Chapter 303

Li Ran was awakened by the sound of a heavy object falling to the ground.The voice was very close, as if it was downstairs in their house.

Rubbing his sleepy eyes, he ignored him, muttered something in his mouth, turned over, and continued to sleep.

After a while, the sound came from downstairs again, but it was a little softer than the previous one.But it was still enough to wake up Li Ran who had just fallen asleep.

Depend on!
He got up from the bed, walked to the window, opened the curtains, and was about to see what was going on downstairs, it was noisy as if it was being renovated.

As a result, as soon as he opened the curtains, he found several fist-sized beetles lying outside his window. The shells of the insects were black. Li Ran took a closer look. This was not the movie "The Mummy" he would watch when he was in college. the scarab?That is, the beetle whose scientific name is the dung beetle.

Isn't this thing only available in Egypt?Why did you run out of your own window?Li Ran thought suspiciously.

He didn't open the window rashly, after all, the performance of the scarab in the mummy movie was quite scary.Although there are only three or four sprawled outside the window at this moment, who knows how many sprawled in places that cannot be seen from the outside. When the window is opened later, a bunch of them will fly in, and he can't solve it.

Forget River!

Li Ran whispered in his heart.To be on the safe side, he still planned to summon Wang Chuanjian first, because of the sound of heavy objects falling from downstairs just now, and these beetles who didn't know when they were lying outside the window of his house.These signs all indicate that this matter is strange.It's better to be cautious.

Following his call, the Ouroboros tattoo on his wrist also began to fly out from his wrist, slowly changing, and gradually turning into the little sword he was familiar with.


Li Ran beckoned at Xiaojian, and Xiaojian twirled in the air, obediently flew into his hand, flashing green light.

"Turn out the light, it's so conspicuous." Li Ran whispered.

The little sword froze for a moment, still blinking, and then seemed to understand, no longer shining, the whole sword only had the original muddy black on its body.At this moment, in the middle of the night, it seems to be very secretive.

Li Ran ignored the bugs, but stood on tiptoe and looked downstairs through the window.He had to figure out how the 'dong' came out first.

At this time, it was already pitch black outside. Fortunately, there were no dark clouds in the sky this night, and the bright moonlight accompanied by a little bit of starlight fell on the path downstairs.Can barely see something.

Li Ran took a closer look and found something remarkable.There is actually an ancient Egyptian pharaoh's coffin parked downstairs in his house.However, the sculpture on the coffin board is not a sculpture of a pharaoh, but a statue of a jackal, somewhat similar to Anubis.

At this time, the coffin board had fallen off the ground. It seemed that the second sound was the sound of the coffin board being pushed away and fell to the ground. As for the first sound?It is estimated that the coffin was pushed down from the roof, otherwise it would be impossible for a coffin to fall from the sky out of thin air.

But now is not the time to study the appearance of the coffin. Whether it is a scarab or a coffin, Li Ran feels that it is full of extraordinary flavor. It seems that this is another matter in the magic world, he sighed.

Why didn't you rest for two days just after returning home?Really Xie Te, can you not encounter this kind of thing again before he starts school.Li Ran cursed inwardly.

He squinted his eyes and looked carefully, and found that there was nothing in the coffin.Looks like something inside got out, hell.His heart sank. After all, weird things had happened, so he had no choice but to think about the worst.He couldn't be so naive as to think that such a big battle was just to throw a tattered and empty coffin.Moreover, the drop point of the coffin board was obviously pushed away from the inside.

Li Ran drew the curtains, and did not act rashly. He first went to his parents' bedroom. After entering, he looked at the window. It was fine, there was no scarab lying on his stomach.Then he checked that there was no accident and they were still asleep, so he quietly closed the door of his parents' room.

Turning around and changing into a black sportswear, he tiptoed to open the door, ready to go downstairs to meet this thing.

After all, seeing the scarab lying on the window of his house, he knew that it was probably aimed at him.

After leaving the house, he carefully closed the door. At this time, there was only a little dim light in the corridor.It can't be said that Hei can't see his fingers, but it can only be said that he can barely see something.

Li Ran walked carefully to the first floor, without any accidents along the way.

After walking out of the unit door, he walked as close as possible to the wall of the residential building, trying to hide himself in the shadow of the building - the other party didn't know where he was hiding, so to be on the safe side, try not to expose it as much as possible.

Perhaps because he had already walked outside, Li Ran could clearly see the Egyptian-style coffin that he had seen vaguely upstairs before.

The coffin was two meters long. Not only were there carvings on the top of the coffin board, but also some patterns were carved on the side of the coffin. Li Ran squinted his eyes and found that the pattern of scarabs was carved on the side.However, one side of the coffin has many scarab carvings, more than a dozen, while the other side is different, with only a few sparse ones on it.

Could it be that the scarab on my window is the carving on this coffin?Otherwise, how can there be more on one side and less on the other? He muttered in his heart.

Slowly, Li Ran groped to a corner of the building. He leaned his back against the wall of the building and squatted down slowly, perfectly hiding in the night.This position can ensure that he will not be attacked by the enemy from behind. If there is an enemy, he can only attack from in front of him.Moreover, the shadow here is relatively heavy. If someone is looking for him, they may have to stare at this place for a long time before they find him hidden in it.

After Li Ran squatted down, he looked around with his eyes, trying to find the monster that ran out of the coffin.He first put his eyes on the place where the moonlight shines, where it is more obvious.After patrolling for a while, he didn't find anything, so he had to slowly distinguish the darker places one by one.

Here, no!There, neither!Could it be that the other party has already left?No no no, it must not be that simple.Li Ran shook his head.

After all, the previous scarabs had all climbed onto his window. If it wasn't for him to close the window by chance, those scarabs would have crawled onto his face long ago, and they would have died in a daze if they hadn't been asleep.

Moreover, he now seriously suspects that the sound of the coffin falling to the ground might have been intentionally made by the other party, and he was the only one who heard it.Otherwise, how do you explain that there is no one around to turn on the lights to check?

You know, when Li Ranlin went out, he checked the time. It was estimated that it would be eleven o'clock, not even midnight yet.How come no one turns on the lights to see what's going on outside?
The most important thing is that since he woke up, he hasn't heard the usual cicada calls.You should know that this month is the most active time for cicadas, especially when the weather is so hot these days.

The hand that he was holding Wang Chuanjian tightened unconsciously, this incident revealed something strange from the very beginning.

(End of this chapter)

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