Pirate's endless costume

Chapter 168 Gifts

Chapter 168 Gifts
Having just arrived at Marin Vanduo, after Garp greeted Roy, he took Ai away to experience the special love education.

There are only three King Shichibukai who have arrived at the Navy Headquarters. Pirate Empress Hancock, Amayasha Doflamingo, and Hawkeye Mihawk have not yet arrived at Marlin Vandor, so Roy still has time to go back first. trip home.


After Roy sat at home for a while, Zoro and Nami quickly returned home.

"Brother Roy, you're back..."

As soon as Nami saw Roy's time, she threw herself into Roy's arms.

"Okay, you are a big girl now, be careful..." Roy rubbed Nami's hair and said with a smile.

Looking at Nami, whose height had reached his chest, Roy couldn't help feeling that time was passing by. In a blink of an eye, Nami was already a 16-year-old girl.

"Oh..." Nanami pouted and reluctantly left Roy's embrace.

"Nami, Sauron, are you going to graduate soon?" Roy looked at Sauron and the two of them slightly.

"Well, I'll graduate next year. For Nami, it will take another year..." Zoro glanced at Nami and said.

In fact, with Sauron's current strength, Sauron can apply for early graduation like Roy did back then, but because of Nami, Sauron chose to stay in the new barracks.

However, it wasn't because Sauron liked Nami, but because Sauron had to succumb to Nami's despotic power because of the huge debt she owed to Nami.

"I can graduate next year too..." Hearing Sauron's words, Nami said unconvinced.

"Yes, yes, yes..." Roy looked at Nami dotingly.

"By the way, Sauron, since you are graduating soon, this is my graduation gift to you in advance..." Roy handed the autumn water to Sauron.

"This is..." Sauron stared at the autumn water in his hand like a lover.

Although he didn't know the name of this knife, but relying on the swordsman's intuition, Sauron could feel that it was a good knife.

"Heidao Qiushui is the same as your He Daoyi text, and it is also the same as Da Kuai Dao 21..."

"Thank you, Uncle Roy..." Sauron stroked Qiushui, looking like he couldn't put it down.

In addition to the words of He Daoyi, Sauron's remaining two sabers are exquisite naval weapons, which are much better than ordinary sabers, but they are still far behind the fast swords, let alone compared with the big fast swords. up.

"Brother Roy, where's my gift?!" Seeing that Zoro had a gift but she didn't, Nami stared at Roy with a jealous expression.

"I forgot..." Under Nami's gaze, Roy laughed dryly. Roy had indeed forgotten Nami's gift.

"What..." Nami pouted dissatisfiedly. "Brother Roy, you only remember Sauron, but you forgot about me..."

"Okay, don't be angry, next time, when I come back next time, I will definitely prepare a special gift for you, how about it?!" In Roy's mind, he was thinking about what gift is most suitable for Nami now. .

"Not enough, as an apology, at least two gifts are enough..." Nami raised her finger, showing an expression like a little fox.

"Okay, okay, two gifts..." Roy said lightly.

Roy already wants to give Nami some gifts, the horn of the unicorn lion from the animal king, and a weapon made by Vegapunk.

The horn of Kirin Lion can enhance Nami's strength, and it is not cursed by the sea like Devil Fruit.

As for the latter, Roy doesn't believe that the weather stick made by Usopp can be stronger than Vegapunk.

"Ah..." Seeing that Roy agreed to his request without hesitation, the smile on Nami's face disappeared instantly.

If he had known how easily Roy agreed to his request, he would have asked for one more gift, not a few more gifts.


"Okay, stop chatting, come over to eat quickly..." Bridget interrupted the three of them when she saw that the three of them were still chatting in the living room.

"Yes, Aunt Bridget..." Hearing Bridget's words, the three of Roy hurried towards the dining table.

After lunch, Nami helped Bridget clean up.

The two of Roy, who couldn't get their hands in, naturally returned to the living room obediently.

"Soron, I may have a fight recently, do you want to watch it?" Roy said to Sauron.

