From Douluo to Invincible

Chapter 78 Basic Skills of Dragon Hunting (can be skipped)

Chapter 78 Basic Skills of Dragon Hunting (can be skipped)
Yun Wen Li Dawn said very excitedly.

"Why are you so excited? I asked you about the history of the Dawn Clan. I met a member of the Dawn Clan here. However, due to various reasons, he didn't tell him their history, so I think you have lived for so long. Should know a little bit."

Li Tian was a little surprised, but he mentioned the Lixiao family, so why are you so excited?So Li Tian's nimble little head thought of what relationship he should have with the Poxiao family, maybe an enemy, maybe a friend, or maybe he belonged to the Poxiao family, because his name seems to have Poxiao in it, his name is The cloud pattern Lixiao sounds like a member of the Lixiao family.

"Sorry, I'm sorry for being rude. I'm from the Lixiao family. Is the current Lixiao family on the desert floating island? How are you doing? I can at most be considered an old man who was expelled from the Lixiao family."

Yunwen Lixiao sighed, despite his present glory, he still misses the former Lixiao family, and his tone should be that he was forced to leave the family, or was wronged and then kicked out of the family.

"Okay, okay, I know you are going to meet someone from the Lixiao family, but if you want to see more, you have to ask that person. By the way, the current situation of the Lixiao family may not be as good as you imagined. From the original top power to a relatively backward power now."

"It's okay, let me meet them later! Follow me to my house first, I gave you the dragon hunting suit first, by the way, what is the name of the breastplate you are using now, I can find it for you Did you ask me to kill the relevant dragons?"

"Okay, by the way, I still have a few professional questions to ask, such as where are most of the current dragons concentrated? And what is the state of the newly born dragon? And what is the more powerful state? "These two questions are indeed the ones that Li Tian is most confused about now. If he can't even figure out the realm of others, then he is basically indifferent. There is also the position of hunting dragons. First of all, we must know that dragons are often in Where is the activity.

"You asked these two questions well. Most people don't ask this question. They only ask it in actual combat. Then I will tell you first. First of all, dragons often fly in the sky where the floating island is. Activities, it is very, very high there, although we are all floating, but their position is the highest, all other floating islands are basically together, the same sky floating island is also very long and big , basically all the floating islands want to occupy it, but most of them will be persuaded by the nearly one million dragons there.

In the same way, dragons are exiled every day. Those exiled dragons are the targets we want to hunt, and the dragons on the floating island in the sky agree with this. Exiled dragons will gather together to form a small lair.

And the location of the small lair is usually a floating island below the floating island in the sky, the floating island in the night, you should be able to guess it by the name, yes, there is only night and no day, so it is called Exiled dragons are particularly fond of subterranean or surface life there.

Of course, there are still more dragons living underground than on the surface. Those who dare to kill underground dragons generally need to have strength, and novices like you are better off killing ground dragons. They are generally not qualified to live underground, because The strength is too weak, or the behavior is too bad, so the targets we hunt are those surface dragons, and the underground dragons, I guess you can't kill them now, I can still barely fight a pair of three underground dragons, With your current strength, it is estimated that you can fight at most one underground dragon. As for their strength, it is easy to distinguish.

Each dragon will have a dragon icon on its forehead. Every time they level up, the dragon icon will become a new dragon, from the initial red to green to black to purple to blue. Of course this is just It's just that I know, because the hardest one I've played right now is the blue one, but there must be other colors of powerful dragons on top of them.

If you encounter other dragons and don’t know how to tell them apart, it’s quite simple to tell their strength. It just depends on the level up of its dragon scales, and its dragon scales will be strengthened once. Most of the current dragon scales are very hard. Ordinary weapons can no longer attack them, and if you want to get a weapon that can attack dragons, you must ask the dragon hunter.

But dragon hunters generally only have one weapon, and a few people who like to collect have seven or eight weapons, because that is for collection and cannot be lent to others, so it has led to more and more dragon hunters. Few, and dragon hunters are often killed by dragons, so now I am the only dragon hunter left, I guess I am the only one who can fight dragons, so I also have the habit of making weapons, Okay, okay, far away, far away.

By the way, there is another important feature that everyone and dragons will be weakened by the world on a certain day, also known as the day when their own strength is weakened. Call many powerful people to protect yourself. If you have enemies, they will take advantage of this day to kill you. The same dragon has such a day.

Therefore, most dragon hunters have to observe a dragon for about a year, find out when it is weakest, and then wait to start. The two remaining dragon hunters misjudged the weak time of the giant dragon on the mountain. Then it was killed. I have been observing here for almost ten months now, and it will definitely become weak within the last two months. At that time, it is the best choice to attack the dragon.

So if you want to hunt a dragon, you need to be fully prepared. Of course, if you crush the dragon's realm, you can go up casually. If the realm is similar, the dragon must be better than you, because the blood is suppressed, So we need to find its weak day, and then add that dragons are relatively proud creatures, they will not ask people to protect them like humans.

On the contrary, the dragon will break away from the group and spend it by itself. This is the best time for us dragon hunters to start. The dragons are born in the realm of the sun and moon, and they have mastered many dragon skills. They are about the same level as humans, but their IQs are far from human beings. If anyone has the highest IQ, then it should be the high priest of their Sky City (Sky Floating Island). He built the floating island. "

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