar, and his sharp eyes fixed on Roy .

As the captain of the Whitebeard Pirates, as the head of the Whitebeard Pirates, no one can hurt his son before he falls down. This is Whitebeard's insistence.

"Little ghost, let's see how strong I really am?!" Whitebeard's eyes instantly turned extremely red, and his figure, which was originally beyond ordinary people, swelled up again under the explosion of all his strength. Now Whitebeard is more like A giant.

"Father..." Looking at the white beard who looked like Shura who came out of hell, Marco and the others gritted their teeth. They knew that their father, white beard, was overdrawing their own lives. .

On Whitebeard's majestic body, blood vessels protruded high, and the extremely fast flowing blood made Whitebeard's body extremely red.

The blood running at high speed made White Beard's body exude a hot breath, and the air around White Beard seemed to be on fire.

"Empty Shock..." Following Whitebeard's low growl, the jet-black armed domineering power covered Whitebeard's body in an instant, exuding a dark light, and now Whitebeard looked as if it had become cast steel the same.

A terrifying shock erupted from Whitebeard's body, as if carrying a terrifying force that could crush everything, it slammed towards Roy.

Under the white beard's iron fist, the air sent out a wave of white ripples, and within this whiteness, there was a hint of deep blackness.

Under the full force of Whitebeard's eruption, not only the atmosphere, but even the space began to shatter.

The violent roar immediately attracted the attention of everyone on the battlefield.

The violent vibration came in front of Roy in an instant, and the extremely solidified vibration slammed towards Roy like a mountain.

In an instant, the world was shocked, and Roy couldn't even dodge under Whitebeard's punch that surpassed the limit.

"Meditation..." Roy's light began to flow, and he returned to his full state in an instant.

Even if Whitebeard burns his own life and exerts a power beyond the peak, so what...

Roy doesn't believe that White Beard can maintain this state for a long time. Even if an old man in his 70s overdraws his own life, how much life can he overdraw?

The life-burning white beard collided with Roy in an instant with this punch beyond the peak.

The explosion sound like a nuclear explosion swept across Marin Vandor in an instant, and the extremely violent airflow roared towards the surroundings centered on Whitebeard and Roy.

With the collision of Whitebeard and Roy, the battlefield instantly turned into a vacuum, and all random things were destroyed under the explosion.

The ground under the feet of Roy and Whitebeard seemed to be separated abruptly by the gods, and a huge deep ditch appeared.

After the smoke and dust all over the sky disappeared, the figure that could still stand on the battlefield belonged to Whitebeard.

"Don't underestimate a father's will to protect his son, kid..." Whitebeard looked at Roy who was half kneeling on the ground, and let out a loud roar.

Although Roy was repelled temporarily, White Beard was still in the state of burning life. White Beard knew that defeating Roy was just the beginning.

The next step is the real test. Neither Karp nor Sengoku will let him rescue Blackbeard easily.

"Whitebeard..." Roy stood up from the ground unsteadily.

Whitebeard's punch was truly terrifying, and it almost emptied Roy's blood tank.

"Can you still stand up?" White Beard looked at Roy in surprise. White Beard knew the horror of his blow best.

The punch just now caused his body to tremble unceasingly due to the shock force, but now Roy, who had endured his punch head-on, was able to stand up.

"This sentence is also for you, don't underestimate the determination of a navy to protect justice, your era is over..." Under Dr. Mundo's ultimate move, Roy's health has already Instantly restored to full value.

Doctor Mundo and Guardian Angel Kyle are Roy's only two ultimate ultimate moves with full points, and after the moment of the guardian angel's holy judgment, Mundo's ultimate ultimate move has finally revealed its glory .

The shaving step suddenly started, Roy stepped on the air, and the air was forced to make a sonic boom, the figure disappeared suddenly, and appeared in front of Whitebeard in an instant.

The huge sonic boom carried by the three generations of ghosts exudes a terrible sense of oppression, and it falls towards the white beard like a mountain.

"Damn kid..." Whitebeard also let out a roar, and his giant-like body erupted at a speed that didn't match his body at all. With a punch, he came to Roy in an instant.


As Roy was fighting with Whitebeard, Karp and Zefa, who had already got up, sat down together.

With the eyesight of Garp and Zefa, it is natural to see that Roy is not trying to support it.

