Chapter 78
Soon, Li Ran found his first target among the nearby crowd - it was a little wizard with a thick head and a thick head, and he was talking to the little wizard beside him with his eyes wide open. This scene was seen Probably thought he was arguing with someone else.

After looking up and down the opponent's physique, Li Ran smiled. He thinks that a little wizard with this figure should like football, right?

After a few steps to the side of the other party, he opened his mouth.

"Hey, Luo Hu, what are you doing here?"

He patted the other person on the shoulder and said hello.

"Huh? I'm chatting with my roommate. What's the matter? What's the matter?"

Luo Hu didn't seem to notice that there was another person beside him. After being patted on the shoulder suddenly by him, he first looked around in confusion, and then found him standing beside him.In fact, Luo Hu couldn't be blamed, after all, there were too many young wizards in the common room at this moment, and it was normal for someone to pass by when people came and went.

"By the way, your name is Li Ran, right?"

Luo Hu thought about it in his mind, then called out Li Ran's name, and asked him suspiciously.

"Well, I discussed it with Wei Yuze who lives in the same dormitory with me just now, and I feel that idleness is idleness, why don't you find everyone to play football together, the big guys are assigned to the same class by fate, they should hang out more together .”

He said to Luo Hu with a smile on his face.

Then added another sentence.

"Would you like to come together? I think you should like playing football very much."

"So it's like this. I usually really like playing football, but is there a football field here?"

After listening to his words, Luo Hu nodded first, then remembered that there was no room in the lounge, so he said to him suspiciously.

"Well, of course there is no football field in the common room, but Wei Yuze and I searched on the map just now and found that there are football fields in other places in the tree cave. How about it, do you want to play two together?"

Li Ran pointed to the big map on the back of the bookcase not far away, and explained to Luo Hu.

"Okay, since there is a venue, what are we waiting for, let's go together."

After he finished speaking, Luo Hu was aroused, grinned, and said to him.

Then he asked his roommate if he wanted to go with him.

The roommate next to Luo Hu nodded, and also agreed to the proposal of going to the football field to play two games together.

"That's good, but there are too few people now, how about we split up and find a few classmates in the same class?"

Li Ran said to Luo Hu and his roommate.

"no problem."

"Okay, then let's gather at the gate of the common room later, and then I'll go find the next classmate!"

After getting the other party's answer, he waved at the other party, then turned around and went to the crowd to find the next little wizard in the same class.

Soon, Li Ran followed the same pattern and found more than a dozen young wizards in the same class. However, some of them were not interested in playing football and did not agree to his proposal. In the end, there were only seven or eight young wizards who agreed to play football. .

After searching in the crowd for a few more minutes, he found that there were not many young wizards in the same class who hadn't asked, so he turned and walked towards the door of the common room.

It seems that I can only hope that there are enough classmates recruited by others, otherwise I will not be able to make up the 22 starters
He shook his head, thinking as he walked.

Not long after, he walked to the door of the common room.

Looking up, I found that a group of familiar faces had already gathered here, there were about a dozen or less than twenty people.It was the little wizards in his class.

When Wei Yuze, the leader, found him coming, he waved his hands and shouted at him, "Li Ran, here! Come quickly!"

After hearing the other party's shout, he trotted a few steps and ran in front of the other party.

He first said hello to the few classmates he had found before, and then he lowered his head and said to Wei Yuze in a low voice: "It seems that there are not enough people, why don't we just kick them?"

The other party also responded to him in a low voice: "There is no other way, it is good to have so many people, but there are still more than a dozen girls in our class."

"Okay, that's the only way to go."

Li Ran said to the other party helplessly.

Then he said to the many young wizards beside him: "We don't seem to have enough people, so we can only kick around casually. I think everyone is here, why don't we go straight now?"

"Let's go, we've been waiting for half a day."

"It's okay, just kick and play as you like!"

"Let's go, Li Ran, remember to lead the way, we don't know where that football field is!"

Many little wizards responded to him.

"Okay, then I'll lead the way, everyone, don't wander around by yourself, I can't take responsibility for getting lost."

Li Ran said something in response, and then reminded everyone.

"Don't worry, let's go. It's really boring to stay here."

"It's okay, I won't walk around."

After listening to what the crowd said, he nodded, stood at the front of the crowd, took the lead and walked into the large light door of the lounge, and in a blink of an eye his figure disappeared from everyone's eyes.

Wei Yuze on the side also hurriedly followed, and was the second to enter the light gate.

Afterwards, many little wizards didn't look at it, and stepped into the light gate one after another.

Soon, the gate of the common room became empty, without a single figure.

After passing through the light door in the lounge, Li Ran first led everyone through the huge platform they had walked through before.

After passing through the platform, everyone came to the white pipe in the center of the spiral tree ladder.

Li Ran stood at the front of the line, according to the elevator operation diagram he had seen on the bookcase, he pressed a few buttons on the wall next to the white pipe.

The white pipe in front of everyone's eyes turned into a door like before, and opened to both sides.

"Let's go."

After he said something, he was the first to enter the white pipe.

The people behind also followed in while chatting.

Li Ran didn't listen to what they were talking about, but waited until the last person came in, and pressed a few buttons on the wall in front of him.

As the button was pressed, the door at the entrance of the pipeline was suddenly closed, and the entire pipeline took them upwards.

The feeling of taking the elevator reappeared, but fortunately, it didn't last too long this time. After about 30 seconds, the white pipe stopped rising.

The door to the pipe mouth opened again.

There was no need for him to remind this time, many little wizards came out of the white pipe.He was the last one to come out of the pipe when there was no one behind him.

Strangely, after the little wizards walked out of the white pipe, they didn't move forward, but stayed where they were.

Looking at this scene, he was a little confused.Could it be that the scene ahead is too amazing?Is there a football field in front?As he thought about it, he took a few quick steps to keep up with the crowd, and then he didn't stop, but walked to the front of the team.

It wasn't until he stood here that he realized why everyone stopped.

Because he looked at the scene in front of him, opened his mouth wide, and stood there dumbfounded.

 Second more!

  Thanks for the votes everyone!
  More, smash me to death!

(End of this chapter)

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