Chapter 159

Under Roy's interference, Smoker and Enilo did not fight in the end.

However, although Roy agreed to Enilo to challenge himself, of course there are prerequisites. As long as Enilo can catch Fire Fist Ace, Roy will fight Enilo.

Although Roy just agreed to Enel, Smoker, who doesn't like Enel, will not let Enel catch Ace so easily, making Enil unhappy is Smoker's happy thing .

Although Smoker will not let Ace go, but as long as Smoker catches Ace first, then Enel's plan to find Roy's revenge will come to nothing.

Roy, Enel, Smoker, and Ace, who was heading to Rogue Town, had no idea what kind of terrifying lineup was waiting for him in Rogue Town.

Not to mention Roy and Enel, Smoker alone is not an existence that Ace can deal with now.


"Captain Ace, the last town on the great voyage is ahead, Rogue Town..." A man wearing a mask on the deck said to a boy wearing a cowboy hat squatting on the mast.

This boy is Portgas D. Ace, and the man wearing a mask who just spoke out is the navigator and ship doctor of the Spades Pirates, Mascud Deuss.

"Is it finally here?" Ace pressed his cowboy hat, looked at the sea in the distance, and murmured.

Rogue Town is where the man was born and died.

Although Ace didn't want to admit that man, how could it be so easy to let go.

Otherwise, Ace would not return to the small island of Batherilla where his mother and that man lived when he was out at sea. It was there that Ace got the burning fruit.

"Captain Ace, are we really going to Rogge Town? In Rogge Town, there is a navy Smoker called the White Hunter. In the past few years, he has suppressed how many seamen who wanted to go to the great route. A thief..." the sniper Maxim said hesitantly.

After Smoker was transferred to Rogge Town, Smoker was among the pirates in the East China Sea, but it was of no use to the evil spirits.

"What are you afraid of? Our opponent of Ace is the rarest natural-type devil fruit ability user. Let alone a mere naval colonel, even the admiral will not be the opponent of Captain Ace..." Different from Maxim However, the helmsman Zulik didn't take Smoker to heart at all.

Until the frogs jump out of the well of their lives, they will always think that the sky is only as big as they see.

In their view, Ace, who ate the natural devil fruit, is an invincible existence, especially after Ace easily defeated Chris, who was known as the pirate stalker who was chasing him.

"That's right, Maxim, you're overthinking... We have Captain Ace..."

"That's right, Captain Ace is the future One Piece, and the great journey of the One Piece has just begun..."

Hearing the praise from his companions, the corners of Ace's mouth could not help but rise slightly.

"Okay, everyone, go at full speed and try to reach Rogge Town today." Ace jumped off the mast with a leap and landed on the deck.

"Yes, Captain Ace." Maxim and others let out huge cheers.



"Hello, I'm Colonel Chris's adjutant, Second Lieutenant Iska of the Navy Headquarters, please contact Colonel Smoker for me..." A girl with short orange-red hair shouted at the phone bug.

"Okay, please wait a moment..."

"Hello, Second Lieutenant Iska, I'm Smoker..." Smoker's voice sounded after the phone bug ended.

"Hello, Colonel Smoker..." Iska stood up subconsciously when she heard Smoker's words.

When he was selected by Colonel Chris from the Navy recruit camp, he came to the East China Sea to serve as Chris' adjutant.

Iska followed Chris to meet Smoker more than once.However, Smoker has a cold expression every time he sees Smoker.

In addition to the many deeds that Smoker left in the navy recruit camp, in Iska's eyes, Smoker is even more terrifying than his immediate boss Chris.

"The great pirate Firefist Portgas D. Ace with a bounty of 6000 million Baileys is about to arrive in Rogue Town. Please also ask Colonel Smoker to help us capture Firefist Ace."

"Is it finally here?" Smoker murmured.

"Colonel Smoker?!" Iska said curiously after hearing Smoker's words.