"Warring States, it's such a time, why don't we make a move?!" Zefa turned to Warring States and asked.

"Wait for a while..." Zhan Guo's big hand pressed the armrest tightly and said. "Now is not the time for us to make a move..."

When the Whitebeard Pirates left the New World, the Red Hair Pirates and the Hundred Beasts Pirates also disappeared into the New World.

Due to the lessons of the previous New World War, Sengoku had to beware of the appearance of Red Hair and Beast Kaido.

In any case, the Whitebeard Pirates must be completely wiped out here today.

Originally, Sengoku's plan was for Akainu to fight against Whitebeard, but now Roy suddenly broke out and fought Whitebeard to the death, which gave Sengoku an unexpected surprise.

What Sengoku wants now is not just to eliminate the Whitebeard Pirates. If the Red Hair Pirates and the Beasts Pirates are ready to intervene in this war, Sengoku does not mind annihilating the Red Hair Pirates and the Beasts Pirates together. here.

"Warring States, with Roy's growth rate, we will have wiped out the Four Emperors sooner or later, but if something happens to Roy..."

"I understand, Zefa..." Zhan Guo glared at Zefa. "If Roy can't hold on, we will make a move, but have you ever thought that Roy really wants us to make a move?!"

Sengoku also has a little selfishness in his heart. From Sengoku's point of view, if he wiped out the Whitebeard Pirates without waiting for others to come out, it would undoubtedly greatly increase the navy's momentum.

This kind of benefit is far above the suppression of the Whitebeard Pirates by himself and others.

This is also the reason why Warring States has been reluctant to make a move for a long time, and why Garp and others are not allowed to make a move.

However, if Roy really couldn't hold on, Warring States would not hesitate, and would immediately rescue Roy.

After all, Roy has fully proved his strength.

Hearing Sengoku's words, Zefa fell silent for a moment.

Zefa also understands the personality of his disciple, and Roy absolutely does not want him to intervene in his battle.

"Zefa, don't worry, Roy will not die in the hands of Whitebeard..." Garp also comforted Zefa.

However, it can be seen from Garp's tense body that Garp doesn't want to be as calm as he appears...


On the battlefield, Roy and Whitebeard are still in a stalemate...

Whitebeard's iron fists carrying unparalleled vibrations swung out one after another, colliding with the three-generation ghost wrapped in armed domineering spirits.

Roy's blood tank was like a roller coaster, constantly ups and downs. Roy was entangled with the white beard's death by relying on the life stealing life recovery.

Whitebeard, whose life has been burned to the extreme, has completely fallen into a state of madness.

Whitebeard knew that he could not last long in this state.

"Empty shock..." The white beard and white light entangled with the iron fist suddenly blasted out, directly breaking through Roy's defense and directly blasting on Roy's chest.

With a huge roar, which was also mixed with the sound of bone shattering, after receiving the blow from Whitebeard, Roy suffered heavy injuries in an instant, was directly smashed into the ground, and was deeply embedded in the ground , The cracked cracks spread instantly.

"Everyone, retreat..." After the blow hit Roy hard, Whitebeard did not continue to attack Roy, but let out a long and loud howl.

Feeling the tingling pain from his body, Whitebeard knew that he could not save Blackbeard, but the Whitebeard Pirates couldn't just disappear here...

"Father, we haven't lost yet, we can definitely rescue Tiqi..." Marko, Scuyad and the others shouted unwillingly after hearing Whitebeard's roar.

"Don't you even listen to what your father says?"

"Yes, Dad, we have everything, retreat..." Marco and the others gritted their teeth and said.

"It's not that easy to retreat..." Seeing that the Whitebeard Pirates were about to retreat, Sengoku couldn't care less about guarding against Red and Beast Kaido.

"Karp, Zefa, Sakaski, Kuzan, Polusalino..."

"Oh, I thought I could take a break, but in the end I still have to make a move?"

Compared with the yellow monkey, the red dog directly joined the battle.

As Akainu and others joined the battlefield, the casualties of the Whitebeard Pirates suddenly increased, and there were hundreds of corpses in an instant.

"Damn it, Kong Zhen..." Looking at the scene in front of him, the white beard and red eyes relentlessly threw out punch after punch.

Now Whitebeard just wants to escort Marco and others to leave safely.

(End of this chapter)

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