The Queen of Konoha can only be Hinata Hanabi

Chapter 99 The Official Match Begins

Chapter 99 The Official Match Begins
In the morning, Konoha Village.

The south gate with a height of more than ten people is completely open, and the large wooden leaf logo on the lintel has been polished and shines brightly under the warm sunlight.

Two rows of ninjas were neatly dressed, with their heads held high, and lined up to welcome the arrival of the leaders of observers and organizations from various countries.

Minister of Operations Nara Shikahisa greeted them one by one at the gate on behalf of Hiruzaru Sarutobi.

As a series of small sedan chairs entered the city gate, Nara Shikahisa looked ahead, and a small sedan chair with the word "wind" printed on it was long overdue.

The most important guest——Fourth Kazekage finally arrived.

"Master Fengying."

Lu Jiu bowed slightly, "I welcome you on behalf of Hokage-sama."

The car curtain was raised, revealing the fourth generation Kazekage Luosha wearing a bamboo hat with the word "Fengzi" and wearing a white face scarf, "Minister Lu Jiu, long time no see."

Lu Jiudao: "Master Kazekage is exhausted, Master Hokage has already prepared refreshments for you."

"Don't bother Mr. Hokage." Luo Sha shook his head slightly, "The old man is getting older, so you have to be considerate. Let's chat while watching the game."

"Uh, okay."

Lu Jiu nodded in greeting.

When the sedan chair enters the village, Konoha ninjas on both sides bow neatly and slightly to pay respect to the strongest sand ninja.

At this time, Hiruzaru Sarutobi in a brand new Hokage robe was standing on the roof of the Hokage Building, looking at the South Gate from a distance, with a solemn expression, and remained still for a long time.

"Lord Hokage."

He said softly, "It's time for you to go."

Suppressing the uneasiness in his heart, Hiruzaru Sarutobi turned and walked towards the stairs.

ten days.

Lin, who was supposed to return to Konoha ten days ago, disappeared for a long time.

Several calls were made, but there was no response, and the vice-captain of Anbu disappeared out of thin air.

Intuitively Lin has encountered an accident.

But how is this possible!

For this reason, he personally went to the shrine in the land of the oil woman, and the seal was intact, and there was no sign of damage.

In order to find Lin, Anbu mobilized nearly 300 people to search, but found nothing abnormal. Lin and his two followers seemed to have disappeared from the world.

With every step, the feeling of uneasiness grows stronger.

Is it because of Lin's disappearance?


Nor is it.

The sense of uneasiness started from the second round of the Chunin exam.

But everything looks so normal.

The information submitted by Anbu every day is safe, there are no changes in the ninja villages, the Chunin exam is going smoothly, Sasuke's curse seal has been suppressed, and Orochimaru has not appeared again.

Walking out of Hokage, Hiruzaru Sarutobi quietly made a gesture.


like appearing in front of you.

"Send Qi an order to protect me personally."

He always felt that there were a pair of mysterious eyes staring at him, like the god of death, waiting for the opportunity to swing a fatal knife.


Xiang got up and went into the building, and with a wave of the waist card in his hand at the corner where there was no one, a secret door opened on the wall; he followed the secret passage, turned around, and appeared in front of the chief captain's office.

Before he could knock on the door, the captain in a dark red hooded robe and a qi mask pushed the door out.

Qi said in a deep voice, "I want to personally protect the three generations of adults."

"Three generations of adults also mean the same thing."

Like bowing down to salute.

Not long after the two got into the secret passage, a secret door next to it opened, and an old man walked out with a bandage on his right arm and crutches in his left hand, and walked into the chief's office.


Qi was still wearing a mask behind the desk, and the mask was taken off, revealing Yuhi Nana's beautiful face.

"My aunt called me early in the morning, what's your order?"

Danzo bowed and sat down.

Poured a cup of tea for Danzo himself, Nana Yuhi smiled and said, "It's nothing, I haven't seen you for a long time, drink tea and chat, my nephew won't mind."

"Auntie is serious."

Danzo took the teacup.

"I remember when you and Sarutobi followed Tobima, there was no ninja school in the village, right?"

Yuhi Nana was in a posture of having a long talk.

Danzo nodded, "Yes, my aunt has a good memory."

"What a memory, I've forgotten a lot of things." Yuhi Nana seemed to be quite interested in talking, "How did you get selected as a disciple by that bastard in Tokaima back then, let me tell you."


Danzo was secretly surprised.

We started talking 60 years ago, when will we talk about it!

Muye Village, Southwest District.

Li Nuoke accompanied his brother through the forest, and a circular martial arts arena appeared in front of him. The walls were more than ten meters high, and the shape resembled the bird's nest in the previous life.

"Li, this time you can't use the Eight Door Dunjia again."

Walking into the martial arts arena, Teacher Kai was still telling Li Luoke, "The passionate lotus should bloom to protect Konoha, not to fight for a momentary victory."


Rock Lee nodded heavily.

"Brother, listen to Teacher Kai, don't be impulsive."

Li Nuoke lifted his sunglasses, "Sasuke is our companion, friendship comes first, competition comes second."

Ever since search warrants were posted all over the street, he always wears sunglasses when he goes out, and he has gotten used to it these days.

I am really worried about my brother, and I am even more worried about Sasuke; even if Sasuke has learned Chidori, he is not too strong now, if my brother opens five doors, he will kick Sasuke to death.


Rock Li nodded again, "I remember!"

Teacher Kai gave Li Nuoke a thumbs up.

Huh, big white teeth flash.

Entering the venue, Mr. Kai accompanied his disciples to the contestant area, while Li Nuoke walked to the audience stands.

There are three stands with cornices, and the huge viewing stand in the middle is empty with only two chairs.

The small stand opposite is the VIP seat for observers from various countries and leaders of major business organizations.

The biggest grandstand was full of darkness, there were very few empty seats, and many people were already sitting.

Finding an empty seat in the top row, Li Nuoke searched for a familiar human-shaped Qi group.

Will Senior Dou still come?

He's not quite sure.

The real purpose of his visit today was to capture Medicine Master's pocket alive.

A black-haired girl at the bottom suddenly turned her head.

Huahuo sensed his knowledgeable attitude, smiled at him, and hooked his fingers, motioning him to sit beside him.

Li Nuoke shook his head and pointed to the long-haired man beside Huahuo.

That's Hinata Hinata.

He wasn't that brave to molesting his daughter in front of his father.

Hanabi got up and left her seat.

Hyuga Hyuzu turned around and took a look, and when she turned her head, her brows frowned even tighter.

Lord Ishikawa has not replied yet, and now is not the time for a showdown with Huahuo.

Sitting next to Li Nuoke, Hua Huo looked at the venue, but the voice was compressed into a line by Chakra and passed into his ears.

"The promotional effect of the popular combat boots road show in Kyoto and Shihe is very good. The pre-orders in Kyoto alone have reached [-] pairs. Just like you said, if the children of the major families in Kyoto do not order a pair of combat boots, they will go out It’s too embarrassing to say hello to people.”

While talking, Huahuo giggled.

Invite local celebrities to publicize on the square platform, euphemistically called a road show; invite the most famous local singing and dancing girls to dance in combat boots for endorsement.

It's hard to understand how he came up with such a ghost idea.

The effect is unexpectedly good.

Before the specialty store was built, the first funds were withdrawn.

For 5 taels of popular combat boots, the children of the aristocratic family paid for it in advance as if they didn't want money, and ordered a dozen pairs if they had to buy it.

The husband I chose is very weak, but his brain is really good.

(End of this chapter)

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