Pirate's endless costume

Chapter 149 Celestial Dragon Man (Suggest Skip)

Chapter 149 Celestial Dragon Man (Suggest Skip)
Not long after Raleigh left, Claudio finally rushed to the door of Auction House No. 1 with the navy of the Chambord Islands.

Although Roy captured dozens of pirates in one go in this operation, it was a pity that the dwarf Ruspao was missing in the No. 1 auction.

So in order to hunt down the dwarf Ruspaul, Roy could only bring everyone except the auctioneer back to the naval base and ask the whereabouts of the dwarf Ruspaul.


"My lord, you want to avenge the little one. That navy mad dog is too much, and even took away all the slaves. The little one is really hard to beat with two fists..." Among Roy After the navy leaves, the auctioneer cries to a pink phone bug.

However, whether it is to save his life or to be loyal, only the auctioneer himself knows.

"I see, the business of No. 1 Auction House should stop for a while, that mad dog will not be able to be proud any longer..." the boss behind No. 1 Auction House said coldly.

Although Auction House No. 1 was raided by Roy this time, although the loss was huge for him, it was within his tolerance.

More importantly, Roy's action this time has offended many nobles in the world, and he is the most aware of the abilities of those useless people who have done nothing but failed.

This time Roy slapped them in the face severely. These nobles will not swallow this breath easily, and will definitely put pressure on the Navy Headquarters through the World Government.

Once the navy can't bear the pressure and transfers the mad dog away from the Chambord Islands, its own losses can be made up for.

"My lord, should we just leave that mad dog like this..." the auctioneer said in a low voice.

"Do I still need you to teach me how to do things?" The boss behind the scenes roared sharply.

"Don't dare..." Hearing what his boss said, the auctioneer couldn't help but shudder, but the auctioneer knew best how cruel his boss was.

"Then do as I say..."

"Yes, Boss." The auctioneer trembled and hung up the phone, breaking out in a cold sweat.


"Major General Roy, all the pirates brought back from the auction house have now been imprisoned, and the other captured civilians are temporarily placed in the base. After a while, they will will escort them back to their homeland.

However, Major General Roy, there are two people who don't want to go back to their hometown, but want to join the navy, so..." Claudio, who had finally arranged everything after a busy day, pushed away the desk in Roy's office. Behind the gate, he reported to Roy in a deep voice.

"You can arrange this kind of thing yourself. If there is nothing else, you can go back first." Roy said while training.

"Yes, Major General Roy..." Claudio said with his head down, but he didn't take his steps.

"Huh?! Is there anything else? Claudio?" Roy, who hadn't heard the door open, raised his head, looked at Claudio who was standing there with his head down, and asked.

"This..." Claudio's flushed face suddenly bent deeply towards Roy. "Major General Roy, I shouldn't doubt your justice..."

"Is it just such a small thing?" Roy smiled faintly and raised his hand.

"No, Major General Roy, this is not a small matter, this, this is..." Claudio hesitated to raise his head and said for a long time, but he still didn't finish the rest of the sentence. "Major General Roy, please punish me..."

Claudio's body was buried deeper.

"Don't worry about such trivial matters, Claudio."

"No, this may be a small matter to you, Major General Roy, but it is not a small matter to me..."

"That's it, then..." Looking at the stubborn Claudio in front of him, Roy slowly stood up. "Commander Claudio..."

"Yes, Major General Roy."

"If that's the case, I'll punish you and accompany you to Island 13..."

"Major General Roy?! This..." Claudio said hesitantly. In Claudio's view, this is not a punishment at all.

"Brigadier General Claudio, this is an order, pack up your things, we are ready to go..." Roy said forcefully.

"Yes, Major General Roy..." Claudio straightened his body like a poplar tree.


"What a bunch of untouchables..." Sitting on a slave, Purslos Saint looked around at the civilians kneeling on the ground and said with disgust.

In Pusros Saint's view, coming to this kind of untouchable place is simply an insult to his noble Tianlong people.

