Chapter 53 Exposure
After being troubled for a long time, Li Ran was still a little confused.

Looking up, seeing the rows of buttons in front of him, he felt his head hurt even more.

Things seemed to be at an impasse.

He looked up to the sky and sighed, only feeling that he was in a dilemma now, as if he had got into a hole in the ground, but his upper body got in, but his lower body couldn't get in anyway, and he wanted to get out but found that his upper body couldn't get out either.

The whole person is stuck here, trying the buttons in front of him one by one will not work, but if you don't try, you will wait in place and fear that the Shan Hai Jing beasts above will attack.The situation froze completely.

"Yuan Ye, why did you disappear when I needed you the most..."

Li Ran is in a very depressed mood now.He had no idea where Yuan Ye had gone.Eaten by a crab?He shook his head, no, if he was eaten by the big crab, according to the opponent's size, the whole school bus would go into the crab's stomach at this time, how could the opponent only eat Yuan Ye alone.Moreover, the crab is described as a mild-tempered animal in the Shan Hai Jing, and it is not aggressive.

An adult crab's eyes reached the clouds, and the North Sea could be seen from the South China Sea. Such a strange beast whose size cannot be described as huge would not care about anything in the world.

Do humans pay special attention to the microbes around them?Obviously not, that's the reason.

This is also the reason why Li Ran was no longer particularly afraid after knowing that it was a big crab.

The big crab on the top of the head is obviously not watching the school bus, but because of its posture at this time, the angle of view is here. Maybe the other party didn't notice this school bus, which is quite small for it.

However, every move of the other party may cause turmoil in this sea area, so this is why Li Ran dare not press the buttons on the console in front of him. Was it pushed by the waves onto the surrounding reefs?

Speaking of Cao Cao, Cao Cao will arrive.

As soon as he murmured about Yuan Ye in his heart, he realized that the other party appeared in his field of vision.

I saw a flying sword on the door panel suddenly appearing on the seabed in the distance, and a layer of light shielded the flying sword inside.In the mask is Yuan Ye who Li Ran has been looking for but failed!

Yuan Ye stepped on the flying sword and flew over in the distance. Li Ran saw that he didn't even block the action, so he jumped up quickly and waved his hands to signal the other party not to come over with such fanfare.

Isn't this just waiting for the big crab on the top of the head to be discovered? When people flick their crab legs, everyone has to finish playing.I'm afraid it's not going to end up in a car crash.

Yuan Ye, who was riding the wind and waves in the water, found Li Ran in the car waving his hands and kept beating. He felt a little puzzled in his heart. Didn't everyone in the car have passed out? Why did one of them wake up?

Without thinking too much, he accelerated directly to the school bus.

Li Ran in the car saw Yuan Ye not only did not slow down, but flew over more arrogantly, he felt helpless at once, he helped his forehead, there was really no other way.I hope I won't scare the big crab above my head. Even if I do, I hope that the waves turned up by the opponent will not let the school bus be pushed against the wall of the nearby reef. He prayed silently in his heart.

Yuan Ye pressed a button at the door, and then the door at the front of the car opened. Strangely, the sea water did not rush into the school bus. He bent his left hand, and the flying sword on the door panel under his feet instantly became smaller and flew around. It reached his hand and got into his sleeve.Then he stepped into the car.

As if passing through a transparent membrane, Yuan Ye's whole body had already entered the car, and what disappeared was the mask that was originally on his body that isolated the sea water.

"What are you doing?"

Yuan Ye lowered his head and looked curiously at Li Ran who was praying with his eyes closed.


Li Ran was taken aback by Yuan Ye's sudden voice, only then did he realize that the other party had already entered the school bus, and had already walked beside him before he knew it.

"Huh? Why didn't you fall asleep like them? Or did you wake up later?"

Yuan Ye took off his sunglasses and looked at Li Ran curiously, his purple eyes flickering slightly.

Li Ran was also a little confused at this time. He first raised his head to look at the big crab above his head, and found that the strange beast hadn't moved at all. He took a long breath, and then looked at Yuan Ye in front of him: "I just woke up. Come here, what happened to the big guys in this car?"

"Oh, it looks like you're quite gifted mentally. Lao Yang hasn't woken up yet, so you woke up first." Yuan Ye first looked at the bald driver who was still sleeping on the steering wheel, and then turned around. He turned his head and put the sunglasses back on and said to Li Ran.

"As for why the people on the bus fell asleep? It's because a mermaid tribe that just migrated appeared nearby. It didn't recognize our school bus and thought it was their enemy chasing and killing them. The song made everyone faint."

"I just chased after them to negotiate with them. Now I have explained clearly. As for everyone who is sleeping in the car, they will wake up naturally after a while. Don't worry. Let them rest for a while now, after all We're here." Yuan Ye explained to Li Ran.

After finishing speaking, he sat down on his seat, raised his legs, and swayed.

"I see."

"Wait, what did you mean when you mentioned the place?"

Only then did Li Ran understand what was going on in front of him.However, Yuan Ye seemed to be on the right track just now?Is the school under the sea?He was a little puzzled, so he asked the other party.

"It's obvious, isn't it? Didn't you just look up and see it?" Yuan Ye pointed his finger upwards, then took out a glasses cloth from his pocket, took off the sunglasses, took a breath and began to wipe it .

"Above.? Could it be that the school is above the big crab????" Li Ran didn't react at first, until he saw the opponent's fingers, then subconsciously raised his head, and realized that the one directly above was not the big crab .

"Bingo, that's right. The school is right there. Otherwise, why would I leave the school bus to chase those mermaids? There won't be any safety issues with the school bus here." Put a piece of cloth in your arms.

Yuan Ye raised his head and looked at Li Ran who was standing beside him, the purple light in his eyes flickered slightly.

"Student Li Ran, do you know a lot, even big crabs? It seems that you have reviewed your homework in the past few days. And the little flying sword beside you looks pretty good." Yuan Ye first glanced at the Wangchuan sword floating in mid-air beside Li Ran, and then turned his attention to him, looking at him playfully.

After hearing Yuan Ye's words, Li Ran was startled, and then looked beside him, only to realize that he was too excited when he saw Yuan Ye before, and forgot to unsummon the Wangchuan Sword.

This was so bad, his heart sank, and he felt that things were going in a direction beyond his control.

 The first update.
(End of this chapter)

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