Chapter 191 Terrible

Jiu Xinnai tried her best to open her eyes wide and looked at the scene where the funds were unacceptable, and kept cheering herself up and saying that she should have a heart of great love.

The interweaving of various contradictions made Kushina sweat profusely on his forehead during this short process.

I kept swallowing my saliva to force myself to accept such a companion, I really didn't know how much courage I had to muster.

The blue-headed boy ran into the classroom and stopped in front of the tense-faced Kushina. Kushina smiled awkwardly and nervously, and said to the blue-headed boy:
"You are here, haha, welcome."

The blue-headed boy looked at Jiu Xinna expressionlessly while sucking his nose, and said:

"You don't need to say, I know you don't like me. Seeing your forced smile, I know you're just trying to like me. "

Kushina opened her eyes wide, wanted to explain something but couldn't say it, the blue-headed boy continued:
"Your sympathetic and embarrassing eyes, I have seen countless times in my childhood, so you don't have to lie to your own heart, just say it if you don't like me."

Jiu Xinnai was so stunned that she couldn't say a word, she really didn't have any liking for him in her heart, as long as she saw the snot, it was as if her whole body was allergic and her scalp itchy.

Just when Kushina didn't know what to do, Tsunade walked in from the next room, and after seeing the blue-headed boy, he greeted him warmly.

After a few words, Tsunade said to Kushina, who was stiff with embarrassment and body:

"I need you as an assistant to help me with the surgery later."

Kushina turned her head to Tsunade stiffly, casting a helpless look at Tsunade full of reluctance.

Tsunade understood but said seriously:
"Remember what I told you yesterday? A heart of great love, a heart of great love."

Tsunade looked at Kushina, who had been silent for a long time, feeling a little distressed, and then said:
"Of course, this is really not something everyone can do. I'm a little too strong. It doesn't matter if you really can't accept it in your heart." Tsunade sighed dull and helpless.

In Kushina's past, there has never been a time when she retreated. Hearing Tsunade's words of encouragement at this time, I really think I can't lose!Do it no matter how difficult it is!

In the instant of rising will, Kushina said forcefully to Tsunade:

"I can! Let me help you! I can definitely do it!"

Tsunade looked back at Kushina, who was full of righteousness, and smiled happily and contentedly, saying:
"Okay! Come in with me, it will be over soon!"

Tsunade took the blue-headed boy by the hand and walked out of the classroom that had been set up for visits, turned around and walked towards the medical examination room next door.

Kushina, who was following behind the two of Tsunade, looked nervous.

In fact, this is the first time Kushina has been an assistant to a medical ninja, and she has also been an assistant to Tsunade without training.

In fact, she didn't know what the whole operation process needed to do, but before going to the medical room, Tsunade told her that all she needed was to help hand her what she wanted.

Kushina couldn't help but think silently, wouldn't Tsunade be training her as an apprentice like this?
But in fact, Kushina still doesn't know if he wants to become a medical ninja, and even after these few days, he still doesn't know if he has the ability of this type of talent.

Of course, Kushina knows that she is a member of the Uzumaki family. Compared with the comparative vitality, the huge amount of chakra in her body still clearly knows how tenacious the vitality in her body is.

But this does not mean that you have the ability to become a medical ninja and help others cure diseases.

Jiu Xinnai followed up with a feeling of uneasiness all the way, the fear of the blue-headed boy with a long nose still lingering in his heart, and it can even be said that the torment at this time was completely forcing himself to Bite the bullet and go on.

After entering the medical room, Tsunade first helped the blue-headed boy onto the table covered with white sheets in the consultation room, and turned his head to pull towards a metal iron plate that had been prepared.

On the iron plate were placed several pliers and clips, as well as fragmented and small needle-shaped equipment.

Kushina looked at the blunt and seemingly cold object between the metal collisions in front of her, but she had no idea what it was for.

In the quiet and tense atmosphere that should exist in such an operating room, Tsunade's voice was unusually loud. Tsunade said:
"Yesterday, after I consulted for you, I have studied your condition in depth. It belongs to the third-grade protracted rhinorrhea. More than 80% of medical ninjas still don't understand the cause of this cause, or even how it came about. .So it’s quite embarrassing for you that this disease has lingered on you for such a long time.”

Tsunade paused, then changed a relaxed tone and continued:
But only someone like Tsunade and me, a powerful medical ninja, can help you cure this disease, but this process will be a little painful, and will pull out all the liquid tumors on your body . "

The blue-headed boy squinted his eyes and listened with a dazed expression. He didn't know what Tsunade was talking about. In the end, he just shook his head and said:

"It doesn't matter, as long as it can be cured."

Tsunade continued seriously:
"I know you may not understand what I mean at all, but you still need to have a little understanding and awareness of your own illness. This is also our responsibility as a medical ninja, and I will tell you later what you need to pay attention to There are still uncertainties about where and whether there will be recurrence after treatment.”

The blue-headed boy returned to Tsunade readily and said:

"Okay, I get it, let's get started!"

After the last sentence fell, the space still echoed the last note in the words.

Then Tsunade turned on the light above his head, and in an instant the little blue-headed boy was irradiated by strong light, so that every inch of skin and fineness on his body could be seen very clearly.

Tsunade and Kushina put on their masks, and Tsunade began to operate the work at hand by picking up the longest needle first.

Stretched to the little boy's nasal cavity, and said to him coldly:

"I would puncture the main cyst first and then pull it out."

The blue-headed boy swallowed his saliva, forced a smile, and said to Tsunade:

"You don't have to explain so much, just do it."

Tsunade replied in a cold tone again: "Okay." The needle stretched straight over.

The blue-headed boy looked at the needle that was getting closer and closer to him, terrified and frightened, and suddenly shouted:
"Wait a minute! Are you sure this doesn't need anesthesia first or something?"

Tsunade closed his hand and said calmly:
"No, it's just the process of pulling your snot. There may be some pain that you need to endure."

After Tsunade finished speaking, he continued to bring the needle closer to the blue-headed boy's face, but the blue-headed boy interrupted again in fear, saying:
"Wait, wait a minute, are you sure it's just pain and not pain? I'm not afraid of pain, but I'm afraid of pain."

Tsunade answered patiently again:

"It won't hurt, don't worry, it's like magnifying your usual runny nose thousands of times, so it will look a little painful."

(End of this chapter)

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