Pirate's endless costume

Chapter 155 3 years later

Chapter 155 Three years later

Although Roy executes several pirates every day, even after more than half a year of Roy's killing, the number of pirates in the Pirate Prison has not decreased at all, and even has an upward trend.

After all, the most indispensable thing in this era are those pirates like locusts.

However, although the number of pirate prisoners is quite large, the number of devil fruit ability users among the pirate prisoners is already approaching, but it has dropped to a handful.

Although the Devil Fruits in the large submarine prison have many abilities, they cannot withstand Roy's massacre.

Except for the devil fruit ability user Roy in the infinite hell who didn't do anything, all the devil fruit abilities recorded in the data from the first floor to the fifth floor have died in Roy's hands.

Even the devil fruit ability pirate who was later imprisoned in the pirate prison died in Roy's hands.

Although the devil fruit capable users were almost eliminated by Roy, Roy did not stop executing the pirates.

Although there is no essence, but there are still gold coins and extra attribute values, and more importantly, isn't the passive of stacking souls and thrashing blows good?


"Sure enough, among the new batch of pirates, there is not a single devil fruit capable user." Roy sighed and said after looking at the list of the latest prisoners.

Although after solving most of the pirates in the big submarine prison, Roy has already purchased the fatal blow of the power of Demacia, the wild scream of fear of the void, and these skills with silence effects. .

After possessing four silent skills, Roy's title of Devil Fruit Killer became more and more solid.

Not to mention the happy hour with wine barrels, Olaf's Fury of Berserker, and other skills that provide Roy with combat.

"It seems that the prisoners in Infinite Hell still need to pay attention..." Roy narrowed his eyes.

Although Roy's strength can be said to be a lot stronger than before he came to the submarine prison, in Roy's view, this is far from enough.

However, if you want to take action against those pirates in Infinite Hell, you must have a showdown with Magellan.

Thinking of this, Roy walked towards Magellan's office.


"Deputy Warden Roy, what do you want me to do?" Magellan, who was drinking tea, looked at Roy who pushed the door in, and asked.

After Roy, Domino, Saludes, and Satie took office, Magellan's work can be much easier, and he even has time to rest.

Although Magellan's office is still filled with the poison gas exhaled by Magellan, thanks to the growth of Roy's magic resistance, Magellan's level of poison can no longer cause any harm to Roy.

"Director Magellan, you should have heard of the ability of my Sandai Onitsu." Following Roy's words, Sandai Onitsu turned into a vampire princess and landed beside Roy.

"The ability to become stronger by sucking blood? I do know..." Hearing Roy's words, Magellan put down the teacup in his hand and said in a deep voice. "So you came to me this time to..."

Roy didn't hide the ability of the third generation of ghosts at all, or used the ability of the third generation of ghosts to cover up the existence of his own system.

Under such circumstances, Magellan had already heard of the ability of the third generation of ghosts.

"Director Magellan, I remember that there are death row prisoners in Infinite Hell..." Roy said.

In Infinity Hell, there are many death-row prisoners in addition to the life-sentenced prisoners who want to prevent those powerful devil fruit abilities from spreading to the world.

It's just to torture some secrets from the mouths of these prisoners or the whereabouts of the treasures they hide.

Magellan never imposed the death penalty on them, and what Roy hit was the attention of these condemned prisoners.

"Is that really the case?" Magellan's eyes were fixed on Roy, and his voice gradually cooled down. "It seems that this is the real reason why you came to the big prison under the sea. However, the pirates from the first floor of the red lotus hell to the fifth floor of the extreme cold hell can't meet your needs of the demon sword, Giotto Roy..."

Magellan exuded a frightening aura, although Roy's actions were very secretive, with Hannibal's cover.

However, Magellan still learned about Roy's massacre of pirates under certain circumstances, but Magellan never revealed it.

What Magellan hates is just the meaningless massacre of these pirate prisoners, and if the lives of these pirate prisoners can play a role, Magellan will not intervene.

