The Queen of Konoha can only be Hinata Hanabi

Chapter 56 Match 1, Written Exam!

Chapter 56 The first round, the written test!

In the teaching building, in the big examination room.

Under the window sat a row of invigilators holding notebooks.

More than 100 candidates were silent, silently waiting for the arrival of the first written test.

The rules have been preached, but no test papers have been distributed.

The chief examiner who shut up many rebellious guys—His Excellency Morino Ibiki disappeared.

On the seat, Naruto muttered "It's over" over and over again in his heart.

written examination!

His weakest item, zero points, is almost certain.

It's nothing to get a personal score of zero, what if Sakura and Sasuke are implicated!
Naruto pouted as if he was constipated, and scratched his head vigorously.

"Sir Naruto."

Whispers came from beside him, like mosquitoes and flies.

Naruto turned his head, only to find that the examinee next to him was Hinata Hinata, her cute face was red, and her index finger was smacking.

"Come on together, Naruto-kun!"

Hinata whispered.


Naruto nodded.

His heart was warm, but he couldn't figure out why Hinata, who had a very low sense of existence, always blushed when speaking.

In a daze, Morino Ibiki walked into the examination room, followed by three new candidates.

Can you be late for this kind of exam?

Just as Naruto was about to laugh mockingly, he was surprised to find that one of them was actually Li Nuoke.

"Nok, why are you here!"

The exclamation came from two people.

In addition to Naruto, there is Rock Lee.

Rock Lee's eyes widened. Does his brother also take the Chunin exam?
Why haven't I heard Nok mention it!
Choji Akimichi shouted, "Noke, haven't you graduated yet?"

"Mr. Li still needs to graduate!"

Inuzuka grumbled.

Akamaru on the top of the head "woofed".

At home, Uncle Inuzuka Fangzhong is going to praise Mr. Li to the sky.

But Inuzuka is not jealous, ninja tattoos are the most boring.

He doesn't care that Lee Nook is a genius.

It must be Li Nuoke who is strong in writing, and Akamaru can handle Mr. Li with his hands.

Nara Shikamaru pursed her lips, "Noke really doesn't mind the trouble."

I really don't understand Li Nuoke's behavior of asking for trouble.

Yamanaka Ino's eyes were shining with stars.

I haven't seen him for a year. Li Nuoke, who is introverted and always keeps his head down, seems to have changed. His expression of frowning and scanning the audience is so handsome.

He glanced at Li Nok to the left, and Sasuke to the right.

Who do you like better?

Such a difficult multiple choice question.

Haruno Sakura also looked at Li Nok first, then Sasuke.

It seems that Nok-kun is indeed more handsome; however, he nodded secretly, "Sasuke-kun is the cutest!"


Hinata Hinata focused on her younger sister, "Why are you here!"

Hanabi didn't even go to school, so why did she come to take the Chunin Exam?

The examination room suddenly became chaotic.


Mori Yibi yelled, suppressed the commotion in the examination room, and turned around: "The three candidates sit in the empty seats at the back, and the exam will start soon."

Li Nuoke nodded to his brother, Naruto and others, and walked towards the last row.

I saw Gaara, I saw Yakushidou, I saw Six Paths Toss; I also saw the unknown grass ninja who is the strongest in history.

At this time, it should not be Uncle Snake.

None of these people attracted his attention, but his eyes glanced at the three people in front and behind the wall on the right.

They were three genin with Konoha forehead protectors, all wrapped up tightly, with red masks on their faces, only the eyes were exposed.

The outfits of the three are almost exactly the same, the difference is that three black characters are printed on the three red masks.

Red, leaf, hunting.

Pay attention to these three people, not because of their strange costumes, there are too many strange costumes in the examination room.

It was because Sai, who was beside him, made eye contact with those three people when he entered the room just now.

Li Nuoke sneered in his heart.

Needless to ask, those three are also root members.

Sai is just an arrangement exposed on the table, and Danzo has a backhand.

