Pirate's endless costume

Chapter 147 Roy with a sudden change in painting style

Chapter 147 Roy with a sudden change in painting style

After Lei Dao Randolph and others were arrested, in addition to providing Roy with a lot of attributes and essence, they also confirmed a guess of Roy.

Roy can gain attributes by killing enemies with the third generation of ghosts, so now that the third generation of ghosts has become conscious, and without his own intervention, can the third generation of ghosts kill pirates alone to obtain additional attributes? .

However, Roy's dream is still shattered. If Roy's idea is successful, then Roy may be able to establish a team of animal-type devil fruit ability users just like the Beasts Pirates.

After dealing with Thunder Sword Randolph and others, Sengoku, who received the photos sent back by Claudio to the Navy headquarters, has already collected the information of No. 5 and No. 9 through the Navy's intelligence and sent them to Roy.

"It's really interesting. One is a gold medal killer in the dark world, and the other is a famous big pirate, but after disappearing for several years, did they reappear?..." Roy looked at the information in his hand, smiled lightly, and casually The information that Claudio brought back was placed on the table.

Roy naturally has no doubts about the identities of No. 5 and No. 9. However, based on the intelligence of the Navy, he has not collected any information during the years since No. 5 and No. 9 disappeared. This is enough for Roy to think deeply. .

"Claudio..." Roy called out the door.

"Major Admiral Roy..." Claudio pushed open the door and walked in, after sending the photos of No. 5 and No. 9 back to the Navy headquarters.

Warring States still reassigned Claudio to Roy's side as Roy's deputy.

As for Lieutenant General Gumir, when Claudio arrived in the Chambord Islands, he was transferred to the G-2 Division.

After all, with Roy here, the Chambord Islands are enough.

"Get ready, come with me to the island on the 13th..." Roy stood up and stretched his waist. Since the navy has no more information, after dealing with Randolph Thunder Knife , now it's time to visit Xia Qi again.

"Yes, Major General Roy..." Claudio said respectfully.


After Roy wiped out all the pirates like Leander, the law and order of the Chambord Islands improved a lot, but the same bustling streets also became a lot more depressed.

Due to Roy's existence, the pirates did not dare to go to the Chambord Islands, so many bounty hunters and slave catchers left the Chambord Islands on their own initiative.

Roy didn't even meet a few people on his way to Island 13.

"Ah, isn't this Major General Roy who cleared Chambord in one day?" Xia Qi, who was sitting at the bar in every possible way, looked at Roy who pushed open the door of the tavern, and said resentfully. "It's really thanks to Major General Roy that my tavern business, which was not doing well, has become even more depressed?"

Xia Qi's main business is not this tavern, but intelligence transactions.

However, with the departure of bounty hunters and slave catchers and the absence of new pirates, Xia Qi's intelligence business has also been greatly affected.

"Grandma Xia Qi, you can't blame me for your bar business..." Roy's eyes fell on Lei Li, but he quickly looked back. "And didn't I bring you a big business?"

"Mother-in-law..." Xia Qi's face froze when she heard Roy's words.

"Three hundred million Baileys, I think this business is big enough..." Roy signaled Claudio to put the box he brought on the table of the bar.

"I thought Little Roy, you would pay with other items like before..." Xia Qi deliberately emphasized the words "Little Roy" as if revenge.

"Grandma Xia Qi, it's rare for me to bring you such a large business, why don't you even serve us a glass of wine?" Roy didn't care about Xia Qi's words at all, and said leisurely with his legs crossed.

"I don't have any free things here..." Xia Qi didn't check whether there were [-] million Baileys in the box that Roy brought. She casually stuffed the box under the table and took out a roll of parchment. Put it in front of Roy.

"This is Little Roy, what you want, there should be what you want on it, for example, the years when Jiusi disappeared..." Xia Qi said seductively.

"Oh, as expected of Granny Xia Qi, this kind of intelligence capability is stronger than that of the Navy Headquarters?..." Hearing Xia Qi's words, the corner of Roy's mouth twitched.

