Pirate's endless costume

Chapter 180 Opinions

Chapter 180 Opinions
In the port of Marin Fando, Jinbe and Doflamingo, who happened to collide, were completely in a state of confrontation, but both Shibe and Doflamingo knew that Marin Fando was not a battlefield for the two of them. He is trying his best to restrain himself, otherwise, Jinbei might have already done it with Doflamingo.

"Fufurfur, Jinbei, why don't you stay in your sewage ditch, what are you doing in Marin Fando?!" Doflamingo said angrily. "It's not that you plan to abandon the old guy with white beard and prepare to switch to the navy?"

"Doflamingo..." Jinbei stared at Doflamingo with red eyes.

In Jinbei's view, if it wasn't for Doflamingo who caught Blackbeard and handed him over to the Navy, Whitebeard would never have fought against the Navy.

Jinbe subconsciously forgot Mrs. Sharley's prophecy.

"Fufurfur, it's scary..." Doflamingo pulled up his sunglasses, revealing a pair of evil eyes staring at Jinbei. "This is Marin Fando, is it possible that you plan to attack me here?"

"However, you can do it here. After all, if this is the case, I can be sent to hell first. If this is the case, you can first find out the way for that old guy with white beard..." Brother Doflaming was sure. He didn't dare to shoot himself, and kept provoking Jinbei.

"Doflamingo, you bastard, shut up..." Jinbe's face was continuously bulging with veins, and when Doflamingo cursed Whitebeard to die, Jinbe almost couldn't help but want to Shot on Doflamingo.

Doflamingo can insult himself, but he cannot insult Whitebeard.

But thinking of his purpose of coming to the Navy Headquarters this time, Jinbe still resisted the plan to make a move.

"Fufurfur, Jinbei, it seems that I overestimated the status of that old guy with white beard in your heart?" Doflamingo made a contrived expression of regret.

"Brother Doflaming, Shawa's right punch..." Although Jinbe had endured it many times, under Doflamingo's repeated provocations, Jinbe still couldn't help but strike.

"Spider web..."

A net made of silk threads appeared in front of Doflamingo, directly blocking Jinbei's heavy punch.

"Finally can't help it anymore? Jinping, it's just right, I'll collect Whitebeard's debt from you first..." Doflamingo let out a strange smile, and tapped his fingertips in the air. Next, the nearly transparent sharp silk thread shot out towards Jinbei.

Doflamingo has always kept in mind the hatred of Whitebeard destroying Dressrosa and Marco destroying Antaen Island, which is why Doflamingo has repeatedly provoked Jinping.

As Jinbe and Doflamingo fight, there is a violent explosion in the middle of the harbor.

Although the navy stationed at the port wants to stop Jinbe and Doflamingo, the highest navy stationed at the port is only a rear admiral.

With his strength, he wanted to stop Jinbe and Doflamingo, but he couldn't do it.

"Go and contact the Lieutenant Admiral..." the rear admiral shouted with all his strength while resisting the aftermath of the battle between Doflamingo and the two of them.

Although there was no way to stop the battle between the two of Doflamingo, the rear admiral could still resist the aftermath.


"One knife flow, Yaoyan impact..."

A golden-red sword energy penetrated the entire sky, directly blocking Jinbei and Doflamingo who were fighting.

"This is the headquarters of the navy, not the battlefield where you two are fighting. Do you two guys want to die?" After separating the two of them, Roy's figure followed the sword energy and landed on the battlefield like a shooting star , said murderously.

"Fufurfur, Lieutenant General Roy, I'm just passively counterattacking..." Seeing Roy's arrival, Doflamingo also knew that he couldn't do enough, so he simply stopped and said.

"Shut up..." Roy's cold eyes swept over Doflamingo. "I didn't ask you..."

Although Doflamingo still wanted to defend something, under Roy's gaze, Doflamingo still kept his mouth shut.

Doflamingo had a feeling that if he said one more word, Roy would really attack him.

"Hallaman, who made the first move here?!" Roy asked the rear admiral just now.

"Lieutenant Admiral Roy, Seaman Jinpei made the first move..." the rear admiral in charge of guarding the port said hastily.

"Jinbe?!" Roy cast his gaze on Jinbe.