If he hadn't lost to Goliath Saint, Purslos Saint would never set foot on the land of untouchable life.

Proslos Saint is not an exception. Most of the Celestial Dragons are ashamed to breathe the same air and set foot on the same land as commoners.

That's why these Tianlong talents wear oxygen masks and travel in slaves, just to avoid breathing the air that civilians have breathed and stepping on the land that civilians have walked.

"Master Pusluosi Sheng..." The housekeeper who followed closely beside Pusluosi Sheng suddenly said.

"What's the matter, Bohr..." Prosloth Saint said impatiently.

Prislos Saint couldn't wait to get out of here, the butler's words made Pusros Saint's bad mood even worse.

"Lord Pusroin Saint, the little one just remembered one thing, I remember that Lord Pusroin Saint is tired of seeing those old pets and decorations at home.

Lord Pusroin Saint actually came here, why not personally capture a slave for Lord Pusroin Saint, based on Master Pusroin Saint's evaluation, he will definitely choose one that will satisfy Lord Pusroin Saint I think Master Pusroin Saint will be very happy..."

Hearing the steward's words, the huge slave who was carrying Proslos Saint froze involuntarily.

He hasn't been completely numb yet, and he also understands what Boer's words mean...

"A pariah is a pariah, I can't even do this well..." The giant slave stopped without authorization, which directly angered Pusros Saint.

Purslos Saint grabbed the leather whip on the side, and slammed it down on the giant slave, until he was so tired that he stopped his violence.

"Lord Puslos Saint, since this mount doesn't meet your wishes, then let's find a mount that suits your wishes together." Boer said taking the opportunity.

"That's right, Bohr..." Prosloth Saint said out of breath.

Beating the giant slave just now crippled Pusros Saint's strength.

"However, these untouchables are not as terrifying as this trash..." Pusroso Saint glanced around the civilians whose body was trembling, and then whipped the giant slave again.

"These lowly fellows are naturally not worthy of Master Prosloth Saint, but Prosperoth Saint will definitely be able to find a satisfactory mount, after all, Prosperoth Saint is a great Celestial Dragon..." Boer took the opportunity Said flatteringly.

"Well, well said, Bohr, after all, I am a great Celestial Dragon, a descendant of the Creator..." Hearing Bohr's words, Prosloth St. put away his whip contentedly.

"Master Proslos Saint, I heard that there is a non-slave on the 13th island. I think Prospers Saint will be satisfied with that guy..." Polly said with a smile, revealing his fangs.

Bohr is the steward of the Proslos Holy Family, but he is even a member of the Five Elders...

From the very beginning, Purslos Saint was just a pawn used by Wu Laoxing to design Roy.

"Island No. 13? If that's the case, then go to Island No. 13. Hurry up, stupid horse..." Puslos Saint kicked the giant slave.

The giant slave silently crawled towards the 13th island, after the figures of Pusros Saint and others disappeared.

The civilians kneeling on the ground hurriedly ran towards their homes, for fear that Pusros Saint would come back here once.

All of a sudden, the whole street was deserted like a ghost town.


"Run quickly...God, the Tianlong people are here..."

A man scrambled and ran past Roy and Claudio, took a choking step, and bumped into Roy and Claudio, his face was full of horror...

And after the man ran past, another group of people ran past Roy and the others...

"Claudio, let's leave here too..." Roy said, frowning tightly.

Although Roy's knowledgeable arrogance is not strong enough to predict the future like Katakuri's in the original book, there is a vague feeling in Roy's heart.

"Yes, Major General Roy..." After the incident at Auction House No. [-], Claudio could say that Roy was looking forward to it.

Roy and Claudio left and headed back towards Shaqi Tavern.

However, when Roy saw the figures that suddenly appeared in front of him, Roy's face instantly became extremely ugly.

How could Roy have never imagined that he had already got the ability of the Devil Fruit? With the power of knowledge and domineering, Roy realized that he and Claudio were completely stuck in place.

