Pirate's endless costume

Chapter 178 The Seal of Jue

Chapter 178 The Seal of Thousand Jue
In the cabin, the black mist belonging to the ability of the dark fruit continuously eroded the surrounding wooden boards.

However, this is already the result of Blackbeard's efforts to control it, and Blackbeard also understands that once he destroys this ship, he will never survive as a person with dark fruit ability. Time has eaten away the ship.

"The most powerful devil fruit? Is it really scary?" Roy said indifferently.

Looking at Roy in front of him, Blackbeard's original confidence weakened for no reason.

"Blackbeard Marshall D. Teach, my strongest skill is not swordsmanship?!" The moment Roy finished speaking, the shaved step broke out, and the figure suddenly appeared in front of Blackbeard.

The astral barrier enveloped Blackbeard, and the left fist directly hit Blackbeard's abdomen with a loud whistling sound.

Roy's huge strange power sent Blackbeard flying out like a cannonball.

"Sbert, report to Navy Headquarters that Blackbeard Marshall D. Teach, the commander of the Whitebeard Pirates' Second Division, attempted to escape from prison..." Roy's voice instantly spread throughout the entire warship.

After Roy finished speaking, he flew out towards the hole that Blackbeard penetrated.

"Boatman, hurry up, quickly plug that gap..." After hearing the loud roar, Albert arrived, and after giving orders to the boatman, he immediately contacted the Navy headquarters according to Roy's words.


"Is this mad dog a monster..." Blackbeard, who tried to escape from Roy's pursuit with his moon steps, spit out a mouthful of blood.

Blackbeard never imagined that Roy, as a swordsman, would be so powerful that he would seriously injure himself with just one punch.

What made Blackbeard even more terrified was that his own ability just now couldn't be activated for a period of time for no reason.

"Lan Jiao, Rune Blade..."

There was a harsh clanging sound in the air, and a sharp slash pierced through the air towards the fleeing Blackbeard.

"Dark water release..." In the midair, Blackbeard had no way to avoid Roy's kick, and could only release the debris that he had just sucked into his body in a swarm.

However, Blackbeard didn't release the three generations of ghosts at the same time. He couldn't bear Roy's punch alone, so how dare Blackbeard spit out the three generations of ghosts.

The debris spit out by the black beard was cut in half by Roy's Lan foot in an instant, causing a burst of smoke and dust.

Lan's feet remained undiminished, and directly hit Heibeard's back, cutting out huge wounds in an instant, and blood splattered everywhere in an instant.

"Damn it, we must find a small island as soon as possible..." Blackbeard continued to fly towards the front with his injuries sustained.

Blackbeard's knowledgeable and domineering, can clearly perceive that the distance between Roy and himself is getting closer and closer. If this continues, he will be overtaken by Roy sooner or later.

Air combat is not what he is good at, and he has the devil fruit ability, so there is no way to escape by sea.

As long as he finds a small island, he may still have a chance to escape. As for defeating Roy, Blackbeard cannot afford such a luxury.

I don't know whether Blackbeard's luck is good or not. After Blackbeard escaped for a while, Blackbeard really encountered a "small island".

But this island is not so much a small island as it is a huge rock.

But Blackbeard still bite the bullet and fell towards that rock. After all, he was too passive in the air, so he could only be beaten in vain. During the time of escape, he forced himself to eat Luo again. Yisan remembers Lanjiao.

On the ground, he might still be able to resist.

"Mad dog, let's see the true power of the dark fruit..." Blackbeard fell on the rock and emitted a thick black mist, covering the entire rock...

Blackbeard also understands that if he doesn't defeat Roy, it is absolutely impossible for him to leave here. His ambition to rule the world has not yet been achieved, so how could Blackbeard accept his fate and die here.

"This distance should be about the same..." Roy looked at the thick black fog below and said in a low voice.

In mid-air, Roy could kill Blackbeard, but if he was killed too easily, it would be easy to leave loopholes.

Although Roy is not worried about the blame of the Warring States, it is good to be less blamed by the Warring States.

"Wild scream..." Roy's mouth sent out a terrifying sound wave towards the front, and the black mist that was originally like the night sky dissipated instantly.