Jinbe took the initiative to make trouble at the Navy Headquarters, somewhat beyond Roy's expectations.

Roy could never imagine why Jinbe would take the initiative to fight Doflamingo at the Navy Headquarters at this juncture.

"Lieutenant General Roy, this time, the old man will bear all the responsibility..." Jinbei said with his head down.

Jinbe already regretted the confrontation with Doflamingo at the Navy Headquarters just now in a hurry.

However, if there is a chance to start over, Jinbe will choose to attack Doflamingo again without hesitation. In the eyes of Jinbei animals, the majesty of Whitebeard is not easily insulted.

"In this case, Haixia Jinpei, you have been arrested..." Roy said slowly.

Now that Jinbe has admitted that he took the initiative to cause trouble in the Navy Headquarters, Roy can only put Jinbe in the big submarine prison.

"Lieutenant General Roy, even if you want to arrest the old man, I don't have any complaints, but can I let the old man meet with Marshal Sengoku..." Jinbe said struggling.

"Jinbe, give up. Marshal Sengoku doesn't have time to see you. You alone can't stop this war. The era of Whitebeard is doomed to come to an end. Whitebeard is old..."

"That's right, if that's the case, the old man can only go to see the Sengoku Marshal by himself..." Jinbei's legs exploded with great strength, and his figure flashed, and he rushed directly towards the building where the Sengoku Office was located.

As the king's Shichibukai, Jinbe has been to the Navy headquarters more than once, so he naturally knows the location of the Sengoku Office.

"You passed, Jinbe..." Roy's eyes froze, and with his skills fully activated, his figure disappeared instantly.

When Roy appeared in the first time, Sandai Onitoru had penetrated Jinbei's legs, leaving two huge wounds.

Seeing Roy who subdued Jinbei with just one blow, Doflamingo couldn't help shrinking his eyes. Doflamingo couldn't block Roy's just sword at his own risk.

"Lieutenant General Roy, please, let me meet Marshal Sengoku..." Jinbe, who couldn't stand upright and fell to the ground, looked at Roy beggingly.

"Jinbe, as I said, Marshal Sengoku has no time to sword you..." Roy knocked Jinbe unconscious as he spoke.

"Wait a minute, Lieutenant General Roy, what do you want to do?!" Doflamingo looked at Roy who was coming towards him, and had a bad premonition inexplicably.

"Brother Doflaming, it's your turn now. Are you going to take the initiative to wear Hailoushi handcuffs, or are you going to be killed by me..." Roy said coldly.

If Roy is still merciful to Jinbei, then Roy has only one attitude towards Doflamingo, and that is shoot to kill.

Roy even hoped that Doflamingo would resist, so that he could justifiably kill Doflamingo directly.

"Damn..." Doflamingo cursed secretly in his heart.

Doflamingo didn't expect Roy to attack him. Now Doflamingo regrets why he came to Marin Vanduo.

Although Doflamingo wanted to resist, after comparing his strength with Roy's, Doflamingo gave up his plan to resist.

After all, Doflamingo was not sure that he could block Roy's sword.

Based on the grievances between himself and Roy, Doflamingo believed that if he resisted, Roy would definitely kill him.

"Unfortunately..." Looking at Doflamingo who was honestly wearing Hailoushi handcuffs, Roy also knew that he would not be able to kill Doflamingo.

"Lieutenant General Roy, I will definitely repay your kindness this time..." When Hallaman escorted Doflamingo past Roy, he suddenly turned his head and said to Roy.

Although he gave up his resistance and took the initiative to be arrested, Doflamingo knew that Wu Laoxing would not let himself be arrested by the navy just like this, and would definitely save himself.

"I'm waiting, but you can come out of the big submarine prison alive, so you're saying something like that, Doflamingo..." Roy said flatly.

With Doflamingo's current strength, he is no longer on the same level as Roy, so Roy naturally doesn't care about Doflamingo's barking.

"Lieutenant General Roy, the undersea prison can't hold me..." Doflamingo suddenly stretched his head towards Roy and growled.

Before Doflamingo could finish speaking, Roy's fist hit Doflamingo's face directly, forcibly denting Doflamingo's face.