Of course, there was another reason why Magellan let Roy go, no matter what.

"Yes." Roy said lightly. Although Roy didn't know why Magellan didn't stop his actions, Roy also guessed that he had slaughtered the pirates, and Magellan already knew about it.

"Do you understand what you're talking about? Giotto Roy..." Deadly venom had already oozed from half of Magellan's body.

With the oozing of these venoms, the toxicity of the poisonous gas in the office suddenly rose by more than one level.

Even with Roy's current magic resistance, he couldn't completely resist Magellan's toxin, and his health began to drop slowly.

"Of course..." Roy looked into Magellan's eyes without showing any weakness, and even Roy was ready to welcome Magellan's thunderous blow.

"Hahahaha..." Just when Roy was about to fight Magellan, Magellan burst out laughing suddenly, and the half of his body that had been turned into venom returned to his body again. "If you want to go, then go..."

"Roy, now guarding the Infinite Hell, you can take this opportunity to slaughter the pirates in the Infinite Hell directly, and use it to feed your three generations of ghosts, but why did you come to tell me..." Magellan said faintly asked.

"After all, the owner of this large submarine prison is you, Director Magellan..." This was Roy's innermost thoughts.

Although Roy can take advantage of the opportunity of guarding the infinite hell as Magellan said, directly kill the pirates in the infinite hell.

But Infinity Hell is different from the other five levels of prisons. Every prisoner in Infinity Hell is a serious criminal. Once there is a huge death or injury in Infinity Hell, Magellan, who is the director of the large submarine prison, will be the first to escape the responsibility.

It doesn't matter whether Roy wants to be a bitch and erect a torii, or Roy is sanctimonious.

It's just that Roy doesn't want to implicate innocent people because of his own affairs, at least Roy doesn't want to see what happened to Claudio again.

"Really?" Magellan looked meaningfully. "Except for Lonely Red Redfield and World Destroyer Waldo...you can dispose of other pirates from Infinite Hell..."

"Thank you, Director Magellan..." Although he didn't know why Magellan agreed to kill the pirates in Infinite Hell, Roy still wanted to thank Magellan.

"Okay, you go out first..." Magellan waved his hand and said.

"Yes, Director Magellan..." Roy walked out the door with the third generation of ghosts.

"Teacher, that's all I can do..." Magellan murmured as he watched Roy leave.

What Roy didn't know was that the former director of the Undersea Prison, Magellan's teacher Besarius committed suicide and apologized for the escape of the Golden Lion.

It is because the Tianlong people are behind the push, just because they want to collect a precious slave with a high status.


"Hahaha, little boy, you're here again..."

"I miss you, a little boy, but my favorite product back then..."

Just after arriving in Infinite Hell, the pirate prisoners in Infinite Hell spoke all kinds of obscenities towards Roy.

Among them, two pirate prisoners were deliberately pasted together.

Although when Roy just accepted the task of guarding the infinite hell, he had already killed and established himself.

But things like people are always forgetful, not to mention these pirates also understand that Roy is just a deputy warden, not the director of the large submarine prison, but there is no way to shoot himself and others at will like Magellan. This is why these pirate prisoners are so unscrupulous.

"Since, if you like to be close together so much, then you will die together if you are angry."

"Soul-sucking blow, flaming blow..." A cold light flashed in Roy's eyes, and the three generations of ghosts suddenly came out of their sheaths, and the sharp sword energy directly cut the two pirates in half.

"Damn, how dare he..."

"Where is Magellan, are you just going to shoot this guy..."

After Roy killed the two pirates with thunder, the other pirates who had yelled at Roy all yelled at the monitoring phone bug set in the infinite hell.

However, what they didn't know was that Roy dared to attack them so blatantly because he had Magellan's acquiescence.

Even if they shout their throats, Magellan will not interfere with this matter.

Hearing the reminder sound in his ear, although he didn't get the essence this time, the corners of Roy's mouth still raised slightly.

