Chapter 52 Believe in Science
Walking out of Sister Danai's office, Li Nuoke put away his reluctant expression and frowned slightly.

Remind yourself to be careful?

This statement is definitely not nonsense, it must have something to say.

Sister Danai must have received some rumors, but the news is uncertain, and it is inconvenient for her sister to say so, so she reminded herself to be more careful.

Ever since he learned that Dana-san is the captain of Anbu, Li Nuoke's vigilance has indeed relaxed a lot.

Mr. Li has a great reputation, has the highest trust of three generations, and has Sister Danai as the backstage.

He didn't care about anyone in Muye Village shaking his arms.

But since sister Dana pointed something out, it means that the other party must have a lot of background.

Who is it?
Li Nuoke targeted Hyuga Hanabi and the Hyuga family.

The Hyuga family has already obtained the blueprint of the combat boots, but this cooperation is not what the Hyuga family wants.

The Yuu family is making every effort to cultivate phone bugs, and Konoha Communications is also preparing.

This touched the nerves of the Hyuga family, and also slapped the Hyuga family in the face.

Hinata Hanabi wants revenge.

To what extent?

Li Nuoke shook his head slightly.

Given how much he is currently favored by Konoha, the Hyuga family may not dare to kill him.

Assassinating the star of hope who represents Konoha's future is equivalent to betraying Konoha, and that is war.

Even if Hinata Hanabi wanted to kill herself, Hinata Hinata would not agree.

This can be determined.

Well, perhaps to teach myself a lesson.

Sister Dana has talked a lot about the underground world these days, and she also mentioned the shuriken who is eight hundred miles away.

It is also possible for the Hyuga family to offer a reward for a hand or a leg through the underground world.

Be careful sailing for thousands of years, what Danai said is the truth.

Thinking of this, Li Nuoke didn't go back to the rabbit class, but went back to the experiment department, and asked the head of the internal affairs team to help Hinata Hanabi with a word.

"Puppy Love Cancellation".

The team leader is a family ninja from the Hinata family.

If Miss Dana doesn't come back, he's going to stay in Anbu and never go home, let alone mention the village.

Want to play tricks?
I won't give you a chance.

Returning to the Tuban office, when he entered the door, he saw Sanjo Zongjin holding his own calculation straw, looking very seriously, and didn't notice that he entered the room.

With a light cough, Li Nuoke ignored him, and sat aside to unfold thousands of design drawings.

Getting ahead is not a business.

Some people are like this, the more you respect him, the less he treats you as solid food.

Sanjo Zongjin pointed to the miniature Chakra engine formation on the straw paper, and suddenly said, "This, this was designed by you?"

His voice trembled, his pale face was flushed sickly, and his expression was agitated.


Li Nuoke glanced at him, turned his head and continued to look at the blueprint, "I didn't design it, or did you design it!"


Santiao Zongjin was not angry, and shouted loudly.

"You say it!"

Li Nuoke looked like he had taken gunpowder, and his attitude stinks worse than stinky shit.

The strange thing is that Sanjo Zongjin was still not angry, and smiled for the first time, "No wonder you came to be the leader of the equipment team, I thought you were..."

Hesitant to speak.

"Gold plating?"

Li Nuoke answered.

Sanjo Zongjin laughed, that scarred smiling face was uglier than crying.

"You're staying stupid in Anbu."

Li Nuoke continued, "You don't even go out to find out who I am! It's not my honor that I come to Anbu, it's Anbu's honor!"

Fantastic mountain sound.

"It is indeed an honor for Anbe."

Santiao Zongjin smiled flatteringly, "Can you... tell me about this formation?"

Li Nuoke understood.

This is a science idiot.

Sophisticated people, people and things are all ignored, and only science is in their eyes.

No wonder he was so excited and adored Aunt Snake when he saw thousands of drawings that day.


In this world, some people believe in power, some people believe in eyes, some people believe in themselves, and some people believe in their partners.

Only Aunt Snake believes in science!
Aunt Snake is the idol of all tech workers, including Li Nuoke.