Hearing Roy's words, Claudio looked at Xia Qi seriously.

"Grandma Xia Qi, how are you? Are you interested in joining our navy..." Roy joked after receiving the parchment in his arms.

"Join the navy?!" Xia Qi took out a cigarette and lit it, took a deep breath, glanced at Claudio, and then continued. "It's really surprising that you would say such a thing, little Roy. But forget about joining the navy. After all, I almost died in Garp's hands..."

As Xia Qi said Garp's name, Claudio's face became more serious.

"Ah, is that really a pity?" Roy didn't care about Xia Qi's words, and turned to Lei Li and said. "So what about this gentleman? Are you interested in joining the navy..."

Hearing Roy's words, Xia Qi also understood that Roy had recognized Rayleigh.

However, Xia Qi didn't think that Roy would attack Rayleigh, let alone whether Roy was Rayleigh's opponent.

From the moment Rayleigh withdrew from the sea, there was no need for the Navy to take action against Rayleigh, otherwise, Rayleigh would not have lived in the Chambord Islands for so many years.

"Me?" Raleigh said slowly, shaking the wine bottle in his hand. "I'm just a bad old man, what's the use of joining the navy?"

Just when Claudio wondered why Roy invited an old man to join the navy, what Roy said later directly answered Claudio's question.

"If the right wrist of Pirate King Roger, the famous Pluto Raleigh, is also a bad old man, there are not many people in this sea who can be called strong..."

Following Roy's words, Claudio's face was as solemn as a dark cloud. Claudio never thought that the old man in front of him was the legendary pirate, Raleigh the Hades.

"Pluto Rayleigh is a thing of the past, and now I'm just an ordinary coater." Rayleigh said with a wave of his hand.

After Roger Pirates disbanded and Roger died in Rogge Town, Raleigh no longer had the ambition to go to sea.

"The Naval Base of the Chambord Islands is planning to accept a coater recently. Is Mr. Raleigh interested..."

"I'm getting old, but I can't stand the heavy work of your navy. The current life is suitable for an old man like me."

"Really? That's really a pity. If this is the case, is Mr. Raleigh interested in fighting me..." Roy never expected Raleigh to join the navy, so Roy talked so much to Raleigh , just to fight Rayleigh once.

Although Raleigh's strength is not as good as that of Whitebeard and Garp, he can still stand firmly in the first echelon.

In addition to daily training, fighting against strong players can catalyze Roy's growth.

However, Roy's strength is now stuck in an awkward position.

Compared with the first echelons like Whitebeard and Garp, Roy was more than a notch behind, and against opponents at the level of the Three Calamities, Roy was much stronger.

The battle that can catalyze Roy's growth is only Garp and others, but Garp (crossed out), Sengoku, Zefa, and the three generals all have important tasks, and it is impossible for Roy to pull them to compete.

And taking the initiative to find Beast Kaido and the others, then Roy is really looking for death. After all, Bigumamu and Beast Kaido can't wait to kill Roy as soon as possible.

So Roy set his sights on Rayleigh.

Although due to the relationship between the other members of the Roger Pirates and the Red Hair Pirates, the Navy will not take action against Rayleigh, but the same Rayleigh will not take the initiative to kill the Navy.

Roy couldn't easily find a second one for a high-quality tool man like Rayleigh.

"I'm a bad old man, how can I be the opponent of Major General Roy..." Lei Li didn't want to fight Roy for no reason.

"Mr. Rayleigh, do you know the child that the red-haired Shanks picked in the East China Sea?" Roy smiled at Rayleigh with his white teeth showing.

"Play a game, right?" Rayleigh clenched the bottle tightly, looking at Roy with cold eyes.

Raleigh naturally heard Roy's subtext. If he didn't agree to Roy's request, Roy would attack that child.

However, Raleigh couldn't think of why Roy would know about that child.

You must know that when the red hair said that he bet his arm and Roger's will on Donghai, Raleigh thought about finding that child.

It's not that I want to interfere with the child's growth trajectory, but I just want to see what kind of person the child selected by the red hair is.

