Chapter 133 Daughter
Lying on the bed, Fei Yu analyzed the gains and losses of the plot mission.

Sometimes people always have to be forced, after losing their powerful golden fingers, how to fight God of War against opponents stronger than themselves.

Fei Yu was forced to a dead end by the system this time, and he didn't have the right time, place and people to defeat a powerful hell three-headed dog.

If it wasn't for his decisiveness, if he dared to work hard, he might never come back again, never see Jiu Xinnai again, and couldn't protect her, then it would be a lifelong regret, and he would be brought into the coffin when he died.

The name of guarding was imprinted on Fei Yu's mind for the first time. When he was under the strong attack of the three-headed dog and might even die, his only thought was that he had no chance to guard Kushina.

Kushina is a regret in his heart. In the memory of his previous life, when his parents died to seek justice for him, he saw the scene of Kushina guarding his son Naruto that day.

It deeply touched Fei Yu's heart, and poured all the guilt and regret towards her parents on Jiu Xinnai.

Protecting Jiu Xinnai and making up for the regrets in her heart, this is what Fei Yu is insisting on and working hard for.

Perhaps knowing now, he wanted to understand why he was so touched when he saw Jiu Xinnai for the first time.

The word "parents" has long been blurred in Feiyu's heart, but their love is deeply imprinted in his heart.

In his previous life, he wanted to climb up desperately, but he didn't want to disappoint his parents' chance to exchange his life for it, and he didn't want to see them with regrets when he died.

Salted fish is nothing but a silent resistance succumbing to fate.

Perhaps today, Fei Yu finally found the most important thing in his heart.

"I, Feiyu, have finally found it, the key to unlock the shackles of fate."

With the answer, Fei Yu fell into sleep, which was the most peaceful sleep he had in more than 20 years.

Tomorrow, I must fight Tsunade back to Konoha, just to break her hands and feet, I must do it.

Rumu in the afterglow of the morning, Fei Yu pulled Jiu Xinnai out of Konoha's gate, and at the same time at the gate, Ning Ye also gave Fei Yu two papers.

One was prepared by her for Fei Yu, and the other was Sandai's order to turn the corner to Fei Yu's Tsunade to call back Konoha.

After opening it, Fei Yu wanted to laugh a little, because Ning Ye had prepared a lot of things for him, but he couldn't open the sealing scroll, so it was finally handed over to Jiu Xinnai, who is proficient in the sealing technique.

After Jiu Xinnai unlocked it, he saw what Ning Ye had prepared for him.

Not much, just a few things, two sleeping bags and daily field supplies, it seems that Ning Ye also knows what to prepare, I don't want Jiu Xinna to bring nothing, not even a change of clothes.

In the end, it was Grandma Mito who gave her a seal scroll.

After the two are opened together, they are basically the same, and they are all necessary materials for survival in the wild.

With Kushina around, their speed was about the same as the usual ninja running, and Kushina's speed was about the same as that of Chunin, and far worse than Feiyu.

After leaving Konoha for a while, Kushina was tired from running, so Fei Yu directly picked her up and flew into the air.

"Wow, it's so exciting." From the excitement at the beginning to the cold, Feiyu finally slowed down, allowing Kushina to experience the fun of flying again.

After the two had been traveling in the air all day, at night, Fei Yu continued to fly with Kushina on his back, but at a much slower speed.

Feiyu didn't want to waste too much time on the road, and planned to spend 2 days from Konoha to Tsunade.

Because of the addition of Kushina, it took an extra day.

Although it was in a time of war, the territory of the Kingdom of Fire was still relatively stable. Looking at the dim night, Fei Yu's heart gradually melted in this scene.

The devil knight carried the princess on his back and went to a distant place to find his sister who had been lost for a few days.

Fei Yu gave him a little description of his current actions, so that those bards could write a book of fairy tales.

In the early morning, when the first ray of sunlight fell on Jiu Xinnai, she slowly opened her eyes, and on Fei Yu's back, she screamed in extreme excitement.

Many people can see the sunrise, but in the sky, there is no shadow to see the sunrise. I believe that even if Fei Yu's two lifetimes of memories are combined, there are not many people who have seen such a sunrise.

A goose-egg yolk sun climbed into the air little by little, and Jiu Xinnai was sitting on Fei Yu's shoulder, hovering in the air.

Enjoying such a beautiful sunrise while eating bread.

Both of them hope that the memory of this scene can be possessed forever, and after admiring the wonderful sunrise, they set off again.

"Fei Yu, do you think we will go wrong?" Jiu Xinna was suspicious, and kept running through the woods, but it was getting slower and slower. Under Fei Yu's gaze, she blushed , a weak voice came from the mouth.

"Why do you say that?" Feiyu was a little surprised. After watching the sunrise just now, Kushina insisted on snatching the map, and then pointed in a direction, saying that it was a shortcut that would allow them to avoid those annoying checkpoints.

This is also the most time-wasting time for Fei Yu to complain about checking the level, so Jiu Xinnai shot it, saying that she is more familiar with this place.

"That is the direction where the sun rises, and the direction of the country of grass is in the northwest, but we are running towards the direction of the sun now."

As Kushina spoke, her voice became softer, and finally she raised her head in embarrassment.

At sunrise, Fei Yu stayed in the air, and then landed directly on the ground to check the map. Now it's all right. If the direction is wrong, at least a few hours will be wasted.

Fei Yu looked suspiciously at the red hair that was too unreal, he shook his head, and touched the little girl with her head bowed down.

He took out the compass again and determined the direction.

In this dense forest with no one around, it's easy to get lost.

Then he took out the cotton-padded jacket, put it on Jiu Xinnai, put her directly on the shoulders, and flew into the sky, ready to speed up the flight and chase those few hours back.

Judging from the fact that he went in the wrong direction, Fei Yu's face was always ashen.

Neither blown by the wind, nor angry with Kushina.

But a bad premonition.

He has a self-awareness that something bad will happen to the Congress of Grass this time, and many people may die.

Jiu Xinna, who kept pressing the hat on her head, looked at Fei Yu below her from time to time, she dared not make a sound, and couldn't make a sound.

Flying at high speed, the sound of the wind piercing the air could cover all her voices.

Jiu Xinnai was also worried, whether Fei Yu was angry, angry at her for going in the wrong direction.

In fact, it's not her fault. Kushina did visit the Country of Grass when she was a child, but it may be that the age is relatively far away, and many things have changed, which caused her to go in the wrong direction.

Kushina wanted to explain all the time, but they were in the sky, and it was difficult to talk about it.

When Fei Yu was worried about whether Jiu Xinna could hold on to such a strong wind pressure and slowed down, she had the opportunity to say what she wanted to say in her heart.

"Fool, I'm not angry with you, I just have a bad feeling." Fei Yu smiled and handed the water glass in her hand to Jiu Xinnai on her shoulder.

"I hope it can be completed smoothly."

(End of this chapter)

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