"I see, leave the capture of Fire Fist Ace to me, Second Lieutenant Ikas."

"Wait a minute, Colonel Smoker..." Before Iska could speak, Smoker hung up the phone directly.

"Damn..." Ikas complained softly.

"Second Lieutenant Ikas, Colonel Smoker said so, do we still have to go to Rogue Town?" A second lieutenant of the Navy Division next to Ikas asked.

Although they are all second lieutenants of the navy, Ikas is a second lieutenant of the navy headquarters, and his military rank will automatically rise by three ranks compared to the branch.

"Of course..." When Ace defeated Colonel Chris, Ikas vowed to catch Fire Fist Ace with his own hands, so how could he give up because of Smoker's words.

"Yes, Second Lieutenant Iska."

"Fire Fist Ace, I will definitely arrest you with my own hands." A stern look flashed in Iska's eyes.


"Enilo, Smoker has already set off, aren't you in a hurry? If Smoker grabs Fire Fist Ace first, your challenge to me will be in vain." Although Smoker didn't Telling Roy and Enel that Fire Fist Ace is about to arrive in Rogge Town, he chose to drive a motorboat to go to sea alone.

However, both Roy and Enilo's knowledge and arrogance covered the entire Rogge Town. How could Smoker's going to sea be hidden from Roy and Enilo.

"Heh..." Enel showed a contemptuous smile. "Don't worry, I will be the only one who catches Fire Fist Ace, so you can rest assured and wait for my revenge."

"Don't let me down, Roy..." Enelu stared at Roy tightly.

"Don't worry, I won't let you down, of course, the premise is that you can catch Fire Fist Ace..." Roy smiled slightly.

"Remember what you said, Roy." A blue lightning shot out of Enilo's body, turning into a bolt of lightning and going straight through the air.

"Giche, we are also ready to go." After Enilo disappeared, Roy stood up slowly.

"Yes, master." The third generation of ghosts transformed into a vampire princess form, with a pair of bat wings stretched out from behind, grabbed Roy's shoulders with both hands, and flew towards the sky.

With the blessing of the guardian of the wind, although the speed of the third generation of ghosts is not as fast as that of Enilo, it is much faster than Smoker.


"What's that?!" Deus frowned as he looked at the approaching white wave in the distance.

As Bailang got closer and closer, Bailang's true face also appeared in the eyes of Ace and others.

"White Hunter, Smoker..." Maxim recognized Smoker at a glance.

"Navy?" Facing the approaching Smoker, Ace had no fear on his face.

"Fire fist..." Ace's arm turned into a huge flame with super high temperature, which suddenly extended, and the flames converged into a huge fist and shot towards Smoker.

"Burning fruit?" Smoker, who was driving the motorboat, spat out the cigar in his mouth.

The body turned into a white smoke and flew towards Ace's boat, while the motorboat disappeared under Ace's fire fist.

Although the lethality of the smoke fruit is closed to the magma fruit and the frozen fruit, it has the ability to fly that they don't have.

"Natural devil fruit ability..." Ace looked at Smoker, who had turned into smoke, with a hint of surprise on his face.

Ace didn't expect that Smoker was also a devil fruit ability user of the natural department.

However, the surprise on Ace's face was soon replaced by a scorching fighting spirit.

"Fire Fist Ace, you're under arrest..." Smoker, who landed on Ace's boat, spit out a puff of white smoke, and said to Ace coldly.

"Mr. Navy, it's not so easy to catch me?! After all, I'm also a natural devil fruit user." Half of Ace's body turned into a burning flame.

"Really, the nature-type devil fruit is not invincible." Smoker said with a sigh, now Ace is the same as himself at the beginning, thinking that no one can deal with it after eating the nature-type devil fruit Own

"White Fist..." The smoke condensed into a huge fist and blasted towards Ace.

"I've said it, it's useless to me..." Before Ace could finish his words, he was punched out by Smoker.

