Chapter 63 Ye Hua
"That's right, it turns out that no one on the whole road can inherit my skill. I thought my skill was going to disappear. Because I feel that my lifespan is at most 12 years. When we reach our level You can see your own lifespan, hey." Li Fu sighed, after all, in 12 years, he may not even be able to break through a realm, because he is now after taking the Life and Death Pill, so he basically has no talent, you guess During his 12 years in the town, he would never be able to break through to the next level.

"Work hard, boy, try hard to be me, and chase my shadow." Li Fu has no choice but to pour some chicken soup into Li Tian. Teleport to the five realms above yourself.

So he has already given most of his energy to Li Tian. Although Li Tian has not shown it yet, it will be shown slowly in the future. He forcibly strengthened Li Tian to the level of Riyuezi. He hopes that Li Tian can surpass him.

"Okay, okay, I'm going to give you the first task as a teacher. Now that you have relatively medium strength, you can go to the desert floating island to practice as an undercover agent. If they want to embarrass you or kill you , You use this thing to summon me." Then Li Fu threw Li Tian a token with a foreign clan on it.

"Also, we must be careful of the evil bites outside of us. They don't know what they are doing. I heard that they are related to the floating island of darkness. So, be careful, otherwise... and they are already floating in our forest Island Desert Floating Island and various floating islands killed more than 500 people. They only picked people who were weaker than themselves. So, I will send you almost to the desert floating island, and then you can only rely on myself, because if I move forward, I will be discovered by them."

On the other side, a person appeared in the darkness, and that was the original shadow man.

"His Royal Highness Ye Xun, I have already convinced that kid to our people, but he said that he has to think about it again. However, my equipment should allow him to join us." Soi Ying belongs to the Ye clan, The dialogue can be heard from here.

"The patriarch told you, go quickly, go to the temple, hurry up, the patriarch is a little angry."

Hearing that the patriarch was a little angry, Hei Ying immediately used the teleportation skill to teleport to the patriarch, and why did he listen to the patriarch of the Ye clan.It is unknown for the time being, and it seems to be very afraid of him.No, it should be fear and trembling all over.

"Damn Li Fu, actually squeezed the old man a life-death pill, but you won't be able to escape for a long time, come out, Ye Hua, how are the preparations, we will act tomorrow, remember to act once, be quick, accurate, and ruthless , and also to create an alibi for us." Before the black shadow came in, the patriarch of the Ye clan said to a member of the Ye clan.

That person is Ye Hua. Speaking of Ye Hua, it can be said that everyone knows about the floating island, because it is not only Ye Ling's father, but also our Ye Fei's father. Ye Hua was better able to complete the next more assassination missions and spying intelligence missions, but he did not expect that his eldest son Ye Fei would awaken the Holy Spirit Body. He was also the one who knew these things before, and even The patriarch of the Ye clan didn't know that he didn't tell the patriarch of the Ye clan until Ye Fei escaped from the floating island after being defeated by them.

Moreover, his youngest son Ye Ling also died this time (he didn't know that Ye Ling was a fake death.), so that he has now fallen into a trough and turned into a ruthless killing machine, and the speed of breakthrough and cultivation is also sharp. The increase, directly from being a level worse than Li Fu, to being directly on par with Li Fu now, as for why he didn't do it, because Li Fu's power is really too great, and he has power in every country. The country has besieged one of their Ye tribes, and even the entire forest floating island will be wiped out. (Every island and every island has a bridge created by their gods. Every time a new floating island appears, each island will be connected to him with a bridge. This bridge is called the Steel Edge Bridge. It will never be defeated, so there will be wars, so there will be competition for floating islands.)
"The patriarch asked me to come, what's the matter, who to assassinate." Ye Hua said indifferently, like an emotionless person.

"Does this person know? Kill him, and according to our information, he was involved in your son's murder. And he seems to be the mastermind." The patriarch of the Ye clan showed Li Fu a photo, and said something shocking. It's a secret, and this secret is actually true, because he took out a recording. Of course, with the strength of the floating island, he has absolutely no strength to create something that can be recorded.He bought this thing from Li Fu at a huge price, and he spent several million gold coins at that time.

In the end he gave up the content on the recorder.

"Your suicide mission has been accepted. Don't worry. Dividing the corpse by five horses is necessary, and even more cruel." Ye Hua smiled very persuasively, and the last sentence made people tremble with fear. Then the black shadow walked in.

"My lord, what can I do for you?" Hei Ying knelt on one knee and said respectfully to the patriarch of the Ye Clan.

"That kid Ye Fei is definitely not dead, you go find him and kill him, then Ye Hua will be used by me and become a real war machine, he still has a glimmer of hope, otherwise your parents, And your friends, I can't be sure."

During their conversation, it was clear that Heiying's parents and friends were definitely arrested by the patriarch of the Ye clan, so she would be loyal to the patriarch of the Ye clan. The reason why she was trembling at first might also be because she saw the torture of his parents or friends.

This is also likely to be an important reason for the breakup between Sombra and Li Fu.

"That's right, that's right, you are looking for the Floating Island of Darkness, you are also a member of the Floating Island of Darkness, you tell them to increase the intensity of the evil bite recently, you know, it is best not to let Ye Fei go back to Come here, it's hard to send him out, you can't let him come back so well, if they don't increase their strength, then you go find the water beast on the water floating island, he is from the dark floating island. He knows me, you just need to call him my name, and he will step up his efforts."

With Li Fu's skills used, Li Tian walked for nearly 10 minutes before reaching the desert floating island.

(End of this chapter)

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