From Douluo to Invincible

Chapter 95 Footprints

Chapter 95 Footprints
"A group of immortals actually want me to sweep the grave. If you don't sweep it yourself, let me sweep it. Anyway, I don't know how to sweep it. Wait for the rain to dry up." Surprised scene.

The dead people actually stood alive in front of him and none of them fell down. The last sentence was stuck in his throat, and he couldn't say it. Cold sweat began to flow from his body.

"Go and call your patriarch." Seeing his frightened look, the man couldn't help laughing. After all, it's unbelievable that the dead are resurrected, and they were the gods of war a hundred years ago.

"Okay.Okay." The man stammered, obviously frightened by them, and then ran to find the patriarch.

The battle on the other side is still going on, the thunder is rolling, and the rain is falling with the thunder, but they don't seem to care at all, and they are still fighting.

"It's time to use all our strength." Ye Ling yawned, and then a huge energy began to condense from his hand, and a thick breath of death radiated from it.

"Great skill—poison all around." Afterwards, a strong poison, centered on Ye Ling, spread out with a radius of 20 meters.

The few grasses and green trees that had been affected by the fighting had turned into dead grasses and green trees in an instant, and the surrounding river water had even turned into sewage in an instant, as if it had been polluted by modern industry.

"Damn, I didn't expect the rumors to be true. You are indeed a dual-element ultimate energy user."

Fatty Xiao gritted his teeth. Among all the people, Fatty Xiao and the others had the lowest level, and the highest one was this Ye Ling, who was three levels higher than his brother Ye Fei.

"Sandstorm Xuanvor, it's Shabi's turn to you." Sandstorm Haixin took advantage of Ye Ling's skills and was about to use his skills to attack him.

Shabi nodded, and then a vortex began to condense from his hand: "Swallow the vortex!"

This skill is one of the few combination skills between him and Sandstorm Haixin. First use the sandstorm vortex to gather the enemies together, and then use Shabi's devouring vortex to swallow them together to maximize the damage.

The rain was still falling, but harder than before, and the crooked lanes of the road became muddy.

"Magical skill—Misty trace of poisonous mist, everyone stay inside, I'm going to find the file." Ye Ling left after finishing speaking.

A cyan mist emanates from the surroundings. Although its name is poisonous mist, it is actually not very toxic, but because it has a large area, it is easy to be poisoned and comatose if it is inhaled too much. Death will not die, because this This kind can only poison ordinary people.

And this also has a certain space. It is possible that you will return to the starting point while walking. This skill is the skill he is known for being disgusting. If you stay in it for a long time (about 20 days), even the master has a probability. Death, of course, the death rate is less than one in ten thousand.

But breaking through this is actually quite simple, as long as you have flying skills, you can break through directly, and the level must reach the master level.

If you do not reach the realm of the ruler, you cannot use flying skills. Unless you are related to the angel family, otherwise you will not be able to fly at all, and sometimes even if you reach the realm of the ruler, you still cannot use it, because flying requires Skills, if you don't have skills, you still can't fly.

And among these seven people, none of them had flying skills, and all of them were trapped inside and couldn't get out.

But they still have to think of a way to get out, so they gathered together and began to discuss how to go, and after a while they discussed a way.

Leave one person in the center, and the others walk around. The person who returns to the center has a trap where he is walking. If he does not return to the center, then walk in his direction.

In this way, the division of labor between the few people was clear, leaving Fatty Xiao alone to guard the place, and the rest walked around as planned just now.

"I marked it on the file, so it should be near here. However, that person is also cunning, and actually deleted all my marks. It should be here when I sensed it last time."

Later, he saw Li Tian's footprints here. Because of the heavy rain, the road was muddy, and human footprints would be left behind. However, it was also because of the heavy rain, so the footprints would be washed away after a while, but because Li Tian didn't walk for long, so his footprints were completely recorded.

"God help me, it doesn't take much effort to get it, but since I can take advantage of the time just now to switch the files, it is also a talent."

Afterwards, Ye Ling set out to walk towards the footprints. However, when he walked halfway, he found a strange phenomenon. Suddenly, there was an extra pair of footprints, and the size was exactly the same as the other pair of footprints. It was obvious that he had been spotted.

Li Tian was also aware of his footsteps (because of Li Tian's ancient Rongshui, it is said that his hearing is a hundred times that of ordinary people), and halfway through, Li Tian began to use his flying body to perfectly copy his footprints and walk to the other side However, Li Tian felt that it was still not safe enough, so he split up eight more clones later on. It is impossible for such a lucky person to walk the right path every time, and the probability of this is no more than 10%.

But Li Tian never expected that Ye Ling also has tracking skills, that is, he can tell who is the real body and who is the avatar. However, Li Tian's avatar is realistic enough, because he is strong enough, so Ye Ling There are mistakes when identifying the clone, but the probability of guessing correctly will increase a lot, which is better than blind guessing.

"There should be no one chasing me now, so I should tell Yunwen Lixiao and ask him to pick me up." Then Li Tian sent a voice transmission to Yunwen Lixiao.

"I've got the document, you can come and pick me up. I'm in a certain forest. There is a house 300 meters ahead. The house is a European-style villa. With your strength, you should be able to see it." As we all know, Li Tian is a road idiot. , so I can only describe and describe his environment.

"Well, okay, you can see me by walking 1300 meters to the right." Moment Lixiao nodded, because he used the flying skill, so he saw a very wide range, and he also saw Li Tian's so-called European style. It was only after the villa that he could roughly judge how many meters the difference between Li Tian's position and his position was.

"You should be the one who took the documents, hand them over quickly, and spare you."

Ye Ling's voice came from behind Li Tian, ​​which made Li Tian a little surprised. After all, Li Tian actually let him catch up with what he thought was a perfect plan. I don't know whether to say he was lucky or Li Tian Bad luck of the day.

"I know you are curious about how I caught up. The front is pretty good, but do you think you are the only one in this world who can use the avatar technique? Sorry, I can too, so I can't play it .”

(End of this chapter)

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