"What? What kind of devil fruit ability is this? It can eliminate the ability of the dark fruit..." As the surrounding black mist disappeared, Blackbeard let out an unbelievable roar.

The bright and dark fruit is the nemesis of all devil fruits, and now, in addition to the dark fruit, there is another devil fruit that can erase the power of other devil fruits.

However, after the shock, Blackbeard's eyes revealed incomparable greed and the ability to restrain the abilities of other Devil Fruits, which is no less than the temptation of Zhenzhen Fruit to Blackbeard.

Even before death, there was still incomparable greed in his heart. It has to be said that Blackbeard is a born pirate.

"Thunder slap, firm demeanor..." The time for the wild scream to disperse the black mist is only a little over a second, and Roy naturally will not waste this time.

After launching the skills of Thunder Slap, Roy smashed towards Blackbeard like a meteor.

At the moment of life and death, Blackbeard used a speed that was completely disproportionate to his body size, avoiding Roy's big star fall.

But the rock under Blackbeard's feet didn't have that kind of luck. Under Roy's impact, this island rock, which had endured wind and rain for many years and was still strong, was instantly split into two halves.

Surrounded by smoke, looking at the rock broken by Roy's blow, the greed in Blackbeard's eyes instantly disappeared, as did Blackbeard's fighting spirit.

I don't even know if I can survive Roy's hands, so how can I have the right to spy on Roy's fruit ability.

"Lieutenant General Roy, I have already reached a deal with your Marshal of the Warring States Period. Use me as a bait to lure Whitebeard into being fooled..." Blackbeard dragged out the entire deal between himself and the Warring States Period with a trace of expectation, hoping that Luo Yi was able to let himself go because of his deal with Warring States.

"Can you betray Whitebeard in exchange for a mere King Shichibukai? Blackbeard Marshall D. Teach, then you are really cheap?!" Roy said lightly.

Regarding Blackbeard's plan, Roy had already guessed, and what Blackbeard said now only confirmed his own thoughts.

"Whitebeard is already old, and the Whitebeard Pirates will be handed over to that fellow Marco sooner or later. Since the Whitebeard Pirates don't belong to me, then what does it matter if I trade the Whitebeard Pirates..." Blackbeard deliberately made a crazy look, trying to make Roy let him go. "And isn't this what your navy wants to see?!"

"You need a sneak attack to kill a white beard. Black beard, do you look down on the navy or white beard..." Roy stepped forward, and the killing intent on his body pressed towards the black beard.

According to Blackbeard's plan, a sneak attack on Whitebeard would definitely succeed, but Roy didn't bother to use this method.

More importantly, the navy doesn't need to use such low-handed methods to kill Whitebeard.

"Alpha raid..."

Roy's figure disappeared in the same place in an instant, and appeared in front of Blackbeard in an instant, and the domineering big hand covered with armed colors waved towards Blackbeard fiercely.

Blackbeard turned into a toy in Roy's hands, and was instantly swept away by Roy, flying straight and fiercely towards the sea.

Terrifying power penetrated Blackbeard's body in an instant, hitting Blackbeard's body like a heavy hammer, and Blackbeard spit out a mouthful of blood.

The blood-stained black beard looked at Roy in horror. Black beard didn't expect that he had told Roy all his plans, and Roy would let him go without interrupting.

"Dark hole..." Since Roy didn't intend to let him go, Blackbeard naturally wouldn't be obedient and wait to die.

The sudden activation of the dark fruit released black mist towards the surroundings, and the entire island rock seemed to be eroded by darkness and sank suddenly.

A majestic suction force was generated out of thin air, as if wanting to suck Roy into the darkness and crush them together.

But the attraction that was enough to affect the island couldn't even stir Roy's footsteps.

The moment of the Holy Judgment.

In this state, Roy is the name of invincibility, no attack can hurt Roy, let alone this kind of gravity.

"The Seal of Thousand Jue..." Roy's eyes narrowed, and he instantly stamped Blackbeard with the mark of the Twins of Eternal Hunting.

Guardian of the wind, blood of the plateau... All of a sudden, Roy appeared in front of Blackbeard in just a split second.

