Chapter 268

Because there have been successful case experiences before.

So this time Li Ran's healing speed is much faster than before.

Just when he healed the first wound of the phantom, his speed still hadn't reached the limit that he could accomplish.

After all, although he had already understood the principle of the spell of "a dead tree brings spring" through the inherited memory left by Li Bao.

However, it is the first time he has used it, and it is already very good to be able to fully display its effects.

But now, he no longer has the raw feeling he had when he performed it for the first time.

This is why his healing rate is now so much faster.

As for the difference between the current him and the speed of "A Dead Tree Comes Spring" he just performed.

Just look at the healing speed of the wound on the shoulder of the phantom under his feet.

I saw that the large blank space in the center of the phantom's shoulders was healing at a speed far faster than before.

Almost in the blink of an eye, one-third of the wound area on its shoulder had disappeared.

One by one, the new and vibrant pink granulation fills up one-third of the missing space.

A piercing sound came from behind Li Ran.

almost the same time.

The voice of the phantom also sounded deep in his heart.

"Get out of the way!"

Li Ran didn't have time to think about it, he directly stopped the action of treating the phantom in his hands.

A dodge jumped onto the other shoulder of the phantom.

This is his subconscious instinctive reaction.

It wasn't until he landed on the other shoulder that he realized what had just happened.

Only then did he realize what the phantom figure had said to him.

He let out a long sigh.

With the back of his hand, he wiped the unnecessary sweat from his forehead.He turned his head to look at where he had been before.

I saw a lingering translucent finger qi flying towards the front along the position where he was standing just now.

The size of the aura of this Dao finger has exceeded Li Ran's body by an unknown number of times.

If he was poked head-on by this finger, he felt that his current physical strength would definitely not end well.

And the shape of Juan Zhiqi is exactly the shape of the fingers of the giant black hand behind them!

Good guy, the other party must have noticed that he was treating the phantom just now.

I want to get rid of this unsightly and annoying "little bug" first.

Li Ran thought for a while, and then he roughly understood the general thoughts in his mind when the giant black hand made this attack.

However, this is just his conjecture.

As for what the other party is thinking at this moment, he has no way of knowing.

Li Ran didn't delay any longer.

After avoiding the fatal blow of the giant black hand.

He hurried back to his original position.

Opening his hands, he controlled the flow of spiritual power in his body, and once again cast the spell of the dead wood in spring.

The current phantom is still unable to confront the opponent head-on until the wound is healed.

At this moment, every minute and every second is very precious.

Even if the giant black hand has clearly shown by its own actions that it has targeted him, there is nothing he can do.

I can only be careful.

After all, the phantom of the human form is the main combat power against the giant black hand.

The primary goal now is to heal his only remaining shoulder wound. Only in this way can he guarantee his chances of winning against the phantom in the next decisive battle!

However, having said that, he still couldn't help asking the phantom in his heart.

"If the giant black hand attacks again, can you block it for me?"

"Otherwise, if you keep avoiding it, the healing speed will be too slow. As long as you persist for a while, the wound on your shoulder will heal immediately, and then you can have a real fight with it."

After listening to Li Ran's words, the phantom figure did not give an answer immediately.

After two or three seconds of silence.

Its muffled voice brought its answer.

"it is good."

After getting an affirmative answer from the other party.

Li Ran let out a sigh of relief, and the tension in his heart relaxed.

He didn't hesitate anymore, and pressed his hands down directly, pressing on the shoulders of the phantom.

The green light group penetrated into the body of the human-shaped phantom along the place where the palms of his hands gathered.

Li Ran looked at the green light cluster.

There was no tension in my heart before.

"This time, I put my life on you."


Li Ran is manipulating the spell in his hand wholeheartedly, combing the flesh and blood joints in the shoulders of the phantom with his own mental power.

His eyes were closed tightly, as if this would allow him to concentrate a little more.

Suddenly, a group of shiny masks emerged from the shoulders of the phantom.

Quickly enveloped Li Ran in it.

Followed by.

A series of finger attacks bombarded the shiny mask.These finger attacks were far from the range of the previous attack from the black giant hand.

However, the speed is much faster than before. It seems that the power was abandoned in exchange for a speed and quantity that surpassed the past.

These fingers are after bombarding the mask.

A large amount of smoke rose in response.

Wrap the mask tightly.

Make it impossible for the outside world to spy on the situation inside the mask for a while.

After a while.

The smoke dissipated.

I saw that although the brightness of this shiny mask was much weaker than before.

But it still stood intact on the shoulders of the phantom figure.

As for Li Ran who was inside the mask.

Of course, it is also standing inside intact!

His eyes were still tightly closed, as if he was not disturbed by the outside world at all.

The few attacks of the pitch-black giant hand just now had no effect on him at all.

The green light clusters on his hands were even more shining than before!
However, there was a lot of sweat on his forehead.

Also, his breathing was a little disturbed.

All of this is because he is now at full power, pouring all his spiritual power into the phantom's shoulder wound.

"Run for me!"

Li Ran roared in his heart, and he clenched his teeth.

A gust of wind stirred his already wet hair.

On his forehead, large strands of blue veins were revealed.It proved how hard he was at this moment.

Waves of mental power poured into the green light ball in his hand following the formula in his mind.

This light group is getting more and more shining, and at the same time it is getting bigger and bigger.

Soon, the ball of light covered both of his hands.


It was as if the engine had started.

When the mental power in Li Ran's body frantically poured into the spell in his mind.

The icy blue cold current in his body also began to operate crazily.

It turned into a large amount of mental power and poured into his body.

When the spiritual power in Li Ran's body reached the critical point.

The green light cluster in his hand suddenly burst into light.

(End of this chapter)

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