Wizards of the East at Hogwarts

Chapter 72 The Ocean View House You Can Only Afford After Working for 5 Years

Chapter 72 The Ocean View House You Can Only Afford After Working for 500 Years

Soon, the three passed through the light door of the No.18 dormitory one by one.

However, just after entering the dormitory, Li Ran and Wei Yuze were stunned by the sight in front of them.

Li Ran had imagined what the dormitory of Polaris School would be like before, but he really didn't expect it to be like this.

He had just entered, and what caught his eyes was a huge floor-to-ceiling window, which was two or three meters high, and the scenery outside the window was unobstructed.Not the slightest shade of leaves.From the perspective of the porch at the entrance, you can clearly see the sea outside.

Good guy, is this the legendary sea view room?This is the house that I couldn’t get back even after working for 500 years in my previous life?
Li Ran complained in his heart.

Although complaining in his heart, he still likes this sea view room dormitory very much. Among other things, the floor-to-ceiling windows and the scenery outside the window are enough for him to score 88 points.

"Okay, this is the dormitory for the two of you at Polaris School from now on. A house elf will bring your luggage to you later. Take your time. I'll allocate dormitories to the students behind."

Liu Yong looked at the two standing at the door who were shocked by the scenery outside the floor-to-ceiling windows, and said with a smile on his face.

The two were still immersed in the scene in front of them, and didn't answer him immediately, but he didn't care, but smiled understandingly and turned away from the light gate.When he saw his dormitory for the first time that year, his expressions were similar to those of the two.But at that time, the furniture in the dormitory was not as rich as it is now, he looked around at the surrounding furniture and thought enviously.

However, before leaving Guangmen, he paused, thought of something, and added to the two of them: "By the way, if you have anything to do, remember to contact me with the jade card, the method has been told to you just now , don’t forget, you can come to me if you have any questions, don’t hide them.”

After finishing speaking, he didn't wait for the two to answer, and directly stepped into the light gate, and his whole figure disappeared in this dormitory in an instant.

After a while, Li Ran broke away from the view of the sea in front of him. First, he turned his head to look at where Liu Yong was before. After failing to find him, he turned his head to look at Wei Yuze beside him.

"Hey, where is Teacher Liu Yong?"

"Well, I don't know... I remember that someone said something shy and didn't pay much attention just now." Wei Yuze scratched his head and replied in a daze.

"(⊙o⊙)..., well, forget it, leave him alone. I guess he just came in and left."

After listening to the other party's words, Li Ran didn't pay too much attention to it. Instead, he lowered his head and took off his shoes, walked away from the hallway, and walked towards the French windows in front.

"Li Ran, wait for me." After seeing his movements, Wei Yuze hurriedly took off his shoes and chased after him.

When the two reached the floor-to-ceiling windows, they were able to see the whole scenery.

"Wow!" Wei Yuze, who was catching up from the side, rushed to Li Ran's side and cheered as he watched the scene before him.

"This is too beautiful." Li Ran also looked out of the window with bright eyes.

He stretched out his hands, pushed open the upper half of the floor-to-ceiling windows, and stuck his head out of the window.

A cool, salty sea breeze blew over.

"It's so cool!" He said intoxicated.

After the two passed through the hallway, what appeared in front of them outside the window was a vast ocean.

At this time, it was two or three o'clock in the afternoon, and the weather near Daxie Island was not bad. There was a sun in the blue sky, and a few white clouds were slowly floating.

Li Ran put his eyes on the sea surface, and could vaguely see some unidentifiable fish species churning and jumping on it.

Looking down, some crabs are drilling around on the sandy beach bordering the ocean on Big Crab Island.

Just looking at everything in front of him, he already imagined that he would bask in the sun on the beach and see the beautiful days of senior sister!

Think a little excited.

After taking a panoramic view of the scenery outside the window, he closed the window, turned around and looked at the dormitory he and Wei Yuze shared.

He saw an exquisite living room appearing in front of him, and the living room was facing the floor-to-ceiling window where he and Wei Yuze were currently sitting.

A huge banana was placed in the living room opposite him. It was three to four meters long and about one meter high. It looked the same as the Big Apple sofa in the common room before.

This huge banana should be the sofa in the living room of their dormitory.

In front of the banana sofa, there is a rectangular table, which is not small in size. Li Ran looked it over and felt that it was enough for him to lie on this table.And there should be a lot of surplus.

The ceiling of the living room is the same as that of the common room, and it also looks like a starry sky ceiling.Luminous fruits hung on it one after another, but because the sunlight outside the window was very good at this time, illuminating the entire living room, these fruits did not glow.

Looks like a luminous version?he thought so.

On the wall behind the banana sofa are three ink paintings, which depict the representative beasts of the three branches of Polaris, namely Zhu Yan, Ying Long, and Bai Ze.

It is worth mentioning that this time Yinglong is not hanging in the middle, Bai Ze took its place.

Li Ran smiled. He had already sensed that the three colleges were fighting openly and secretly before entering the course.Even the calligraphy and paintings in the student dormitory have been tampered with.It seems that the competition among the three branches in Polaris is fierce.

Of course, he had expected this point when Liu Yong introduced the ranking battle.

After all, the other party mentioned at the time that there will be a battle between the three chiefs of each grade, and the school will tilt the resources of the three colleges of the next grade according to the ranking.

This is not just a resource among students. Think about it, the salary of the magic school teachers is definitely not the same as that of ordinary people. According to his guess, the salaries of these teachers are probably some resources or currency for cultivation.

Then, there is a high probability that this so-called resource inclination will also be related to the income of the teachers of the three colleges in the next year.

Only in this way can the teachers of each branch be encouraged to improve their usual teaching quality.

Shaking his head, Li Ran walked towards the banana sofa without thinking about these messy things.

He fell directly on the banana sofa. Unexpectedly, the sofa gave him a very comfortable feeling. It didn't feel as hard as he had imagined before, nor did he sit down and let the sofa burst into banana fruit.

It appears to be specially processed bananas.

He pressed the place beside him, and saw that as the strength of his hand increased, the place on the banana sofa was slowly sunken in.

He gently took his hand away, and the sunken place he pressed with his hand immediately bounced back.

He pressed it repeatedly for a while, but didn't continue to try.

Instead, he put his hands behind his head, and Ge You collapsed on the banana sofa.

Put your feet on the table and look at the scenery outside the floor-to-ceiling windows opposite.

Pheasants flew across the distant sky as if they were training.

This feeling is too comfortable, he closed his eyes and took a deep breath.

 Second update~
(End of this chapter)

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