Chapter 12 Black Mist
After the black mist entered the compartment, it didn't fly around.

Instead, it hovered in the middle of the carriage, slowly rose to the roof, and rolled back and forth irregularly.

It gives people the illusion that this thing is monitoring everyone in the car.

It circled and rolled for a while.The black mist slowly floated back to the top of the car door, slowly expanded, and finally covered the top part of the car door.

Then traces of faint black film slowly slid down, trying to wrap the entire door in it.

After a few seconds of hard work, it succeeded, the whole door was covered by this faint black film, and the door exuded a bright black light, which was a color Li Ran had never seen before.

Li Ran still had a dead fish-eyed expression, but the cold sweat on the back of his head began to slide down his neck again.

He didn't know why his sweat glands were so developed today.I just hope that there will be no cold sweat on the front face, otherwise I will definitely be discovered by these weird things.

After the door was completely covered by the black mist, it was easily pulled open by the invisible guy, as if the weight of the door disappeared instantly.

After opening the door, there stood the vegetable washing lady who had just shouted loudly outside the door.This time she was silent.

She just stood there quietly. Originally, in Li Ran's impression, she seemed to be a little hunched, but at this time she was standing straight, which was a bit too straight, as if you took out a ruler and approached her to measure, it didn't matter. The kind of straightness with half a deviation.

Behind her was a black mist, and everything behind her could not be seen, and was completely occupied by the black mist.

It was as if she had fled all the way from the black mist.Her left hand was still on the doorknob of the door that had been covered with black mist.

But her hands at this time are a little scary.

Li Ran sneaked a glance, and found that her entire left arm, from the hand to the elbow, had been twisted into a twist. Her capillaries and veins on her arm were all knotted together, like big Like the root system of a tree in the soil, the roots are intricately intertwined.

Look upwards.

Her face still seemed to be the same, maintaining the expression Li Ran remembered when she was gossiping, bitter and mean, her lips pursed silently, as if she was disdainful of the girl next door they were talking about at that time.

There is nothing wrong with the face.

Unfortunately, this is the biggest problem, Li Ran thought about it.How could someone maintain such an expression while running away?
Not a trace of panic to be seen, not a trace of despair to be seen.How could a person with such an expression yell out that high-decibel scream full of panic just now?

Although Li Ran was still very scared, he complained disdainfully in his heart. This inexplicable existence regarded himself as a fool, and even played fishing law enforcement.

However, he became nervous again. It seemed that it was probably not human beings who caused this shocking change.

If Li Ran was the mastermind behind the scenes, he wanted to use this vegetable seller to fish for law enforcement and lure people in his current state to show up, so he definitely wouldn't use such poor acting skills.

Not to mention the hand that obviously looks problematic, even normal people won't be fooled when they see this face and the black mist behind it, okay?

"Old Zhao, were you the one calling just now?"

Obviously, Li Ran once again overestimated others.

The three members of Li Ran's family were on the left side of the rear of this carriage, separated by an aisle, and several other people were sitting there on the right side.

Among them was another aunt that Li Ran saw talking to 'Aunt Zhao' just now when she went to the bathroom.

It should be that before the weirdness happened, Li Ran also returned to his seat when he didn't pay attention.

She was raising her head at this moment, looking at her friend in a panic.Due to the angle, she could only see the face of her old friend, but not her deformed hand.

This is probably why she dared to ask.

It doesn't seem to be a problem with the faucet, but with the water inside. , Eating the cucumber washed with water from that faucet will be the same as himself, and will not become like the people around him, entering this inexplicable state, Li Ran thought to himself.

But even if nothing happened at that time, there will be problems now because of his reckless behavior.Why did she dare to make a sound in such an obviously weird environment around her?

Probably because the atheism that the country promotes is so popular, isn't it because I came into contact with the magic academy that I know that the world is not as ordinary as it seems on the surface, so I am cautious?Li Ran sighed silently in his heart.

Li Ran didn't make a sound or make any movements. He still pretended to be good and slumped on his seat.Those dead fish eyes certainly didn't change anything, you couldn't even see any emotion in his eyes.

It's not that Li Ran is unwilling to help, but that he really doesn't have the ability to help this aunt.

He is now a mud bodhisattva crossing the river - he can't protect himself, how can he have the confidence to save others?If Li Ran has the strength to deal with this strange existence, Li Ran may try to save this aunt.

But what about him now?Forget it, first bless and bless yourself to get through this difficult time
Li Ran can only hope that the wizards from the magic world in the capital will arrive before this aunt encounters misfortune.

Otherwise, he could only watch the tragedy happen. Although Li Ran felt disgusted when he saw the two aunts speak ill of others behind their backs, it was a living life after all.

Whose heart will not be touched when seeing its passing?After all, people's hearts are made of flesh, no one's heart is made of iron, and can be free from emotion.

'Aunt Zhao' standing at the door heard the question from her old friend, and turned her head to look at her.

At this moment, her expression didn't change much, it was still the mocking expression before.

It's just that Li Ran clearly felt a little bit of panic and intolerance in the eyes of 'Aunt Zhao', as if she was worried about her friend.

However, this emotion only surfaced for a moment, and the light in her eyes disappeared the next moment.

Her expression was no longer mocking.

The corners of the mouth were lifted up again stiffly, showing an expression that seemed to be smiling, but it was somewhat weird.

If you take a closer look, you can find that this kind of smiling angle is not something ordinary people can do.

Her two front teeth are exposed because of her raised lips.There is still a little green thing hanging on it, which should be the residue left over from eating the cucumber just now.

Because of the smile, all the meat on her face was piled up under the eyelids, and even because the piles were too crowded or too hard, the meat under her eyes even cracked many seams.

You can see the bright red muscles under the skin, and if you look closely, you can even see traces of black thread-like things swimming back and forth inside the muscles.

The eyes are naturally squinted because of the accumulation of flesh.

If you look at it from a distance, it looks like a comedy character doing a drama performance, smiling at you with a smile and showing his teeth.But this acting is really bad, Li Ran complained in his heart.

'Aunt Zhao' smiled and stretched out her hands with five fingers spread out to touch her friend, but because her left hand was deformed, her left hand was not fully opened.

She lowered her head, stopped the movement of her hands, and looked at her left hand, seeming a little puzzled and dissatisfied.

After about two or three seconds, 'Aunt Zhao' seemed to have thought of something, and shook her left hand vigorously.

Only her left hand was seen, and it started to spin in an instant.Just like Majin Buu in Dragon Ball.

After spinning for a while, she stopped, and the left hand of 'Aunt Zhao' has returned to its original shape.It's no longer spinning and twisting.She nodded, and Li Ran felt that the smile on his face became more intense.A very satisfied look.

She did the unfinished action just now, and grabbed her friend with her hands in the shape of five fingers.

Li Ran looked at the aunt who seemed to have been frightened, and sighed silently in his heart.

 Chapter 2 is over~ It is still the usual practice to ask for tickets,

  The past two days have obviously entered a small climax, I don’t know why the data is not as good as before
  Is it because everyone likes to watch the ordinary daily life?
  In addition, as mentioned in the last chapter and this chapter, the first creature in the HP world will appear soon.

  You can guess, but the author has changed his little magic here.

  After all, the national conditions are different~ There is an existence in the British magic world.

  Different abilities may mutate in China~
  That's just science, right?

(End of this chapter)

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