Chapter 239

"Li Ran...?"

"I'm still at home"

Li Jianguo muttered thoughtfully.

"Okay, is that all?" After pondering for a moment, she raised her head and looked at Yuan Ye.

"Well, it's gone. That's all the information I've got for the time being." Yuan Ye replied, then he picked up the cup and drank the juice in it. After talking for a long time, he was a little thirsty.

"Well then, if you have nothing to do, go back first, and arrange the things you just said as soon as possible. If you have any new information, report it to me as soon as possible."

"Yes!" Yuan Ye patted his chest with his left hand, saluted her, then turned and opened the office door, and walked out.

Pat, clack, sitting on the chair, she could vaguely hear the sound of the other party's footsteps gradually going away.

"The children in this year are really not easy," Li Jianguo crossed his legs, put them on the desk, and said to himself.

Raising her head, she seemed to be thinking about something, just staring blankly at the ceiling.

She didn't know how long it took before she recovered from this state, put her legs down from the desk, stood up, and pushed open the window behind her.A gust of wind entered the office along the opened window.

She reached out and took off the jade hairpin on her head, and her black hair spread out like a waterfall, and the breeze blew and fluttered her hair.

A ray of sunlight hit her face right through the cracks in the tree branches outside the window.At this time, her expression was a little sad, and there was still a look of memory on her face.

"'Forget River'?." She murmured softly.

On the other hand, after a heated discussion, many young wizards in the Baize branch finally had their own class teacher.

Coincidentally, Li Ran and Wei Yuze got together.He didn't pay much attention before, but only now did he realize that the other party was also assigned to Bai Zeyuan.

Recalling the scene when he first met the other party a few hours ago in his mind, he pulled the opposite corner, so it is quite right to say that the character that Principal Li said has little to do with the branch
"Ha, what a coincidence, Li Ran, we are a class teacher." Wei Yuze didn't know what Li Ran was thinking at this time, and patted Li Ran with surprise.

"Ah yes, it's quite a coincidence, so we are quite destined." He looked at the enthusiastic counterpart, with a smile on his face, and responded.

"It would be even better if I could get a dormitory, haha." The other party's expression was still full of enthusiasm, and he said with a little expectation.

"I hope that's the case. I'll see how the head teacher assigns them later." Li Ran said with a faint smile.

Soon, their 'head teacher' gathered these dozens of little wizards together.

Li Ran was standing at the back of the crowd. He stood on tiptoe and looked at the head teacher. He found that the other party was a very young man with a green face, as if he was a fresh graduate.

The appearance of the other party is also very pleasing, with a baby face, wearing a loose Taoist robe, which is similar to Zhuge Zhuo's Taoist robe, with the two big characters Bai Ze printed on the chest, but there does not seem to be Bai Ze on the back. embroidery illustration.

"Hi everyone, I am your 'head teacher' for the next few years. My surname is Liu, and my name is Yong. You can call me Teacher Xiao Liu." At this time, the head teacher with a baby face opened his mouth to the little wizards Introduce yourself.

"Everyone is meeting for the first time. Some people may be a little shy. Don't be afraid. In the Polaris School of Magic, everyone is a family. If you have any difficulties and need help, you can find any teacher and he will help you. So thousand Don't be shy, you must speak up if you have something to say." Liu Yong smiled shyly.

No matter how you look at it, you seem to be shy. Li Ran looked at the shy smile on the other party's face, and complained in his heart speechlessly.

"It's also my first time to be a 'head teacher'. If there are any things that I don't do well, you can tell me immediately after you find out. In addition, although I am your head teacher, I am not responsible for teaching everyone. My task It is responsible for everyone’s daily life. Of course, if you have any questions about your studies, you can come to me to answer them, but I still suggest that you find a professional teacher for each subject to answer your questions.”

Liu Yong added.

Hearing this, Li Ran nodded. He somewhat understood the duties of the 'head teacher'. To put it bluntly, he was his counselor in the previous life when he was in college.

It seems that my class teacher is really a student who has just graduated from the school, because it is usually this kind of person who is responsible for this kind of work.

Hmm...maybe the other party is leading them to graduate, after they have a certain amount of experience, and pass a certain subject skill, they will be promoted to become a subject teacher, right? He thought wistfully.

"Okay, everyone sit down first, and then stand up one by one in order to introduce yourself, and I will record everyone's names." Liu Yong took out the notebook splint pinned to his waist, and took the water-based pen on it. hands, look at this kind of person said.

Hearing this, everyone sat on the ground one by one.

"My name is Chen Guohan, I'm from City B. I'm 10 years old this year. My hobby is...very... nice to meet you." A chubby little boy stood up and introduced himself—he was the first one in the first row .

"My name is."


Soon, the little wizards stood up and introduced themselves.Many people were a little embarrassed when they stood up, very shy and shy.Some children even stammered nervously when they were introduced.Liu Yong on the opposite side lowered his head and recorded everyone's name on the clip, and raised his head from time to time, trying to remember everyone's appearance in his mind.

Not long after, it was Li Ran's turn to introduce himself.

"Hello, everyone. My name is Li Ran. I come from City A. My hobbies are reading and tasting delicious food. I am very happy to meet you here. If you need any help in the future, you can come to me. I hope we can help each other in the future Help each other, grow each other. Thank you.”

He didn't stutter like everyone else, but finished these few words with a smile in a graceful manner. After all, he has never seen such a big storm. In his previous life, he was old enough to be the uncle of these little carrots.
Hearing his introduction, Liu Yong raised his head subconsciously, only to feel that the boy in front of him was obviously different from the children around him.This child is a capable person, Liu Yong thought silently in his heart.I couldn't help but pay more attention to Li Ran.

After Li Ran introduced himself, he sat down where he was.

Then it was Wei Yuze's turn to introduce himself, and he patted him on the shoulder.

Wei Yuze stood up.

"My name is Wei Yuze"

Soon these dozens of little wizards sitting on the ground introduced themselves.

Liu Yong looked at the little wizards and said, "Everyone, wait a moment, I'll make some assignments first, and I'll take you to your respective dormitories later." After speaking, he looked down at the splint in his hand, and drew on it with a pen.

(End of this chapter)

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