Pirate's endless costume

Chapter 152: A 3-Year Covenant

Chapter 152 The Three-Year Covenant
The first floor of Red Lotus Hell is the only place with plants in the large submarine prison.

The tree is a sword tree whose leaves are as sharp as a blade, and the grass is a needle grass that can pierce a human body like a needle.

The prisoners held on the first floor could only run back and forth among the sword trees and needles because of the poisonous spiders' pursuit.

These sharp plants can easily cut through the bodies of these prisoners, and the blood from their cuts will flow.

The plants and trees grown from the blood of the prisoners are bright red, which is why they are called the hell of the red lotus.

However, in Red Lotus Hell, in addition to those pirate prisoners, a new guest has ushered in.

Roy, who was wearing only a pair of shorts all over his body, was training on the needleweed bushes in the red lotus hell with the gravity device developed by Vegapunk.

Without Roy not using the armed domineering, the sharp needles easily pierced Roy's skin, bleeding Roy dripping with blood.

However, Roy didn't seem to feel any pain, completely ignoring the continuous bleeding on his body, and cared about the training he was doing.

After Roy discovered that training in needle grass could increase his speed of absorbing armor and magic resistance.

Except for fighting against Shiliu of the Rain every day, and hunting the pirates in the extremely cold hell, Roy basically stayed in the red lotus hell for the rest of the time.


After finishing today's training, Roy walked towards the elevator. As Roy's attributes became stronger, Roy consumed more and more food.

However, the Sword Grove was a place that even the jailor sea gorilla Bruglila on the first floor would not dare to approach, so Roy could only go to the cafeteria by himself.


"Let me go, I won't be a pirate anymore..." In the sword forest, the mournful wailing of the pirates and prisoners being chased by poisonous spiders echoed everywhere.

"Hehehe, not only enjoy fighting, but also enjoy pain. You are really a twisted man, Roy." While resisting the door of the elevator, Roy directly met Shiliu of the Rain.

Perhaps because of the constant fighting with Roy during this period of time, the relationship between Shilieu of the Rain and Roy has improved by leaps and bounds.

"I remember it's not yet the time we agreed to fight, Chief Shiliu, why are you here looking for me?" Roy said indifferently.

"Hehehe, if it wasn't for them, I wouldn't mind fighting with you here..." Xiliu of the Rain helped his pilot cap, and said to Roy with killing intent.

Although Shilieu of the Rain never beat Roy in the fights during this period of time, all of them were defeated by Roy.

But it was precisely because of this that Shilieu of the Rain looked forward even more to the arrival of taking Roy's life.

"That's right, if that's the case, then I'll accompany Warden Xiliu to the extreme cold hell first..." Roy held the third generation ghost.

"Hehehe, now is not the time to fight, that fellow Magellan is looking for you..."

"Director Magellan?!" Roy let go of the hand holding the third ghost. "Director Magellan sent you, Warden Xiliu, to find me. It seems that something really happened..."

"Who knows..." Shilieu of the Rain stepped aside and walked towards the elevator.


"Chief Shiliu, Deputy Warden Roy..." Following the arrival of the two of Roy, the jailers guarding the door of the conference room quickly handed over a gas mask.

After the two of Roy got dressed, the jailer opened the door of the meeting room.

As soon as the door was opened, a purple mist floated out of the conference room...

In the meeting room, apart from Roy and Shiliu of the Rain, the administrators of Magellan and Hannibal, the large submarine prison, had already gathered here.

"Roy, Shiliu, you are here..." In the meeting room, Magellan, who was sitting in a sedan chair, opened the curtain in front of him and said weakly.

"Director Magellan, what happened..." Looking at Magellan who was still having a stomachache, Roy frowned slightly.

If Magellan was able to summon himself and others while having diarrhea, then something terrible must have happened.

"This one……"

When Magellan wanted to say something, Magellan's stomach roared, and he quickly closed the curtain again.

Accompanied by a crackling sound, the purple poisonous gas in the meeting room became denser.

"Hannibal, this time, it's up to you to tell..." Magellan hadn't finished speaking when another sound rang out.

"Then let my great Director Hannibal tell you." Hannibal shouted loudly.

"Oops, I accidentally said what was in my heart again." Hannibal instantly covered the gas mask on his face.


Following Magellan's roar, Hannibal finally regained his composure from his incoherent state.