"How is it possible?!" Deus and the others looked at Smoker in surprise.

It was the first time they saw Ace being beaten into the air.

"How could you hurt me?!" Ace, who slowly got up from the deck, was no less surprised than Deus and others.

"As I said before, the natural devil fruit is not invincible. Do you still resist now? Fire Fist Ace..." Smoker took out a cigar from his jacket.

"It's not so easy for you to catch me, Mr. Navy, musket..." Ace pointed the index and middle fingers of both hands at Smoker like a gun, and his fingertips fired small flames at Smoker continuously.

"Really?" Smoker didn't dodge or dodge, letting the flames fall on him.

However, before Ace had learned to be armed with arrogance, there was absolutely no way to hurt Smoker with his ability to burn fruits.

"White Gale..." Smoke's whole body turned into smoke, expanding rapidly, and the range of smoke instantly enveloped the entire ship.

The solidified smoke entangled Ace and the others tightly like tentacles.

"Damn..." When he was entangled in the smoke, Ace subconsciously wanted to activate the ability of elementalization to get rid of Smoker's white vines, but Ace found that even if he activated the elementalization, he couldn't get rid of Smoker. Mog's restraint was like being restrained by some unknown ability.

"Give up, it's impossible for you to get rid of my white vines..." The white smoke converged into Smoker's head.

"Firefly." A tiny firefly-like flame erupted from Ace's body and flew towards Smoker's head.

"It's useless, you're like mine back then, you're too weak..." Smoker's head turned into smoke and scattered, and after the fireflies disappeared, they gathered together again.

"Damn..." For the first time, Ace felt a strong sense of powerlessness in his heart.

"Okay, it's time to end, choking the white mist..." The white mist kept pouring into Ace's nasal cavity.

As the smoke became thicker, Deus and others had already passed out. Just when Ace was about to pass out, a blue lightning instantly split the ship in half.

"Cough, cough, who is it?!" Ace, who turned into flames and landed on the wreckage, breathed in gulps of air, but when he saw the person coming, Ace became even more desperate in his heart.

Lieutenant General Thunder Dragon Enilo of the Navy Headquarters, Ace has heard Karp mention Enilo a lot.

"Anilu, what do you guys want to do? I've already caught Fire Fist Ace..." Smoker stared at Enilu with an unkind expression.

"Really? Now that you have caught Fire Fist Ace, who is that guy?" Close to Zhu Zhechi, close to Mo Zhehei.Enilu, who has been by Huang Yuan's side all the time, has learned a lot about Huang Yuan's rogue temper and bad taste.

With the ability of the thunder fruit and the arrogance of knowledge, Enilo can completely block Ace earlier than Smoker.

The reason why Enilu waited until Smoker was about to catch Ace, and then shot, was simply because he wanted to see Smoker's expression.

Anyway, it is impossible for Ace to escape from his own hands anyway.

"Anilu, you bastard?!" After taking a deep breath, Smoke turned into a puff of smoke and rushed towards Anilu.

"White snake..." Smoker's smoky arm turned into the shape of a snake, and he bit Enilu fiercely.

Smoker also knew that after losing the ship, Ace could not escape.

Now that Ace can't escape, Smoker doesn't mind teaching Enilo a lesson first, although he doesn't know who will teach whom in the end.

"1000 million volts, Brontosaurus." Enelu's thunder instantly split Smoker's smoke away.

"Smog, before I teach Roy a lesson, let's practice with you first." After the words fell, Enilu's body burst into a dazzling thunder, and he slashed towards Smoker.

"Practice with me, you must have this strength, Enilu..." Smoker let out a cold snort.

Losing is not losing. Although Smoker knows that he is not Enel's opponent, it is not Smoker's style to obediently admit defeat like this.

As Smoker and Enel fought, white smoke and blue thunder intertwined in the sky.

(End of this chapter)

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