"Fight?!" Sauron raised his head.

"Well, you and I should have heard the name of the new king Shichibukai, right?"

"?!" Sauron shook his head with a dazed look.

In the naval recruit camp, Sauron was so busy with training that he didn't care about the Qiwuhai under the king at all.

"The new Shichibukai is the world's number one swordsman, Eagle-eyed Jorakor Mihawk..." Looking at the confused Sauron in front of him, Roy could only take the initiative to explain.

"The world's number one swordsman, Joracle Mihawk." Hearing Roy's words, Sauron's eyes ignited a thick flame.

Zoro has not forgotten his agreement with Kuina to become the strongest swordsman in the world and let his reputation resound throughout the heavens.

"How about it, do you want to come?" Roy said with a smile, Roy believed that Sauron would not reject him.

"Of course..." Just as Roy thought, Sauron agreed without hesitation.

"Uncle Roy, are you sure you can beat Mihawk?" Sauron asked Roy hesitantly.

Leaving Hawkeye and Roy aside, there are quite a few swordsmen stronger than him even in the navy, and he is far from being the number one swordsman in the world.

Perhaps it is precisely because of this that Sauron hopes that Roy can defeat Hawkeye.

"He is indeed the number one swordsman in the world. In terms of single-round swordsmanship, I am no match for him. However, I am not a simple swordsman. Hawkeye wants to defeat me, but it is not so easy..." Roy calmly Said.

Sauron still didn't understand Roy's words. In Sauron's eyes, Roy was an extremely powerful swordsman, but after meeting Roy, Roy never admitted his identity as a swordsman.

"Uncle Roy, you must win..." Although I don't know why Roy didn't recognize his identity as a swordsman, it didn't affect Sauron's support for Roy in the slightest.

"Of course, I won't lose." Roy said with a smile.

"Okay, why don't you come back and let me see how you've grown these days..." Roy patted Sauron on the shoulder and stood up.

"Yes, Uncle Roy..." After getting Qiushui, Sauron also used Qiushui a lot.

Even if Roy doesn't raise it, Sauron will take the initiative to challenge Roy. Now that Roy asks to see his own strength, Sauron will naturally not refuse.

The competition between Roy and Zoro naturally ended with the victory of the third generation of ghosts.

Perhaps because of Qiushui's problem, compared with the previous few competitions, Sauron was repaired by the three generations of ghosts this time, which was a bit miserable.


"Hey, Roy is really rare, you actually came to my place?!" Huang Yuan looked at Roy in front of him, pulled off the sunglasses on his face, and said with a smile. "Aren't you supposed to prepare for the Qiwuhai king, but Enilu was taken away by the Marshal of the Warring States early in the morning?"

"General Polusalino, I just happened to be here for something. After all, I can barely be regarded as a member of the scientific army..." Roy said indifferently.

Anyway, there was still some time before the three of Hawkeye arrived, and Roy took advantage of this time to order Nami's weapons first.

"Hey, since you've said that, let me come in..." Huang Yuan said casually. "However, something happened to the science team, some places can't be approached at will, let Zhan Taowan take you..."

"Yes, General Polusalino..."

"Zhan Taowan, you brought Lieutenant General Roy..."

"Yes, Uncle Huang Yuan, leave this matter to me with confidence?!" Zhan Taowan, who was carrying a big axe, said, patting his chest.

"Go." Huang Yuan waved his hand, not caring that Roy and the other two were still here, and just leaned on the table and closed his eyes to rest.

It has to be said that the science troops with few things and the yellow ape are not an ordinary match.


"Zhan Taowan?! General Polusalino said, what is it?!" Roy, who revisited the old place, asked while looking at the familiar scene.

"Huh? It's rare that you think that I, as the most strict-spoken navy, will tell you the secret of the science team?" Zhan Momomaru stared at Roy with wide eyes.

Roy would not answer Zhan Taowan's words, but just stared at Zhan Taowan. He just listened to the man with the strictest tongue in the navy. Who didn't know that Zhan Taowan's tone was the most lax in the navy.