Except for Waldo, the other Devil Fruit Sea Pirates in Infinite Hell are no different from fat pigs waiting to be slaughtered for Roy.

Roy is not in a hurry at this moment, anyway, these pirates cannot escape the infinite hell.

Roy quickly closed the upturned corners of his mouth, and walked towards the cell.

To do a full set of acting, Roy originally used the reason of wanting to evolve the three generations of ghosts.

After opening the cell, Roy used Sandai Onitsu to pierce through the bodies of the two pirates. With the activation of Sandai Onitsu's ability, the bodies of the two pirates instantly dried up.

Looking at the scene in front of him, the pirate in the infinite hell became even more excited, and looked at Roy with fear.

"Draining blood, no, it should be said to be life. There is such a knife here, it is the demon knife..." Magellan has already seen the situation of infinite hell through the monitoring phone bug.

Although he has seen the ability of three generations of ghosts, the demon sword that absorbs blood and becomes stronger still makes Magellan feel palpitations.

"Okay, goodbye everyone..." After Sandai Onitsu completely ate the blood of the two pirate corpses, Roy put Sandai Onitsu back into the scabbard and left Infinity Hell.

With the fall of the iron gate, except for Redfield and Waldo who were sealed in the ice, the other pirate prisoners in the infinite hell looked at the cell that still smelled of blood, and there was something in their hearts. Deep despair.

That is a more hopeless despair than infinite hell.


a month.

The pirates in the infinite hell were almost killed by Roy.

However, among the pirate prisoners who can be imprisoned in the large submarine prison, which one is not a vicious person with heinous crimes on his hands.

No one would care about their deaths, even if the news of their executions spread, I don't know how many people would be happy about it.

There may be exceptions, such as the black beard who will target these prisoners in the future.

However, when Blackbeard continues to attract the attention of these pirates and comes to the large submarine prison, the expression on Blackbeard will definitely be very special.

Not to mention that only Redfield and Waldo are left in Infinite Hell.

Shiliu of the Rain, who was broken by Roy and turned right, was enough to give Blackbeard a huge surprise.

With the pirates of Infinite Hell gone, Roy also returned to his previous days.

Except for a few pirates who were nominally used to feed the third generation of ghosts every day, and occasionally killed a captive pirate who was caught, Roy's life in the big submarine prison seemed boring to everyone.

Thanks to Roy's beheading of the pirates, there has never been any riot in the undersea prison.

I don't know how old the mountains are.

Before he knew it, three years had passed, and it was the day when Roy was about to leave the large undersea prison.

"Roy, you're leaving the undersea prison soon..." Shilieu of the Rain, smoking a cigar, said to Roy.

Shilieu of the Rain had already received the news from Hannibal that Roy had applied to be transferred from the large submarine prison.

"It's time to leave. After all, I've been nesting in this place all this time, so I can't..." There was a trace of sadness in Roy's voice.

In three years, Roy has developed feelings for the large submarine prison.

"Since you are about to leave, let me see how far I am from you..." Shilieu of the Rain spat out the cigar in his mouth, and looked at Roy with a fighting spirit.

During these three years, Shiliu of the Rain also broke through to become a great swordsman, but Shiliu of the Rain never defeated Roy once.

Even Shilieu of the Rain felt that the gap between himself and Roy was getting bigger and bigger, so big that even he couldn't imagine it.

Now that Roy is about to leave the undersea prison, Shilieu of the Rain also wants to see how big the gap between himself and Roy is.

"Are you sure? Shiliu?" Roy looked at Shiliu of the Rain calmly.

Roy didn't have a clear understanding of how strong he was now.

"Of course……"

"Then as you wish, let's go, Guiche..." Roy said to Guiche beside him.

"Yes, master." Three generations of ghosts transformed into the shape of a sword, and inserted it into the scabbard.

In the past three years, not only Roy has grown up, but also three generations of ghosts.

In addition to cultivating armed domineering, the blood sucked over the years has made the three generations of ghosts grow to the point of supreme sharpness.

(End of this chapter)

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