Chapter 248

After looking around for a while, he turned and walked out of the bathroom door.

As soon as he closed the door with his backhand, he heard voices coming from the living room.

"Li Ran, have you packed up yet? Let's explore the tree together later."

It was Wei Yuze who greeted him, and this kid returned to the living room at some point.It seems that after looking at the bedroom for a while, he came out.

That's right, compared to the beautiful sea view that can be seen from the living room, this bedroom is indeed not so perfect.That is, a few fruit-shaped furniture will make people's eyes shine a little bit.

But it's just like that after watching it for a long time, it's nothing interesting, and I can't blame the other party for returning to the living room in a hurry.

Li Ran smiled, shook his head and walked out of his bedroom.

Sure enough, Wei Yuze was bouncing around on the banana sofa at this time, and when he saw him coming out of the bedroom, the other party immediately waved at him excitedly.

"Li Ran, there's nothing interesting in the bedroom, you've been looking at it for so long."

After saying this, Wei Yuze looked at him with a bored expression.

"Indeed, only those few pieces of furniture are interesting."

He didn't refute the other party either, but followed the words.

"By the way, what was the expedition you mentioned earlier?"

He raised his head and asked curiously.

"Oh, what are you talking about? Didn't Mr. Liu Yong say before that there is a map behind the bookcase in the common room? There are many things he didn't introduce, so let us go and see."

"I thought we'd go and see if there's anything interesting to explore!"

Speaking of this, Wei Yuze's expression became a little excited, and he jumped off the banana sofa.

"What do you think of my proposal? Isn't it very interesting? Let's go now!"

After jumping off the sofa, the other party ran up to Li Ran in a few strides, looking at him expectantly.

Looking at Wei Yuze in front of him, he patted his forehead, and opened his mouth helplessly: "It's not good."

Although that was what he said, but then he added two more sentences, which did not completely veto the other party.

"Didn't Teacher Liu Yong just say that after the dormitory is divided, there will be house elves delivering our luggage to us soon, so let's wait in the dormitory for a while."

"As for the expedition you mentioned, let's talk about it after we pack our bags."

"Ah, fine then."

After hearing what he said, the other party could only suppress his impatience.

In fact, the adventure that Wei Yuze talked about, to put it bluntly, is not to go to each classroom in advance to "step on the spot", it just so happens that he also has this intention.But all this will have to wait for the house-elf to bring the luggage.

Why he said that wasn't because he was worried that no one would stay in the dormitory and the house-elves would send the wrong one.They are not fools without IQ.Even if there is no one in the dormitory to respond, there will be no mistake.The house-elves had been working in the school for so many years, so they couldn't make such a small mistake.

Another one, to be honest, he didn't have any valuables in his luggage, even if he sent it by mistake, there would be no loss. At worst, he would go to Liu Yong afterwards and ask him to help find it.

The reason for using this excuse to prevaricate the adventure that Wei Yuze wanted to go.It was because Li Ran wanted to meet this legendary house elf!
Although he has seen some rarer and more awesome things before, such as the emperor house tree where they live, and the crab island under it.

But after all, these are things that appeared outside the original work, like the creature that appeared in the original work, he has only seen the dementor.

That dementor is an oriental mutation!The most important thing is that the other party can't communicate with him, and has no intention of communicating with him at all, and wants his life when he comes up!
Thanks to meeting Wang Chuanjian at that time, otherwise he would not be able to come to this Polaris to go to school.

And the house elf who will deliver the luggage next is fully able to communicate with people!Although it is not ruled out that it may also have an oriental variation, it is estimated that the language spoken by the other party has changed from English to Chinese.

Others won't change much either.

Li Ran didn't think too much, but walked towards the banana sofa with a little expectation, sat down, and waited quietly.

Seeing this, Wei Yuze sat down beside him.

But this sat for more than ten minutes.

Wei Yuze got a little impatient waiting, he turned to look at Li Ran.

"Li Ran, why did this house-raised elf arrive so slowly? Could it be that only one elf is delivering the luggage?"

"How could there be only one, but this speed is indeed a bit slow."

"To be reasonable, it will be about half an hour since we were assigned to the dormitory."

Li Ran was also a little puzzled, and said with a puzzled expression.

Then he found that the other party seemed a little impatient, so he looked at the other party and said, "Why don't you go on an adventure first? I guess this house elf may not come over in a while."

After saying these words, he thought that the other party would follow his words and go on an adventure by himself.

Unexpectedly, Wei Yuze's next words were somewhat unexpected.

I saw that the expression on Wei Yuze's face hesitated for a moment, as if he was struggling for something, and after a while, he turned his head and looked at him with a firm face.

"Li Ran, why would I abandon you to go on an adventure? We are not just roommates, we are also companions!"

"How could I leave my companions to explore alone and enjoy such an interesting thing alone. I will be angry if you say that again."

Li Ran was a little surprised when he looked at Wei Yuze who looked serious.

He thought that the other party would just leave. After all, he had also given Wei Yuze a step down, so he never expected that the other party would have such a reaction.

He thought for a while, and then some reactions came to him.

In fact, even if the other party left directly just now, I wouldn't care too much about it, or even take this matter to heart.

But Wei Yuze obviously didn't think so.

The hearts of children of this age are not as complicated as adults think, they are relatively simple in their hearts.And this age is exactly the age group where boys pay attention to loyalty.

How could the other party leave him alone.

It seems that I still haven't fully entered into the state of mind of a ten-year-old child, and I seem a little philistine.

Thinking of this, Li Ran shook his head. Perhaps the mentality of the previous life has not been changed. After all, in society, every word and every thing you do requires careful consideration.

After figuring this out, he only felt that a certain shackle that had been sealed all along was opened deep in his heart.

He seems to have been doing cautious and clumsy things since his rebirth until now.

He has always hidden himself deeply in the crowd.

To be honest, caution is indeed a good thing, but excessive caution is not necessary.

Since God gave him a chance to live again, and put him in such a colorful and splendid new world.How could he allow himself to live in such a humble way.

And the age he is currently at is not the time when he is shining brightly.

Li Ran seemed to have an epiphany.

From this moment on, his whole demeanor became radiant.

(End of this chapter)

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