Chapter 38 Firestorm
A huge three-story-high dark green flame storm suddenly rose in front of the sea of ​​scarabs, and sparks splashed around the storm. Strangely, the asphalt road below the storm was not melted or burned.

Instead, lumps of unevenly distributed frost formed!It seems that what suddenly ignited was not a fire storm, but a cold ice and snow storm!
But in the blink of an eye, the chunks of frost that were originally under the ground of the flames were vaporized instantly. Along with the vaporization, there was also the asphalt road under the frost, and a huge sinkhole appeared here.

The inside of the pit was not burnt pitted, but smooth as a mirror, as if everything disappeared in that instant.

The dark green flame storm kept turning, as if it had a huge suction force, and the surrounding weeds and debris were all tumbling and sucked into it, and the strong wind caused by the suction force blew up Li Ran's skirt.

However, his body was not affected in the slightest, and he was still standing straight on the spot. At this time, he was like the pinnacle in the depths of the turbulent ocean. No matter how strong the wind is, I will stand still.

Scarab and Insect Sea knew something was wrong a long time ago, and wanted to avoid the sudden flame storm, but unfortunately, the suction force in the storm was too strong, and these dozens of insects could only be sucked into it involuntarily, and were caught in an instant. The pulling force crushed it into slag, and then it was frozen into small pieces of ice.In the center of the storm, it is pulled by the suction force and circles around incessantly.

After about two or three seconds, these small ice balls vaporized into mist again, and gradually disappeared into the storm.

"weak person." (Note 1)

Spit out of his mouth in disdain, Li Ran wiped his mouth with the back of his hand, but unfortunately the saliva still kept flowing out after wiping.He didn't care about it anymore, and only then did he put down his right hand, which had been held flat all the time.

He slowly walked towards the jackal he had left aside a long time ago, bent down, grabbed the jackal who had been dead for a long time and threw it to the flame storm.The jackal's body was instantly pulled into the storm by the suction.

What is amazing is that the body of the jackal was not torn apart like the previous scarab, but entered the center of the storm intact.It seems that its own physical strength is not bad.

Of course, it may also be that Li Ran's current physical and magical qualities have not fully utilized the trick of possessing a heroic spirit this time.

Although the jackal's body was not shattered into pieces, after entering the center of the storm, it was still frozen like other things, freezing into an ice sculpture.Within a few seconds, the entire ice sculpture also vaporized and disappeared at the center of the storm.

The dark green flame storm seemed to grow bigger again.

Li Ran rubbed his chin. The special effect of the flame storm that can be continuously enhanced by the dye is indeed quite good. It is no loss that it is an anti-military spell. He nodded in satisfaction.

However, with the disappearance of the scarab and the jackal, the flame storm naturally has no use for it.

Li Ran raised his right hand again and snapped his fingers above his head.The flame storm slowly disappeared into the air, and the surrounding flame shields also slowly disappeared without a trace.

Only the huge pothole where the flame storm is located proves what happened before.

Suddenly, Li Ran closed his eyes, as if he had noticed the disappearance of the battle. The unknown heroic spirit possessed him left his body, and his mouth stopped secreting saliva.Heroic Spirit seemed to be quite satisfied with this battle, and after leaving a trace of satisfaction in Li Ran's heart, he disappeared.

After opening his eyes again, the original dark green light in his eyes disappeared, and the broken hair of a non-stop fanatic also obediently stopped moving, and was tightly attached to his head.

With the disappearance of the heroic spirit, the Wangchuan sword that has been surrounding his body is no longer flickering, but the flickering dark green light is extinguished.It seems that some kind of power in the sword body has been exhausted.

Turned around in the air and turned back into the ouroboros. It is worth mentioning that the two protrusions on the head of the ouroboros seem to be two points larger than before, and the ouroboros flew towards his wrist , turned back into the previous tattoo, attached to his wrist.

After all the dust fell to the ground, Li Ran's standing body swayed uncontrollably twice, and he knelt weakly on the ground, with his hands on the ground, supporting himself so that his body would not lie on it - completely fell down.


He was panting heavily, and fine drops of sweat dripped down his hair.Soon the ground beneath his face was wet.

"Damn it, is the body too weak? It becomes so weak every time after being possessed." Li Ran cursed in a low voice.

After resting like this for four to five minutes, his body recovered a little strength, and he stood up slowly with his hands on his knees.


After spit out a mouthful, Li Ran wiped his mouth, it was fine, no more saliva this time.If the flow continued like this, he was really afraid that he would become dehydrated.

He reached out and patted the dust on his clothes and trousers, and found a small wooden stick from the grass nearby. With difficulty, he leaned on the wooden stick and walked step by step to the Egyptian-style coffin.

It took three to five minutes before he walked slowly to the coffin.

The moonlight fell, allowing him to see all the details of the Egyptian-style coffin.

None of the above scarab carvings are gone.Obviously, they were all swallowed up by the flame storm just now.He looked up to his window, and the scarab outside his bedroom window was gone.

The coffin board that was pushed to the ground at the side also changed dramatically, and the statue of the jackal that was originally carved on it also disappeared at this time.Only the shape of the whole coffin still retains the Egyptian style.All the carvings on it are gone.

It seems that after turning into a monster, they were all solved by themselves.Li Ran thought to himself.

So what's going on in all this?It’s okay to say the past few times, but this time even the Egyptian monsters who are not in China have invaded my side. What is hidden behind all this?Li Ran rubbed his chin while leaning on crutches.

To be honest, he still has no general idea after thinking for a long time, just like the chessboard dream he opened in the hotel before, he has too little knowledge of these things or things, and his familiarity is basically zero, so he can't deduce anything at all. Useful things to come.

"Are you really going to tell Zhang Guodong all this and find the answer from him?" Li Ran thought about it, then shook his head, and decided to look for it by himself first, and then ask Zhang Guodong on the sidelines if it really doesn't work. Bar.

After all, the current him couldn't explain how he solved all these things. He even felt that these things were spread on the head of an adult wizard, and that wizard couldn't solve it.

After confessing these things, if he doesn't want to expose Wang Chuanjian, he can only make up nonsense one after another, not to mention whether Zhang Guodong will believe these at that time, just one lie needs more lies to make up Probably enough to give him a headache.

Li Ran sighed and didn't think about it any more.

Looking at the Egyptian-style coffin on the ground, what he should think about now is how to deal with this coffin.

 The second update is over!

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  Note 1: The meaning of the weak.


(End of this chapter)

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