Under Roy's gaze, Zhantaomaru couldn't help but tell Roy everything about the Science Corps.

The former scientist of the Naval Science Corps, M. Caesar Courant rebelled against the Navy and disappeared due to his private human experimentation and repeated confrontation with Vegapunk.

It is precisely because of this incident that the navy and the world government have stepped up their supervision of scientific troops.

"Roy?! You really are." Dr. Em, who came out of the laboratory, greeted Roy when he saw him. "Claudio, where's that brat? Didn't he come with you? You know, since that brat left, the progress of my experiment has slowed down more than twice..."

The doctors in the scientific army are all research madmen, and they prefer to spend time on their own research rather than paying attention to the affairs of the sea.

Dr. Em naturally didn't know about Claudio leaving the navy.

"Claudio can't come..."

"Huh? What happened..." Dr. Em frowned and stared at Zhan Taomaru.

Dr. Em knew that Zhan Taowan would explain it for herself.

"It's a pity..." After hearing Zhan Taowan's explanation of the cause and effect, Dr. Em said regretfully, and did not mention Claudio's matter anymore.

"Sorry, by the way, Roy, what's the matter with you coming to the Science Corps?" Dr. Em asked Roy.

"I'm here to find Dr. Vegapunk, I have one thing to trouble Dr. Vegapunk..."

"Vegapunk?! He doesn't have time, just come to me if you have anything to do. Although my technology is not as good as Vegapunk, except for the monster Vegapunk, in the entire science team, But no one can compare to me..." Dr. Em said, patting his chest.

Dr. Aim's IQ is not low, and his EQ is not low. Since he accidentally mentioned this matter, Dr. Aim wants to do something to make up for it.

"Dr. Aim, I want to customize a weapon..." Roy told Dr. Aim about his ability to remember the weather.

Although Dr. Aim's ability is not as good as that of Vegapunk, just like what Dr. Aim said, apart from Vegapunk, Dr. Aim, who is proficient in mechanics, is also at the top of the pyramid in the scientific army .

"Generate weapons in different climates by generating hot and cold airflow? It's really an interesting idea, I have to think about it..." Dr. Aim said while touching his chin.

"Dr. Em, Dr. Em, if you don't have a clue, we'll leave first." After Dr. Em fell into deep thought, Zhan Taomaru said without vision.

"Little ghost, are you looking down on me?..." Dr. Em stared at Zhan Taowan unkindly.

Roy, the real master, hasn't spoken yet. What's the matter with you jumping out in such a hurry.

"Dr. Em, I remember I brought back some empty island shells before? Those shells can produce different hot and cold winds..." Roy spoke out his general memory of the great weather.

"Bei? Yes, it's Bei..." A flash of inspiration suddenly flashed in Dr. Em's mind.

"Boy Roy, wait for me here for a while, I'll be right back..." Dr. Em shouted, while running towards his laboratory.

"Okay, Dr. Em is gone, let's go too..." After Dr. Em, Roy said slowly to Zhan Taowan.

Although Dr. Em has an idea, but I don’t know how long it will take until Dr. Em succeeds. Instead of waiting here, it’s better to visit Vegapunk. Maybe Vegapunk has a better idea. Woolen cloth.

"Eh?!" Although Zhan Taomaru looked at Roy in surprise, he still guided Roy honestly.

Vegapunk is worthy of being a monster 800 years ahead of the world in technology. Roy has just put forward his request, and Vegapunk already has an idea.

Not long after, a weather stick with a function far beyond the original was born in the hands of Vegapunk.

Not long after leaving Vegapunk's laboratory, Dr. Em also produced the weather stick Roy wanted.

Although the ability of the weather stick made by Dr. Em to produce weather is not as good as that of Bergapunk, Dr. Em's weather stick is not without its advantages.

Compared with Vegapunk's works, Dr. Em has added a lot of private goods to the weather stick. In addition to being able to control the weather, he can also switch to a gun mode.

In this regard, Roy was naturally satisfied and took away both the weather sticks.

(End of this chapter)

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