Chapter 104 Turn Your Hound into a Teddy
"No, I don't know how powerful he is at all. It's just that he has a kind of temperament. This kind of feeling can only be seen in the terrifying person who once destroyed my original team, and they are the same kind."

"That person? Why have you never heard of it before?"

Jonah shook his head, as if unwilling to recall the past: "I don't know, I just vaguely remember that the sign of that person seems to be 'Sato', and his level is the highest level of SS+."

Before he could finish speaking, the gunshot woke him up from his memories. By the way, they were still fighting. Isn’t distraction looking for death now? I promised Kou Kou that I would go back to see her, but I couldn’t just die like this.

The team formed by them above is basically unimpeded, and the occasional enemies will be easily killed by them, and they can also free up manpower for fire support.

Under such circumstances, Minato can be said to be a god who blocks and kills gods, and Buddhas kill Buddhas. No one can survive a face-to-face meeting under his hands.

Although I was still a little conflicted when I first started killing people, but as time went by, the sense of disobedience in my heart gradually disappeared.

Not only that, but Minato, who had already killed dozens of people, did not have a drop of blood on his body.

The red-stained blade flicked vigorously, and the blood on it was thrown to the ground, and the blade glowed with a cold light again.

The outside is just a lot of miscellaneous fish, the purpose is very simple, it is to consume energy and ammunition.

Cruel and clumsy as it is, it's one of the most effective.

Killed all the way to the innermost part, a path blocked by two rows of boxes.

Suddenly, a high-explosive and a flash were thrown in front of him, trying to kill him directly.

But Minato's current state is simply not very good. He carefully watched every move this week with tense nerves. The moment the grenade was thrown, his sixth sense had already been activated, and the purpose of letting them approach was to make the person who threw the mine relax.

At the moment of the explosion, Lei Feng was thrown over, giving them no time to react.

This trick is called, 'Mr. Throwing Thunder'.

The power of the high-explosive grenade was really extraordinary, and the two rows of boxes were directly blown to pieces.

Everything ahead is revealed.

The people who appeared that night stood on a stage protected by steel, and except for the front, the rest of the place was firmly welded to death.

It was dark at night and I didn't see the face clearly, so I had the opportunity to take a closer look at it.

Unexpectedly, such a fierce person is actually a woman, wearing a camouflage uniform, wearing a bulletproof vest, a pair of eyes revealing a fierce color, her hair is disheveled behind her head, and she is stepping on high-heeled Martin boots.

Seeing Minato's approach, he didn't panic, but took down the cigarette from his mouth, and slowly blew out a smoke ring.

The enemy is extremely jealous when they meet, now he doesn't care if the person opposite is a woman or a transvestite, she will die.

Quickly rushing to the front, suddenly a figure descended from the sky, hammering with both hands together and hitting straight down.

If it was Minato in the past, he would definitely be apprehensive in the face of such a tyrannical attack, and after avoiding it, he would look for opportunities to find weaknesses to defeat.

But today he didn't have such leisurely elegance, he chose head-to-head, summoned the Devouring Knuckles, took a horse stance, and ran his whole body with all his strength, directly punching the attack towards the sky.

Flowing water shattered fists.

An incomparably powerful internal energy surged out, and penetrated into the fist with continuous force, like a poisonous snake.

At this moment, the man's fist was considered useless, and the pain caused by the force was unimaginable. Except for perverts like Wu Lei'an who had extraordinary physical talent, most people would be directly disabled wherever they hit.

This guy is a man. Even so, he still didn't make a sound. He was wearing a mask and the veins on his forehead were exposed.

With a head of blond hair, he was immediately recognizable. This person was Xi Keer whom he had met in the underground duel field. He did not expect to meet him again here.

But no matter who you are, you are the enemy of his Mizumonhiko here, with the strength of flowing water attached to your hand like a sword.

Flowing Water Breaking Rock Fist

The storm-like attack poured down, one arm was crippled, and the other hand could barely block it, but there was no way it could be blocked.

Seeing the situation, the woman on the stage did not return, she took out two Nepalese short knives from behind and rushed over.

When Minato saw this, a sneer twitched at the corner of his mouth, "Well done, I just don't have time to deal with you."

Flowing the strength full of sword intent in the fingertips, it turned into a sword with strong penetrating power. With both feet, he rushed towards the two of them, and the switchblades on his legs were also out of their sheaths. He can be said to be full of sharp blades.

Facing the flank attack of the two, he took his time and tossed and moved between the two of them, every time he moved, blood mist would be splashed.

Although he has fought against him before, this time he has raised the level of vigilance against him, and he did not expect to underestimate him.

But the people above were having a hard time. This time, there were a total of twelve people on the other side. Everyone was at a similar level. There were even a few whose physical skills were not inferior to Fanma Renga. Two of them held Minato down, and the rest Get rid of the rest, and then attack again.

Koko's people are all mercenaries, good at gunfights and close-quarters combat. Except for Falme, they can only be said to be average, and there are some powerful people who are protecting Koko at home and have not come over.

Almost as soon as these people came up, they immediately suppressed and beat them.

I thought that the victory would be seen soon, as long as this victory, each person can get at least 8000 million yen in rewards, which is enough for them to squander for a while.

There is even a veteran, code-named ghost, who will wash his hands after finishing this ticket.

The two people below were shouting: "Don't worry about the people above. Two more people are here. This kid is very evil. We can't hold on anymore."

Things have progressed to this level, and there must be no accidents. Among the crowd, Specter, although not too outstanding, is definitely the strongest in terms of comprehensive strength, because he has been honed in this industry for 20 years. Been through all kinds of dangers.

Called another guy code-named Machete, the one with the strongest physical skills among these people, to go down together.

As soon as these two perverted figures left, the pressure above weakened visibly with the naked eye.

He had been pressed and beaten all the time, but now he was able to defend himself.

However, there was no reaction from Minato's side, because when the two of them rushed over, they caught Xi Keer's momentary relaxation, directly slashed across the knee, and then hit the heart with a Flowing Power Breaking Fist.

The sternum in the bulletproof vest was completely sunken, spitting out pieces of internal organs, and there was no hope of rescue.

The eyes of the three turned red instantly, and they still attacked ferociously. Specter used a dark red dagger covered with barbs and blood grooves, and the scimitar was a glove full of broken iron.

Seeing the combined attack of the three of them, Minato gave a disdainful smile, and today I will show you what kind of a group of players you are without guns.

(End of this chapter)

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