Chapter 178 Cruelty
Minato and his team have already rushed to the business district in the city center. Tonight may be the first and last time for Tokugawa Aoi to hold such a grand ceremony in Fuyuki.

She is obliged to be present.

Tokugawa Aoi tonight can be said to be dressed up, this is the first time she has appeared in front of the camera with this image.

The last time was when wolf-level monsters ravaged Fuyuki.

Minato was on the steps in the distance, watching her, and decided to take her with him this time no matter what.

And Watergate's school has been closed.

Kleus stood on a commanding height, with Kenneth and several other blood races under his command, leading the others to scatter around, waiting for his order to start killing.

Tokugawa Aoi was talking eloquently under the camera, and she had the aura of a superior person, just when she finished her last sentence.

A blood-colored light wave condensed in Kelius's hand and shot towards the sky. It exploded an unknown number of meters above, scattering little red stars.

Tokugawa Aoi was stunned. She hadn't finished speaking yet. Why did she start setting off fireworks? This was different from what she said before.

She thought so, but slowly the crowd began to be chaotic, which was different from the chaotic chaos of celebration.

It was a kind of irregular and disorderly chaos, and gradually this riot began to expand and expand.

Until the entire huge crowd lost control.

It is conceivable that a large market with tens of thousands of people lost control for a while, and even fell into an unprecedented riot, which would have such a vicious impact.

Even the death toll in a stampede can exceed triple digits.

The blood clan led by Kenneth can be described as inhumane, like wolves and sheep, unstoppable for a while.

Everyone rushed away and fled in all directions, spreading to the center of Tokugawa Aoi at a very fast speed.

When life is in danger, all other things are bullshit. The world is as big as your own life.

The woman who was surrounded by everyone just now, like a star holding the moon, is no longer cared about by anyone.

Now she doesn't know what happened, she just frantically dialed one phone after another in the crowd.

Want to quickly figure out what happened.

When she was not paying attention, a blood race behind her saw this beautiful and bloody woman in front of her, and all kinds of desires rushed into her heart.

He rushed forward, opened his mouth wide, his four fangs gleamed, and at the critical moment, the water gate suddenly burst out.

The Flowing Water Breaking Rock Fist hit the man's cheek heavily, causing all the teeth in his mouth to shatter immediately.

Even his cheek was knocked off and deformed, and the man flew dozens of meters away.

Tokugawa Aoi saw that Minato seemed to have a backbone all of a sudden.

Quickly asked: "Minato, what's going on, you?"

Minato quickly said: "There is no time to explain, you just need to know that it is very dangerous now, come with me."

"But they."

As soon as he finished speaking, he turned his head and looked around, and was shocked. Is this still Fuyuki City?

Now Fuyuki has turned into purgatory on earth, and there are shouts and screams everywhere.

One person is chasing hundreds of people and fleeing crazily. What is going on in the world?

At this moment, one, two, and three blood races were beaten to the ground one by one. Kenneth was very surprised.

After all, these people are not as strong as themselves, but they are not so rubbish that they can be easily beaten by others.

He knew exactly who was around Minato, but no one was so skillful.

A closer look turned out to be a guy with a figure like a monster, and he couldn't even be called a human.

He is tall and tall, with two horns on his head. If you don't look carefully, you don't know who knows the evil side.

The other has white hair and doesn't look like a human being either. These two are the Demon Commander Ashiya Shiro and the Demon King Maou Sadao.

The two lost almost all their strength when they came to this world, but only under one circumstance could they regain some strength temporarily.

That is to absorb people's fear. Under this kind of crazy killing, most people will burst out with unprecedented fear.

And this will become their best food. After they transform successfully, their own strength will not be comparable to these mere vampires.

Many magic arrays erupted from his body, killing people in the vampire clan seven times in and seven out, and no one could stop them.

The two have worked together for hundreds of years, and have experienced eight hundred if not one thousand huge battles. During the battle, these blood clans can't keep up even if they flatter them.

There was a curve in the corner of Minato's mouth, which he had specially arranged before, just for today.

I didn't expect it to be so useful. The appearance of the two of them immediately attracted many blood races.

The rest of the vampires were divided by Minato and Heroic Spirits, and it was not a big problem for one person to fight against one or two.

Although it is not easy to win, there is no problem in staying in circles, as long as they can give everyone time to retreat, everything is easy to talk about.

Seeing more and more people walking, Kenneth showed a flustered look on his face, and he would be blamed if he went down like this.

Thinking of the punishment he might receive in the future, a ferocious look appeared on his face. He spread his wings behind his back, and his aura reached a peak, and traces of blood seeped out from his body.

"I fought with you"

Before he finished speaking, a stern voice sounded from behind: "Fuck you, trash, get out of here, I'll get angry when I see you."

After saying that, he walked to the front and stood face to face with Minato.

"Boy, you are the one who killed my nephew before."

Your nephew?who is it?Minato looked thoughtful.

Cleus didn't get angry and said, "The werewolf who was sent to assassinate the little girl from the Phantomhive family was killed by you, wasn't it? That kid was too arrogant, and he actually fell into trouble."

After speaking, his eyes narrowed: "Just go down and accompany him, and say hello to me by the way. Although you are good, but if you think you can defeat me, you are looking down on me too much."

After speaking, the whole body exploded, and the blood all over his body appeared, but it wasn't just nothingness.

Instead, it accumulated thicker and thicker, and gradually formed a black and red thing, which flowed around like a living thing.

What is this, does this guy say he is a werewolf?

Seeing Minato's surprised expression, Kleus said lightly, "You don't think that only vampires can use blood energy."

After speaking, the black and red living energy around the body moved like venom.

It turned into spikes and headed straight for Minato.

Seeing this, Ganji picked up Tokugawa Aoi Kui and dodged back and forth, but the spikes were biting tightly like a poisonous snake.

Gradually, a trace of cold sweat appeared on his forehead.

He yelled: "Ace, fuck your uncle, if you don't come out, I will be beaten to death."

As soon as he finished speaking, a ray of holy light cut through the night and fell from the sky, colliding with the spikes.

(End of this chapter)

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