Vega, the ninja of Konoha

Chapter 3 Extraordinary Evil Power

Chapter 3 Extraordinary Evil Power
Chakra is a kind of energy produced by the perfect fusion of the energy of various components controlled by the human body.It is the energy source for performing ninjutsu, illusion, body art, or making a thread to bind the opponent or cut off the material that is also composed of chakra.

To be a ninja is to learn to master and use this power.

Whether you have Chakra is also the criterion for judging whether a person can become a ninja.

The function of the chakra refining technique is to let people learn how to absorb the chakra in the body one by one from the 130 trillion cells in the human body.

After the chakra is extracted, the technique can only be used through the seal.

More than a week later.

After a week of study and practice, Veija is already able to skillfully enter the state of practice of chakra refining.

Night fell silently.

Veiga, who was sitting cross-legged on the bed, started practicing again after dinner.

Vega's practice of chakra refining was relatively smooth, compared to geniuses like Kakashi, although he was not talented enough, he didn't feel discouraged, but improved himself bit by bit.

As Vega practiced, a trace of warmth rose from his body. This is the phenomenon that Vega is about to successfully practice the Chakra Refining Technique and extract Chakra.

All of a sudden, Veiga opened his eyes wide, his eyes were about to split open, his pupils were bloodshot, and his whole body was shaking, as if he was suffering great pain. He wanted to cry out in pain, but found that he had lost his body. Control.

Not to mention shouting, it is difficult to even blink your eyelids.

"Plop, plop..."

A hot current rose from Veigar's forehead, and quickly poured into his heart, and the crisp pulse beat was extremely crisp and loud.

From slow to fast, the rapidly beating heart seemed to break out of the body.

In Vega's vision, everything around him seemed to be frozen, everything in this world became extremely slow, but his heart was beating faster and faster.

"What happened to my body?"

A doubtful thought just appeared in Vega's heart.


The bombardment sounded like a sky-shattering bombardment sounded in Vega's mind, a dark green icon like a holographic projection appeared in front of his eyes, and then shattered into countless light spots, which merged into his body .

Although it was only a glimpse, Veigar still recognized the icon.

That was in his previous life, in a competitive game, the passive skill of a hero known as the Evil Little Mage - extraordinary evil power.

In astonishment, Veigar found that his mobility had recovered.

"Did I just hallucinate?"

Veigar was whispering, but what he had just experienced told him that it was not an illusion.

In order to find out what happened just now, Vega started the practice of chakra refining again.

I was also ready to experience the pain just now again.

However, what Vega was worried about did not happen, instead, the chakra was extracted very smoothly.

At the same time, Veigar, who had his eyes closed tightly, also saw an icon that appeared in the darkness, exuding a dark green light.

After staring for a long time, Veigar imprinted the entire icon deeply in his heart, his vision blurred for a while, Veigar withdrew from the cultivation state, and opened his eyes that had been closed for a long time.

"Now, did I get the legendary golden finger?"

"Also, is it a gold finger with unlimited growth potential?"

But whether it was true or not, Veigar couldn't get to the bottom of it for the time being, because mental and physical fatigue had already eroded him, causing him to fall into a deep sleep.

Maybe it's God's will in the dark, the hero with this passive skill - extraordinary evil power is called Vega, and his name is also Vega.

Compared with other heroes, the evil little mage with this passive skill - Veigar's growth space has become infinite.

Because the effect of extraordinary evil power is that whether it is a kill or an assist, it will permanently increase his spell power.

As long as he is given enough time to develop, he will let everyone know what real black magic is.

And now.

In the game, the passive skill of the evil little mage - Veigar has been transferred to Veigar's body. The heat flow injected from Veigar's forehead to the heart before is the extraordinary evil power injected from his soul into his body. status.

As for the status quo of what will happen to the extraordinary evil power in reality, it will have to wait for Vega to explore and discover it by himself. After all, there is still a difference between the game and reality.

The next day, Veigar awoke from his deep sleep.

The sky outside is already very bright, and fortunately the ninja school is on holiday today, otherwise Veigar would be punished for being late for school.

After washing up, Veigar walked towards the forest south of the village.

When he came to the river, Vega immediately checked the harvest of the fishing traps he had set up.

The six traps allowed Veigar to harvest a lot. Not only did he harvest enough small fish and shrimps for him to eat two or three meals, but he also caught a salmon weighing more than three catties.

Looking at the salmon in his hand, Vega didn't think about how to cook it, but wanted to test his own golden finger—supernatural evil power.

Immediately, Veigar held down the head of the fish with one hand, and pulled out the dagger he carried with him with the other.

Maybe it was because he felt that his life was not long, and he was killed by Vega. The salmon kept struggling, but he couldn't get rid of Vega's control.

With sharp eyes and quick hands, Veigar gave the salmon a good time, and the short knife in his hand gave it a disembowelment.

Following Vega's slaughter, the salmon gradually lost its vitality and died in Vega's hands.

The processed salmon was placed by Vega on the big rocks washed by the shore, and at the moment when the salmon completely lost its vitality, Vega's eyes changed at the same time, and the extraordinary evil power appeared. The icon appeared in Veigar's pupils, and at the same time, a strange force appeared on Veigar's body, surrounding him.

Weijia also saw strands of black mysterious energy dissipating rapidly from the salmon. He could feel that the mysterious energy dissipating from the salmon seemed to be calling him.

Before he had time to think about it, Vega stretched out his right hand towards the salmon, and the dissipated black mysterious energy passed through Vega's right hand and directly sank into Vega's body.

"So comfortable."

The moment the black mysterious energy entered his body, Veigar felt a warm current quickly sinking into his heart, and then his whole body became warm and very comfortable.

He couldn't bear it at all, and moaned softly.

But the warm feeling came and went quickly, as if it happened in a flash.

After regaining his senses, Veigar stroked his stomach that was "cuckling" from hunger.

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(End of this chapter)

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