A fatal blow, a soul-sucking blow... Roy's iron fist covering his arm-colored arm flashed a strange light, and blasted towards Blackbeard.

In front of Roy's iron fist, the air shattered like glass.

A huge roar erupted, and Roy didn't know how powerful this blow was.

In addition to skills and armed domineering, the power of the sixth form also exploded suddenly.

Even though Blackbeard had used his armed domineering aura in time, he couldn't bear it at all.

The face hit by Roy sank in an instant, and the huge force smashed Blackbeard into the ground, directly spitting blood from Blackbeard's mouth, and passed out on the spot.

Facing Roy who exploded with all his strength, Blackbeard couldn't even bear Roy's blow, just like being knocked down by Whitebeard in the original book.

As Blackbeard passed out, the third ghost Toru, who was originally contained in Blackbeard's body, also flew out again.

"Master..." The three-generation ghost who escaped first stared angrily at the unconscious black beard, and then, as if suddenly changing his face, looked at Roy with a pitiful expression.

The feeling of being in the body of Blackbeard is not good.

"Come here..." Roy waved his hand towards the third generation ghost.

Roy naturally understood the meaning of the third generation of ghosts, but if the black beard had not eaten the dark fruit, Roy would not mind letting the third generation of ghosts solve the black beard himself.

But after all, the current Blackbeard is worth five hundred essences, and Roy is reluctant to waste it.

"Hmm..." After the three generations of ghosts groaned, they turned into a sword again and fell into Roy's hands.

"Die..." The blade light scattered, and Blackbeard's head and body were split into two halves.

As the system's notification sounded, Blackbeard, who originally triggered the beginning of the era of evil in the original book, died on this unnamed island.

However, Blackbeard's death also means that the battle between the Navy and the Whitebeard Pirates is imminent.


"Marshal of the Warring States Period..." After returning to the warship, Roy immediately received a phone bug from the Warring States Period.

"Roy, is what Sbert said true? Blackbeard is trying to escape from prison..." Warring States didn't believe that Blackbeard would escape from prison. After all, Blackbeard had already reached a deal with the navy.

"Yes, Marshal of the Warring States Period, Blackbeard tried to escape from prison, but I have already executed him on the spot..." Roy replied in a deep voice.

After Roy answered, the Warring States period in the other part of the phone bug fell into silence for a while.

"Where's Blackbeard's body?!" Warring States continued to ask, now that Roy has killed Blackbeard.

Then the deal between Blackbeard and the navy would naturally come to an end, and Sengoku couldn't blame Roy for a dead pirate.

However, although Blackbeard is dead, Blackbeard's corpse can still be used.

"This..." Roy didn't know how to answer Warring States' words.

Blackbeard's corpse had already been sucked into a mummy by the three generations of ghosts in retaliation.

Roy also didn't have the habit of kicking Blackbeard's corpse into the sea with a mummy. He might have fed the fish by now.

"I understand, Roy, you hurry back to Marlin Fandor as soon as possible..." Sen Guo rubbed his forehead.

Although Blackbeard died in Roy's hands, even the body was gone, but Whitebeard would not know that Blackbeard was dead.

All you know is that Blackbeard has fallen into the hands of the Navy, and the Whitebeard Pirates may attack the Navy headquarters at any time in order to rescue Blackbeard.

Therefore, the Warring States must be prepared, and as one of the important combat forces, Roy, the Warring States must naturally arrange it properly.

"Yes, Marshal Sengoku, I will rush back to the Navy headquarters as soon as possible..." Seeing that Sengoku was not in Blackbeard, Roy naturally answered decisively.


The day after Roy killed Blackbeard.

The photo of the captain of the second division of the Whitebeard Pirates being captured alive by King Shichibukai Doflamingo and falling into the hands of the navy spread throughout the world along with the news birds of Morgonz's subordinates.

This sea is filled with a feeling that the wind and clouds are about to come.

When the various forces in the sea saw this news, they all turned their attention to the Whitebeard Pirates, wanting to see how Whitebeard, the leader of the Four Emperors, would handle this matter.

(End of this chapter)

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