When it came to academic issues, Li Nuoke put away his arrogance and began to explain patiently.

Sanjo Zongjin's eyes became more and more eager.

Wait for the formation explanation to finish.

"Master Rabbit, you are really...too a genius!"

Sanjo Zongjin's lips were already trembling, and he shook his head with emotion, "How old are you, are you 30 years old?"

Li Nuoke was so angry that he almost punched him in the face.

You are blind!


Due to being inside the mountain, there is almost no concept of time in Anbu.

The existence of the countdown let Li Nock know that it is already three o'clock in the morning.

But the discussion between the two was in full swing, and they didn't feel sleepy at all.

In the professional field, Zongjin Sanjo is not only not blind, but also very knowledgeable and smart.

Some discussions benefited Li Nuoke a lot, and his thinking was opened up.

Clap your hands: "Ten thousand copies is too much, we can design a low-end version first, one thousand!"

Sanjo Zongjin shook his head again and again, "The shape of a thousand copies is really not conducive to the seal of the micro-engine array. Even if there are a thousand roots, the phenomenon of energy diffraction is still serious. Let me calculate."

Two hours later, "No, with a limit of 3 feet of swords, if you want to avoid the phenomenon of energy diffraction, you can only carry 104 at most, so it's not a thousand books."

"No, it's not!" Li Nuoke said loudly, "What we want is practicality rather than good-looking. Change your thinking, there are 104 thousand copies hidden on a Taidao, and it can also have an unexpected effect when facing the enemy!"

"...It makes sense!"

Two days later.


Sanjo Zongjin walked out of the workshop, holding an experimental blade full of cracks, "It still doesn't work, the horizontal cohesion force is too small, even if it is made, it can only be put on display, and it will fall apart with a light wave."

Li Nuoke stared at the drawings hanging on the wall, motionless.

Sanjo Zongjin joined.

The two are like wood carvings and clay sculptures.

After an unknown amount of time, Li Nuoke suddenly slapped his hands.

"Give up the thousand form!"

"Needles can pierce people, but suffering can't pierce people, why do we have to be entangled in the shape of the needle!"

"Using a form with sufficient cohesion in all directions can also create unexpected ninja swords!"

He hesitated, "What form should I use?"


Sanjo Zongjin slapped his thigh, "Snowflakes are in the form of crystals, and the cohesion force is equal in all directions!"

Li Nuoke's eyes lit up immediately, "woc, Lao Zongjin, you are such a genius!"


Two days later.

When Li Nuoke walked out of the tunnel, it was full of stars.

In the past five days, he has only slept less than ten hours, but he is not sleepy at all, but extremely excited.

The system backpack has an extra blade.

Only 20 cm long.

However, the blade body is made of special star pattern ninja iron, which can be split into 38 snowflake-shaped sharp slices, which can automatically attack under the guidance of the user's chakra.

This is the result of five days of progress between him and Santiaozong.

I also got a system reward by accident, [The first round of the continuous mission "Independent R&D is the future" is completed, explaining: Inheritance is the foundation, and innovation is the future of scientific researchers; Reward 1000: [-] gold coins, Reward [-]: Sewing fruits Try it out. 】

Finally, there is another life-saving hole card.

It is worth mentioning that after Sanjo Zongjin manipulated the Snowflake Blade, he happily asked him to try it too.

Li Nuoke had a sad face, "I can't do it, I can't learn ninjutsu, I only know taijutsu."

Santiao Zongjin laughed out loud, "Woc, brother, there are things you don't know!"

After five days, the old and the young have become brothers.

With the results of the experiment in hand, he intends to announce the good news to the third generation first, but unfortunately it is too late, so it can only be tomorrow.

Li Nuoke walked to his home.

The Chunin exam will officially start tomorrow morning, and I will go home tomorrow morning to give my brother a strong trip.

 ps: After laying the groundwork for several chapters, the Chunin exam is finally about to begin. Is it a poison or a surprise for you?

  You look down.

(End of this chapter)

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