"I'm calling everyone this time. There are two main reasons for coming here. One is that Lieutenant General Garp defeated the big pirate Xuanyue hunter Katerina Depon with a bounty of 8000 million in the New World. On the way Pizarro came to the Great Undersea Prison, the other thing is that the world government arranged for a group of new managers to work in the Undersea Prison..."

"Hehehe, if Hunter Xuanyue escapes, or if all the people who came to serve die on the way, and all the responsibilities are placed on Magellan's head, then the position of director is not mine?" Before Hannibal could finish his sentence, he changed the subject in an instant.

"It's boring, there's no need to inform me about this kind of thing..." Shiliu of the Rain said coldly.

"Mr. Karp..." After hearing Karp's name, Roy's mind couldn't help but move.

When Absolutely came to the large submarine prison, Roy planned to meet Garp, but at that time Garp was not in the Navy headquarters, so Roy did not see Garp either.

"Hannibal, shut up..." Hearing that Hannibal was so blatantly planning to take the blame for himself, Magellan endured the abdominal pain, got out of the sedan chair, and grabbed Hannibal.

"I'm going to die, I'm going to die, I'm going to die..." Hannibal shouted struggling.

"Director Magellan, this time to welcome Mr. Karp, leave the matter of the lieutenant general to me."

Roy's voice made Magellan very happy.

Compared with Hannibal and Shileu of the Rain, Roy is undoubtedly the one who reassures Magellan the most.

"Then I'll leave it to Roy to greet Lieutenant General Garp." After Magellan finished speaking, he turned to Shileu of the Rain. "Shiliu, then you will be responsible for welcoming the other managers."

Just as Magellan finished speaking, there was another rumbling sound from his stomach, and he let go of Hannibal abruptly and rushed towards the sedan chair again.

"And you, Hannibal, you also follow Roy to meet Lieutenant General Garp, don't give me any crooked ideas, you can't be the director yet..."

"Magellan, you bastard, sooner or later the position of director will be mine..." Hannibal groaned furiously while rubbing his neck.

"Huh?!" Magellan opened the curtain, glared at Hannibal, and instantly frightened Hannibal speechless.

Facing the farce of Hannibal and Magellan, Shilieu of the Rain walked out with a cold face.


As a warship with a dog-headed bow slowly docked outside the large submarine prison, Roy and Hannibal left and walked towards the warship.

"Naval hero, Vice Admiral Garp..."

"I didn't expect to be able to meet Lieutenant General Garp when I came to the large submarine prison..."

Many of the guards and jailers of the submarine prison are from the navy, and they all have a feeling of admiration for Garp, who is a naval hero.

"Hello, Lieutenant General Garp, I'm Hannibal, the director of the large submarine prison. I've admired Lieutenant General Garp's name for a long time..." Hannibal said to Garp with a smile.

"Hmm..." After Garp responded to Hannibal's words, he immediately cast his eyes on Roy, his eyes were extremely complicated. "Roy..."

"Director Hannibal, if you don't mind, can Roy and I have a chat alone?"

"Of course there is no problem, Lieutenant General Garp..." Hannibal, who originally wanted to have a profound influence on Garp, immediately threw his original plan behind him after hearing Garp's address.

"Let's go, Roy." Roy, who was standing still in Garp's place, continued to speak. "Or you have forgotten me as a teacher."

"Of course not, Mr. Garp..." Hearing Garp's words, Roy slowly followed Garp's footsteps.

"Mr. Garp... Lieutenant General Garp is actually Roy's teacher..." Hannibal, who heard the conversation between Garp and Roy, opened his mouth wide and murmured in disbelief.

Roy is a disciple of Karp and Zefa, although it is not a secret among the high-level navy.

However, after all, the Great Undersea Prison and the Navy are two different institutions, and this is the first time Hannibal has heard the news.

"Hey hey, Roy turned out to be the disciple of Admiral Garp, the naval hero. With Roy's help, the position of director is not mine." Made a strange laugh.

Even when accepting Katerina Depen, his mind was full of thoughts of building a good relationship with Roy.


"Roy, what's going on recently..." Looking at Roy, although Garp had a lot to say and wanted to say it to his disciple, he didn't know how to say it.

Garp understood how much the matter of Claudio had hit Roy.

"Director Magellan and the others take good care of me..." Roy said with his head down, not daring to look directly into Garp's eyes.

"That's good……"

After speaking, there was another silence.

