Chapter 46 Attacked
As expected, the school bus they were riding passed through the wall in the backyard of the JC Bureau, but not only the wall, but also the buildings behind the wall passed through one by one.

It seems that it is not the reason of JC Bureau's backyard, but this car has the ability to shuttle objects?

At this time, Li Ran was no longer nervous, he rubbed his chin and guessed secretly.

He turned his head and looked out of the window. To his surprise, the whole school bus slowly got into the ground, first the front, then the rear, and the crowd on the street seemed to be unable to see the school bus, without any reaction .

Gradually, the surroundings outside the car window became pitch black, which made him basically unable to see anything clearly. He could only deduce that there was mud outside the car window based on what he saw before.

At first, he was still wondering how to drive to the school in an hour and a half. Now he understands, it turns out that he took a shortcut—driving directly into the ground without waiting for a red light or avoiding pedestrians and vehicles , can you hurry up?

Of course, the most important thing is that the speed of their current school bus is not slow. He felt that the speed of driving on the ground just now was several times faster than that of taking the high-speed rail in his previous life. This is what he guessed based on the backward speed of the scene outside the window. .

As the school bus slowly deepened, light suddenly appeared on the outside of the school bus, allowing the little wizards in the bus to see the scenery outside the window.Of course, there is nothing to see now, the outside is full of dirt.
However, this kind of picture also made the little wizards exclaim again and again, after all, it was the first time they saw the scene underground.

"Wow! It's so dark and scary outside!"

"I saw an earthworm! It's so big, it's just outside the window!" A little girl pushed the boy sitting next to her, and pointed out the window with her mouth covered in surprise.

Li Ran followed the trend and saw nothing. After all, the school bus was driving too fast.

Probably just a slightly bigger earthworm, he thought to himself.

Sure enough, he is still young, and everything he has never seen before will feel very fresh.

Sitting in the pile of radish heads, Li Ran felt that his mentality had also become younger.

That's right, as long as he safely arrives at the Polaris School of Magic, he can enjoy the new world he has never touched before with peace of mind. It's really exciting. He smiled faintly at the corner of his mouth, and his whole body became more relaxed. stand up.

After all, after arriving at the school, it is estimated that there will be no such messy troubles before. Even if something happens, the teachers of the school will come forward, and there is no need to risk your life to fight it.After all, when the sky fell, there was a tall person to carry it.

Of course, the most important thing is that the big BOSS Voldemort in the original book is an old nerd, and he basically stirs up troubles in the British magic world from the beginning to the end. He has never been abroad, and it seems that he has only been to Germany once?Li Ran thought uncertainly.

Forget it, I haven't heard of this guy coming to China anyway, so he definitely won't disturb my life.

Li Ran put his hands behind his head as a pillow, and his whole body slumped on the seat. He is not in a good mood right now.

And there is no need to worry about the safety of your parents. I have communicated with Yuan Ye before. As a new generation of young wizards, before they are minors, the security departments set up in each city in the magic world will secretly protect their families. .

Although they will protect every ordinary person as soon as something happens, but when there are no abnormal events on weekdays, the focus will definitely be on the family members of the wizard, which is considered a privilege.

Of course, the most important thing is that after their investigation, the probability of wizards' relatives encountering abnormal events is much higher than that of ordinary people.This is another reason why they take care of wizard relatives more on weekdays.


A loud noise interrupted Li Ran's thoughts.


The seat belt on his body was originally loose, but with the loud noise, it became tight instantly, and a strong sense of restraint appeared on his body, and he felt that his whole body was imprisoned in the seat.

Before he could figure out what was going on, the school bus suddenly vibrated violently. Li Ran raised his head and looked in the direction where the sound came from—over his head, at the top of the car.

I saw that a large piece had been dented in the roof of the school bus at some point.Fortunately, the material of this school bus should be pretty good, it's just simply dented, and it didn't break.

Otherwise, this cart of little radish heads will experience the feeling of being buried alive, and there will be no room for them to yell at them, Li Ran thought maliciously.

He didn't panic, because Yuan Ye was still in the car, and he believed that as the leader of the magic department in City A, he should be able to perfectly solve this sudden attack.

Yes, Li Ran had already guessed it. Judging from the recessed phenomenon on the top of the school bus and the sound of hitting something just now, it must have been attacked by some kind of large creature this time.

Instead of panicking, he turned his head and looked out of the window. Sure enough, the soil outside the window beside him had disappeared, replaced by a large unknown object. Looking at the pattern on the object, he suddenly remembered what the little girl said before— —What a big earthworm.

It is indeed very similar, but Li Ran thinks that the size of an earthworm is a foul.

At this point the school bus had stopped.He touched the seat belt on his body and found that the sense of restraint was no longer as tight as before. Although the feeling was still there, it was not as strong as before. It seemed that it was the intensity of an emergency just now.Due to the reduced restraint of the seat belt, Li Ran was able to stand up half of his body and move around.

He barely stood up, but he didn't stand up completely, and his knees were still bent.But it was enough for him to see the front, back, left, and right.

really!He found that the windows of the school bus, every three or four windows were blocked by the body of the big earthworm. His heart sank slightly. It seemed that the earthworm had wrapped the entire body of the car. I can even imagine what it looks like now.

From the outside, the current school bus looks like it is entangled in a big and thick boa constrictor.

Li Ran was a little worried. He thought it was a slightly bigger creature before, but he never expected it to be this big. He didn't know if Yuan Ye could beat it.

"Students, don't panic. We met a not-so-good guest during the trip. I'll go to meet him. Don't move around, just sit in your seat obediently."

Yuan Ye's voice came from inside the car.

Li Ran continued to maintain a half-standing posture, stretched his neck, poked half of his head out, and looked at Yuan Ye's previous position.

After Yuan Ye finished speaking, he stood up from his seat and nodded at the driver.

The bald man didn't talk nonsense when he saw this. Instead, he touched the steering wheel. Li Ran stared at it with wide eyes. Unfortunately, he was too far away to see clearly. He could only roughly see the driver touching the steering wheel, and then I don't know what to press.

Then, a miraculous scene appeared in his eyes.

 The second update is over!

  Thank you for your recommendation tickets, and the brother who invested today!It's just that I can't see your ID here, thank you.

  In addition, everyone remembers to go to bed early after reading it, even though tomorrow is still the weekend. .

  The body is the most important thing. .


(End of this chapter)

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