"I don't like you getting too close to me..." Roy wiped his palms on Doflamingo's clothes in disgust, then turned to Hallaman and said. "Major General Harraman, put the two of them in prison first..."

"Yes, Lieutenant General Roy..." Halraman quickly responded.


"Marshal Sengoku, Jinbe and Doflamingo fought in the port, and I have arrested them all now..." After Roy briefly reported what happened in the port to Sengoku, he walked towards his position go.

"Good job, Roy, these pirates are really lawless..." Before Roy could sit still, Akainu slapped Roy on the shoulder hard.

"General Sakaski, my small body can't hold your strength..." Although it didn't hurt, Roy subconsciously rubbed his shoulder.

"Ahem..." Lieutenant General He cleared his throat and said slowly. "Since Roy has arrested Doflamingo and Jinbei, what should we do with them now..."

"Send Doflamingo to the big prison under the sea, and as for Jinbei, he will be executed publicly together with Blackbeard Tiki..." Akainu was the first to speak.

From Akainu's point of view, Jinbei, who has a connection with the Whitebeard Pirates, is a member of the Whitebeard Pirates, and he can be directly executed publicly.

"Wait a minute, Sakalski..."

"General Sakaski..."

Aokiji and Roy both spoke at the same time when they heard Akaken's lewd words.

"Huh?!" Akainu frowned when he heard what Roy and the two said.

And Aokiji and Roy looked at each other, as if they were a little surprised that the other party would speak.

"Calm down, Sakaski." Sengoku also said. "Listen to Kuzan and Roy's thoughts first..."

Although Sengoku also understood that it would be easiest to deal with Akainu's ideas, but the identities of the two brothers Doflamingo under Shichibukai couldn't help Sengoku to think more about it.

After all, the name of Shichibukai is an organization affiliated with the world government. Unless something like Crocodile happens, the navy does not have the right to execute Shichibukai.

As the admiral of the navy, Sengoku must consider all factors in every decision he makes.

"I don't have any problem with putting Doflamingo in the undersea prison, but I don't think it is necessary to execute Jinbe in public. After all, we can't judge Jinbe in this name..." Aokiji said calmly.

"Kuzan?! Don't you think Jinbei and the Whitebeard Pirates are not in collusion?!" Akainu stared at Aokiji angrily.

"Yes, there is a connection between Jinbe and the Whitebeard Pirates, but not only between Jinbe and Whitebeard, but also between Jinbe and Murloc Island..." Compared with Akainu, Aokiji's political sense comes from It is more sensitive, which is also the reason why the Warring States Congress prefers Aokiji to succeed the Admiral of the Navy.

"A mere fishman island..."

"The Fishman Island Dragon Palace Kingdom is a member country of the world..."

"Even if it is a member country of the world?! No one can change the identity of the Jinbei pirate..."

"Okay, be quiet, this is not a place for you to quarrel, Roy, what do you think?!" Sengoku interrupted Akainu and Aokiji who were in the quarrel, and said to Roy.

After Sengoku uttered their voices, the two of them also calmed down instantly, but their direct aura also fell into freezing point.

"I mean the same thing as General Kuzan, but it's not because the Dragon Palace Kingdom is a member country of the world..." Roy said slowly.

"After the pirate king Roger started the era of great pirates, every country has been invaded by pirates, and the Dragon Palace Kingdom is the country that suffered the most serious pirate violations because of those priceless female mermaids..."

Following Roy's words, Akainu also fell silent, and Roy said it was the cruelest fact.

"I have to admit that although Whitebeard is a pirate, the murlocs are indeed peaceful because of Whitebeard's flag.

Therefore, after solving the Whitebeard Pirates, how to ensure the peace of Murloc Island is also something we must consider. Without the protection of Whitebeard's flag, Murloc Island has no power to resist those pirates who are swayed by interests.

We wiped out the Whitebeard Pirates to protect civilians, but wouldn't it be ridiculous if we wiped out the Whitebeard Pirates and let the murlocs fall into disaster again?
So for Murloc Island, Jinbe is an indispensable force..."

"Put Jinbe in the big submarine prison first, and release Jinbe after the war is over..." Sengoku said slowly after thinking for a while.

(End of this chapter)

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