"The exam begins now!"

Following Morinoi Hibiki's order, test papers flew to each seat.


Of course, Li Nuoke didn't take a look at the test paper. He frowned and analyzed the situation in front of him.

There are too many disadvantages.

There is nothing in the first exam, and I will not do it at all. I will do it in the second exam.

In the forest of death, Sai, who is on the surface, is used to monitor his every move, and inform his accomplices of his location at any time through some kind of secret method.

The main attack should be the Red Leaf Kari trio.

The death forest with a radius of ten kilometers looks huge, and it is difficult to escape from the clutches of the roots if you do mental calculations or carelessly.

How to get rid of Sai is a problem.

At this time, he would rather single out Gaara trio than face Momiji Kari.

The only favorable factor is that he is a time traveler; he has seen through Sai's identity and understood the entire examination content.

He glanced at the proctor under the window, and then at Hinata Hanabi across the aisle.

The evildoer is also a favorable factor, and she was also forced to come here. From the eyes of Hinata Hizuru, this is even more certain.

However, what is the purpose of Sarutobi Hiruzen doing this?
Also take the opportunity to kill Hinata Hanabi?

Not too possible.

The ninja family represented by the Hyuga family is the foundation of Konoha. Killing Hinata Hanabi will force the largest family to rebel. It is impossible for the old guy to do this.

Secretly ordered Hyuga Hanabi to join hands with Sai?

Also unlikely.

In that case, why let Hinata Hanabi come, and send another root member to form the nineteenth class and it's over.

Take off your pants and fart, no need.

Suddenly understood.

Let the Hinata family take the blame!

Sarutobi Hiruzam most likely planned this way.

Mr. Li is famous, and his death in the Chunin exam will definitely cause heated discussions among Konoha people. Wei Guangzheng's three generations of Hokage-sama cannot bear this blame.

The Hyuga family is the one who is responsible for the blame!
Whether it is to create the illusion that Hinata Hanabi killed Li Nok by mistake, or fabricate the lie that Hinata Hanabi gave up rescuing teammates, there are ten thousand ways to make the Hinata family bear the blame.

In this way, he killed himself, and the Konoha officials have no responsibility, and it also ruined the reputation of the Hyuga family.

As for the control of the scale, it all depends on how many chips the Hinata family is willing to exchange with the third generation.

To be nice is an understatement.

If you are not good, spread the word.

With reference to Konoha Baiga's death, Hinata Hanabi, who was raised as the successor of the family, was discredited. Within a few decades, the Hinata family would not even think about raising their heads.

Li Nuoke sucked in a breath of cold air.

Ginger is old and spicy, and Hiruzaru Sarutobi is very calculating!
After contemplating how to break the game, when I looked up again, most of the 45-minute exam had passed.

Looking up, some candidates have already used small movements and started to write cheat sheets.

A branch of kunai was nailed to a test paper of a certain candidate.

"What is this for!"

The examinee asked angrily.

"Cheating five times, you will be eliminated." Gang Zitie pretended to laugh, "This guy's two companions, get out of the classroom immediately!"

The three candidates reluctantly left the examination room.

Candidates were shocked.

not long time.

"No. 47 and No. 32 are eliminated!"

"How can it be repaired!"

Six more were eliminated.

Suddenly, Li Nuoke, who was sitting in the last row, stood up, swaggered to the desk of the Taki Nin examinee in front, and laughed loudly: "Damn it, why did you only do two questions, and you read all the books into the dog's stomach?" Did you go?"

"Raise your arm, let me see!"

"Are you doing the right thing? If you copy it wrong, you will kill your father and me!"

There was an uproar.

Everyone turned their heads and watched Li Nuoke lying on someone else's desk copying the answers.

Li Nuoke raised his head, smiled slightly, and waved to several classmates.

"I'm busy, let's talk later."

Everyone was stunned.

This is for you to pretend!

(End of this chapter)

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