Pirate's endless costume

Chapter 122 New Skills and New Equipment

Chapter 122 New Skills and New Equipment

Roy, who had given up his identity as Landry for the time being, opened his golden finger, ready to sort out what he had gained over the past month.


Race: human

HP: 9127/9127 (undigested extra HP 1221)
Mana: 1076/1076 (undigested bonus mana 759)
Armor: 242 (undigested bonus armor value 267)
Magic Resist: 92 (undigested bonus MR 32)
Attack: 402
Ability Power: 310 (undigested bonus Ability Power 226)
Essence: 5520
Gold: 3226
Fusion Heroes: Lava Behemoth Malphite, Stormfury Janna, Soul Lock Warden Thresh...

Equipment: Outlaw Armor, Glacier Armor, Tears of the Goddess, Guardian Angel...

In Alder Island, in addition to the three devil fruits "auctioned" at the auction, there were four devil fruit capable users among the pirates that Roy killed.

It's a pity that Snag is not a devil fruit capable user like Opera, otherwise, the essence that Roy has accumulated can break through the [-] mark.

Looking at his essence, Roy couldn't help but fell into deep thought.

Although the essence of 5500 seems to be a lot, it is only on the surface. These essences can't even buy two hero skills of 3150, let alone the ultimate ultimate move.

After thinking about it, Roy chose Vladimir's passive Scarlet Pact and Dr. Mundo's passive adrenaline.

The former Ladimir's passive Scarlet Contract can directly increase Roy's strength. Right now, it can increase Roy's health by 434 points and spell power by 228 points, not to mention that Roy's health and spell power will increase in the future. With the addition of Soul Furnace, Dark Priest, and Hell's Curse.

Ladimir's passive Scarlet Pact can be said to be the most cost-effective skill among all skills.

Dr. Mundo's passive adrenal hormone greatly increased Roy's endurance...

Although what Roy wants more is the passive happy hour of the barrel.

However, in view of the lack of essence, we can't force too much now, not to mention adrenal hormone, a skill that increases frankness, Roy will have to start sooner or later.

With the purchase of the two skills, Roy's essence has almost bottomed out, although the remaining essence is enough to buy a skill that costs 450 essence.

However, Roy still gave up on this plan. 450 elite hero skills are not just needed for Roy now.

As for the gold coins, Roy has enough undigested extra attribute values ​​now, and there is no urgently needed passive equipment for the time being. Roy still decided to keep the gold coins and use them when needed, just like fighting against Dover before Brother Lang Ming's domineering look was the same as back then.


"Marshal of the Warring States Period..." After closing the attribute panel, Roy used the newly bought phone bug to dial the phone bug of the Warring States Period.

Now Roy no longer intends to continue using Landry's identity, so naturally he doesn't have to worry about his identity being exposed.

"Roy, the trouble you have caused during this period is not small, Bigum, Alder Island, I now regret agreeing to your previous request..." Although Zhan Guo said regret, but Zhan Guo There was no trace of regret in the words.

After all, what the Warring States period was afraid of was Roy's accident, not Roy's.

Even if Roy offends the Four Emperor Pirates at the same time, Sengoku will still stand firmly behind Roy, not just Roy, but any naval soldier.

"Sorry for worrying you, Marshal, during this time..." Roy said in a low voice.

"I've been tired of hearing this kind of words from the mouth of that old guy Garp. Since you contacted me, it seems that your swordsmanship has made a breakthrough..."

Hearing the words of the Warring States Period, Roy remembered that he applied for a temporary leave from the Navy headquarters on the grounds of a breakthrough in swordsmanship.

"It's pretty lucky, I was lucky enough to break through the bottleneck..." Roy clicked on the golden finger to buy Nash's Tooth while talking. Roy didn't think about the gold coins he planned to save, just spent seven or seven dollars like this Eighty-eight.

Although the 80 mana power provided by Nashor's Fang is still in an unabsorbed state, the additional 50% attack speed and one of the passives added by Nashor's Fang: normal attacks will cause 15+ (15% of mana power) The extra magic damage is enough to fulfill what Roy said.

"Since the breakthrough in swordsmanship has been made, have you considered returning to the G-1 branch..." Regarding Roy's words, the Warring States period did not doubt that there was a lie.

After receiving the news of Roy's breakthrough in swordsmanship, Sengoku's first thought was to let Roy resume his position as the base chief of the G-1 branch.

Even if Roy's swordsmanship hadn't broken through before defeating Doflamingo, Roy could still guard the G-1 branch alone, not to mention that Roy's swordsmanship has improved to a higher level now.

If Roy is reinstated, he can completely withdraw Dalmatian and Dauberman from the New World.

During this period of time, due to the establishment of the SWORD force, the Warring States period even mobilized a group of elite naval officers, which made the Navy Headquarters, which was short of people everywhere, even more understaffed.

Otherwise, Warring States would not have the idea of ​​the two of Dalmatian.

"Marshal of the Warring States Period, the G-1 branch has Major General Dalmatian and Major General Dauberman, so what's going on when I go back now..." Roy said with a wry smile.

"Indeed..." Marin Fando's Sengoku rubbed his forehead with a headache.

Although Warring States can be sure about his own orders, neither Dalmatian nor Dauberman will have any opinions.

But just because Roy returned, it was really not a reasonable reason to hastily transfer Dalmatian and the others back from the New World. After all, Dalmatian and Dalmatian had only been in office for less than two months.

"In this case, Roy, you should go back to the sea headquarters first. You also know that there is a shortage of people in various parts of the navy, so..." Sengoku decided to stay in the new world with Damaiding first...

"I know, Marshal of the Warring States Period." Roy replied decisively.

"By the way, don't forget to contact your two teachers. They are also very worried during this period..." Hearing Roy's words, Zhan Guo said with satisfaction.

"I see, Marshal of the Warring States Period..." Roy said with some embarrassment, not only to his two teachers, but also to his family...

"Well, let's go then..." Zhan Guo took the initiative to hang up the phone.


"Mr. Karp, I'm Roy..."


"Teacher Zefa, it's me..."


Compared with Garp, who is straightforward and neat, Zefa has been chatting with Roy for a long time.

After finishing Zefa's call, Roy shook his stiff neck before calling home.

 How long has it been since you called your family?!
(End of this chapter)

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