But nothing was found. After all, Rayleigh never imagined that the child chosen by the red hair turned out to be Karp's grandson.

"Don't worry. As long as Mr. Raleigh agrees to my request, I won't hurt that child." Roy said lightly.

Roy was just bullying Rayleigh for not knowing Luffy. If Roy took a shot at Luffy, Garp would be the first to let Roy go.

"Let's go..." Lei Li walked out first with a gloomy face, and lost all his good feelings for Roy.

"Claudio, you stay here first, take care of Oniche..." Roy doesn't care about Raleigh's attitude, for Roy, Raleigh is just a tool man.

"Major General Roy..." Claudio wanted to say something more, but after seeing Roy's expression, he changed his words. "I know Major General Roy..."

"Grandma Xia Qi, do you have a knife here?"

"A pair of 1000 million Baileys..." Xia Qi threw two ordinary knives in front of Roy, because Xia Qi didn't have any good feelings towards Roy when Roy threatened Lei Li just now.

"Is it really expensive? The money will be on Mr. Raleigh's head..." Roy picked up the saber and walked towards the door.


Compared with the three generations of ghosts, Claudio who stayed in Xia Qi's tavern seemed a little restless.

He wanted to chase him out, but when he thought of Roy's words, Claudio still suppressed the urge to chase him out.

"Major General Roy..." When Roy, who was dressed in rags, stepped into the tavern again, Claudio greeted Roy immediately.

However, faster than Claudio is the third generation of ghosts.

And when Rayleigh walked in, Sandai Onitsu and Claudio both glared at Rayleigh, planning to shoot Rayleigh if there was any disagreement.

"Mr. Raleigh, then it's as usual, we'll see you tomorrow..." Roy reached out and stopped the third generation of Guiche and Claudio.

"By the way, Granny Xia Qi, prepare the knives again tomorrow. The quality of these two knives is not worth your price."

"Hmph, get out, brat..." Rayleigh, whose clothes were also a little torn, didn't give Roy any good looks.

However, Roy didn't care too much. After all, only attributes are real. As for Rayleigh's favor, it doesn't matter at all.

"Let's go, Claudio, three generations of ghosts." Roy left Xia Qi's tavern with three generations of ghosts.


"It seems that you have suffered a lot?" Xia Qi frowned and said to Lei Li after the three of Roy left.

"That brat is really strong..." Lei Li rubbed his shoulder and said. "I really don't know how the two old guys Garp and Zefa taught this little monster..."

Although Raleigh had already seen Roy's strength when he was on the 59th island, it was only when they were fighting that Raleigh truly realized Roy's terror.

"It's really an astonishing evaluation. By the way, Rayleigh, do you really think that this kid's appearance is really what he just showed?" Xia Qi lit a cigarette again.

After Roy left, Xia Qi who calmed down also felt something was wrong.

If Roy really wanted what he had shown before, then Roy would not come to him to buy information with [-] million Baileys, but should directly surround him with the navy.

However, Xia Qi couldn't figure out why Roy suddenly changed his attitude when he met Rayleigh.

After all, it was impossible for Xia Qi to think that Roy simply wanted to be beaten and become stronger.

As the green smoke rose, the tavern fell into a strange silence for a while.

"I don't feel like it, but..." Raleigh shook his head and said hesitantly.

Seeing the big from the small, after the battle with Roy just now, Raleigh can be sure that Roy is not the kind of navy that has no bottom line.

And if Roy had no bottom line, Raleigh did not believe that Garp and Zefa would accept Roy.

"Giotto Roy, what a complicated navy..." Xia Qi said meaningfully.

"By the way, Lei Li, the bottle of wine is 50 Baileys, plus the two knives of the kid, the Bailey you owe me now has an additional 50 Baileys..." Xia Xia Qi said to Reilly, as if she remembered something.

"?!" Hearing Xia Qi's words, Lei Li couldn't help but pause for the arm holding the wine.

"Also, you hope that kid will bring his own weapon tomorrow, otherwise, Bailey you owe me will have another [-] million more..."

(End of this chapter)

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