Chapter 189 Playing
Kushina nodded fiercely, chewing the straw in her mouth, and then asked:
"Yes, brother Feiyu, what do you think? Why is this happening?"

Feiyu replied without hesitation:

"This is not an obvious problem. You have indeed attracted people, and your ideas are also very good, but you still can't understand the world of children. Their thinking is only for play, not for learning."

Tsunade took the words and said:
"I also know that they come up with fun ideas for fun, but if this momentum is followed, learning medical ninjutsu is really not for fun, so how can we meet their needs and meet our needs at the same time? If this continues, will our health care reform plan be declared a failure?"

Feather said:
"That's not the case, it's just that we need something."

Kushina and Tsunade asked questions in unison:

Fei Yu replied lightly:

Tsunade and Kushina pondered under Fei Yu's answer, repeating the time in their hearts.

This time, they are repeatedly examining themselves, the meaning of Fei Yu's words is not puzzled, what is the actual meaning of the question in this answer?
Tsunade thought in his heart, time, of course it takes time, and this is a meaningful thing that takes place in time. If there is no progress in all the processes, it is a waste of time.

But in fact, I need more time than the children, how should I measure this?

Just when Tsunade couldn't see through it, Kushina suddenly raised the tone, as if he had figured out something, and answered first:
"I understand. What you mean by saying that it takes time is to let the children recall the meaning of it in the process after this play. We all need time, and this is something that no one can force. If some people think of and decide that they are interested in this period of time, they will come again for a deeper understanding, so that it can be seen repeatedly that there are people who come frequently, and they are the most likely talents we need.”

Fei Yu couldn't help admiring in his heart, at Jiu Xinnai's age, his rare comprehension is really high.

Then the anti-Odai looked at the ignorant Tsunade with a contemptuous look.

After Kushina's words, Tsunade seemed to have figured something out instantly, and at the same time admitted that he felt that he couldn't even comprehend such a simple truth.

After each had an answer in their hearts, Fei Yu patted the table, forced a vigorous voice, and said to the two girls in front of him:
"If you understand, then clean up the classroom, have a good rest for a night and then fight again tomorrow."

Kushina and Tsunade nodded, but with a dodge, they slipped out of the classroom in an instant.

In an instant, only Feiyu was left in the classroom.It seems that the escape of the two people is to let Feiyu clean up the classroom by himself.

Fei Yu rolled her eyes and sighed helplessly, acquiescing to the behavior of the two of them, and began to silently put away the messy classroom.

While accepting it, she also complained that she was once again deceived by these two little girls who looked like angels, but in fact, Fei Yu had already guessed in her heart that there would be such a result and left it to the two of them.

After the implementation of the Medical Ninja Project, under the leadership of Tsunade and Kushina, nearly tens of millions of recruitment leaflets printed by Kushina himself began to fall everywhere in Konoha Village.

The leaflets flying all over the sky and everywhere successfully attracted the attention of everyone in Muye Village.

Including Jonin who is patrolling and passing by at any time, he can always pick up one from the ground from time to time, so he can't avoid looking at the contents inside.

Everyone began to recognize and realize that this health care reform plan is serious.

Within a few days, the ninja school turned out to be the most mobile place in the village.

All kinds of people living in the village, when they find some free time, go to the ninja school to visit the operation process of medical ninjutsu.

In such a short period of time, most people already have a basic understanding of medical ninjutsu.

Of course, there are even some wretched men who go to see the big-breasted sister and the cute red-headed long-haired sister.

It's just that the result is that under Tsunade's violent beating, he calmly diagnoses and treats their injuries, and displays them in front of various people as exhibits.

And everyone is no longer surprised by Tsunade's strange behavior, and from time to time there is a good slapping sound from the classroom.

Tsunade has let go of the obsession in his heart. He is no longer obsessed with the number of recruits, but is serious about showing everyone the medical ninja skills he has inherited.

On the side, Kushina never stopped distributing leaflets to those who came and went, inquiring about the abilities and interests of the other party in a warm and polite tone, and never let go of any opportunity to see if the other party might give it a try.

Children of more age groups also began to appear in this classroom.

Tsunade Toihaku and Shinnai have noticed that there are already some familiar faces appearing frequently in this classroom.

I also noticed the eyes of some children, looking into Tsunade's eyes, it is no longer curiosity and anticipation, but more of admiration and yearning.

Seeing the progress of this plan, Fei Yu also nodded in satisfaction. He did not forget that he is the leading party in this medical reform plan.

No matter how lazy I am, I must insist on cooperating, and the tasks that promote this plan form a progress flow.

Three hard-working people spent four days in such a fast-paced life.

In one afternoon during a busy day, Kushina lay on the small table at the door of the classroom, unable to open her eyes in a trance, and fell asleep lying on it.

At this moment, a small figure suddenly stepped onto the board of a table and chair next to Kushina.

He raised his head seriously and looked at the words written on the announcement.

With a pointed head and blue hair, the little boy was carefully reading the explanatory materials on the bracket layout.

The little boy didn't realize that the snot left in his nasal cavity was getting longer and longer.

He didn't even notice the elongated length of the snot, which was about to drip onto the face of Kushina, who was lying on the table under his feet, half asleep and half awake.

And just a few millimeters away, Kushina finally felt a foreign body sensation covering her side, and instantly woke up.

And with the slightly opened eyes, a sticky drop of water was approaching the front of the eyes little by little.

When Kushina was wondering what it was in a trance, the picture gradually became clear and she saw a huge shadow standing above her from the angle of looking up.

After realizing the huge snot left under the nose of a little boy, he was so frightened that he lifted the stool within a second, kicked it out of the table, and screamed loudly.

And being heard by a sudden sound and scream, the little boy took a breath unprepared, and sucked the long snot back into his nasal cavity again.

(End of this chapter)

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