"Roy, you really don't plan to go back to the navy, but stay in the big submarine prison..." In the end, Garp took the initiative to break the silence.

"I will go back, but Mr. Karp, not now, at most three years, after three years, I will return to the navy..." Roy raised his head slowly.

For three years, Roy gave himself a period of time. In the unique environment of the large submarine prison, in three years, Roy was confident enough to grow to the level of an admiral.

After he has grown to the strength of an admiral, the world government will not want to fight against them again, and it will not be like the Chambord Islands before.

"Really?" Looking at the unextinguished flames in Roy's eyes, Garp let out a loud laugh and pressed Roy's shoulder. "It's good to be able to come back..."

"Then, let me see your current strength, Roy." Garp said to Roy after taking off his navy coat.

"Is it here? Mr. Garp..." Roy untied the three generations of ghosts, and said slowly.

It's no secret to Garp that Roy's strongest is physical skills, not sword skills.

"Hahaha, this is not a place to fight..." Garp flew towards the sea.

"Be careful, Mr. Garp..." Roy's figure flashed, and he followed Garp easily.

The three-generation ghost in the form of a vampire girl pouted, shook his fist viciously in the direction of Roy, and then quietly stayed where he was.


The battle between Roy and Garp in the distance set off a huge tsunami, and the monstrous wind and waves kept hitting the location of the large submarine prison.

Above the port of the large submarine prison, Hannibal and the others looked at the monstrous storm from a distance, showing a look of horror.

"What happened, why is there a storm, could it be that an enemy has invaded..." Hannibal said incoherently.

The place where the large submarine prison is located is a windless belt, let alone a storm like this one, usually there is not even a breeze.

The only one who guessed the cause of the storm was Bogart.

"Really." After Bogart sighed helplessly, he explained the reason to Hannibal.

"So it's like this..." After hearing Bogart's explanation, Hannibal couldn't help but heaved a sigh of relief.

However, this strengthened Hannibal's intention to build a good relationship with Roy.

Hannibal has decided not only to follow what he discussed with Roy before, but also to intensify his efforts.


"Hahaha, Roy, your strength has grown a lot." Garp said with a smile after knocking Roy back with a punch, but there was more regret in the smile.

In Karp's view, staying in the submarine prison for three years is the biggest waste of Roy's talent.

However, Karp felt a little relieved that it was only three years.

And even if Roy wasted three years, Roy is still the best in the Navy Headquarters.

"Compared to Mr. Garp, I'm still far behind." Roy said slowly after he stabilized his figure in the sky.

Even if Roy used all his skills, he could only force out Garp's sixth-level strength.

"If you lose to you, Zefa will laugh at this old man to death. Just come here, after three years, this old man will come to pick you up in person."

"Yes, Mr. Garp." Roy said respectfully.

 Let me sort out Roy's attributes.


  Race: human

  HP: 12127 (undigested extra HP 1221)
  Mana: 1376 (undigested bonus mana 459)
  Armor: 442 (undigested bonus armor value 367)
  Magic resistance: 180
  Attack: 450
  Ability Power: 510 (undigested bonus Ability Power 326)
  Essence: 360
  Gold: 626
  Fusion Heroes: Sion (Forge of Souls), Juggernaut of Promise (All Skills), Reaper of the Desert (Soul Draining Strike), Guardian Angel (All Skills), Little Sinister Mage (Dark Priest), Lava Behemoth (Thunder Clap), Storm Fury (Guardian of the Wind), Warden of the Soul Locker (Curse of Hell), Resoluteness of the Hammer (Stalwart Demeanor), Son of the Stars (Astral Barrier), Ladimir (Scarlet Contract), Dr. Mundo (Adrenal Hormone), Armored Dragon Turtle (Cone Spiked Carapace), Doombringer (Dark Wind, old version), Gay (Fortress of Fortitude)

  Equipment: Outlaw Armor, Frost Heart, Demon Sect, Guardian Angel, Nashor's Fang, Light Boots (boots enchanted with mercury), Mystic Sword, Meja's Soul Stealing Scroll, Leviathan's Armor, Atta Ma's Halberd, Invigorating Armor, Dead Man's Plate, Rod of Time, Netherwind, Scarlet Blade, Phantom Dancer, Heart of Gold, Blade of Greed, Cage's Lucky Hand, Ancient Coin, Targon's Arm, Ghost Scythe , Steel Shoulders

(End of this chapter)

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