"Major General Roy..." Claudio's face also turned livid, and the domineering Claudio who spread his knowledge naturally also discovered the situation.


"Master Prosloth Saint, how do you see those two guys?!" Pol, who recognized Roy and Claudio, said to Prosperos Saint charmingly.

"Why don't you kneel down when you see the great Tianlong people..." Prosperoth Saint didn't answer Boer's words, and the whip was drawn towards Roy...

"Damn..." Roy looked coldly at Pusros Saint in front of him, and the killing intent in his heart had already begun to boil.

After receiving the information provided by Xia Qi, Roy had already guessed who wanted to attack him.

However, due to many reasons, Roy could only endure it first.

However, it has only been a month since the attack on Long Chain Island, and now it is a person who is strong enough to confuse him with a devil fruit. Now Roy doesn't want to bear it anymore.

"Bang..." Sensing Roy's killing intent, Claudio appeared in front of Roy, hugged Roy tightly, and blocked Pusros Saint's whip with his back.

"You bastard? How dare you take my whip..." Pusros Saint looked at Claudio viciously with his big face. "Since that's the case, you can die for me."

Pusros Saint's whip kept falling towards Claudio.

"Claudio, get out of the way..." Roy glared at Pusros Saint.

"Calm down, Major General Roy, this is a Celestial Dragon..." Claudio held Roy tightly.

"Phew, I'm exhausted..." Purslos Saint looked at the two of Claudio and said out of breath.

"Pusross Saint, you see, this guy survived so many whips from you, isn't he the most suitable gift for Lord Prosssin Saint?" Boer shouted loudly on purpose. "And there are just two people here, and the other one just happens to be your mount, Pusros Saint..."

"No..." Purslos Saint said out of breath, pointing at Claudio. "I want this guy, as for the other one, I can give it to my father, just as I am tired now..."

"Yes, Lord Prosloth Saint." Pohl said with a smile on his face.

"You two untouchables, why don't you kneel down and thank the great Lord Proslos Saint..." Pole trotted in front of Roy and Claudio, screaming arrogantly. "It's a great honor for you untouchables to be the mount of the great Lord Pusros Saint..."

"Get lost..." Roy's killing intent burst out suddenly, and he pressed towards Boer and the others in front of him.

The murderous aura, like a mountain of corpses and a sea of ​​bones, instantly knocked Pusros Saint, Bohr and others unconscious. Apart from Roy and Claudio, only the giant slave was able to stay awake.

"Claudio, are you going to stop me now? I don't like being a slave..." Roy stared at Claudio closely...

"I'm sorry, Major General Roy..." A trace of pain flashed across Claudio's face, and his arm suddenly pierced through Ball's chest. The temperature fruit ability was activated, and the hot arm instantly roasted the flesh and blood near Ball's wound Burnt black.

"I can't be by your side anymore..." Claudio had a forced smile on his face.

"The navy can do without Claudio, but it can't do without Major General Roy, so leave it to me..." Before Claudio finished speaking, Roy didn't even have time to react, Claudio smashed The head of Pusros Saint was smashed, and the flesh and blood mixed with ice shards exploded instantly.

"Claudio?! You..." When Claudio used the two abilities of the two temperature fruits, Roy understood what Claudio wanted to do.

"Arrest me, Major General Roy..." Claudio closed his eyes.

 ps1: Damn, the writing style is not good, and I can't change the taste after changing it for a long time.Don't ask why Claudio was able to trap Roy, it's just what the plot requires.Hachi also held down Luffy.

  ps2: You shouldn't write about the world government and the Tianlong people. Once you mention it, you feel that the navy text will change. The revolution, the Ming army, and the pirates are all different.

  ps3: The manuscript fee has come down. 904 yuan and 6 cents 7 (600 is full attendance).Well, this month's living expenses have been paid.So for the sake of full attendance, even if this chapter is bad, I still posted it, bang, kowtow to admit my mistake.You deserve to go to the street, staring at 600 full attendance every month, if you don't go to the street, whoever goes to the street.

(End of this chapter)

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